The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Chapter Fifty-Four: Night of Death – Part One

Chapter Fifty-Four: Night of Death – Part One

“It was nice of Vamire to show us this area, right?” Bella said, her voice echoing since we were in a cave. Nearby sat a pool of water heated to a very comfortable 100 degrees Fahrenheit.    

When we woke up this morning, Vamire had one hell of a hangover brought on by depression and booze, and the two never mixed well. He downright got on his knees and practically begged me to not hate him. It was something about how receiving a High Blessing’s ire was harmful to him socially.   

It must’ve been an Elven thing.   

In return for giving him a hug and forgiving him, he told us about this little area about 15 minutes from where we camped out on the final day of this journey.   

I was content to do that because tonight was the night. The least I could do was allow him to pass on, falsely knowing I didn’t harbor any ill will towards him.  

But I didn’t forgive the bastard. 

“Even the ground is warm,” Domi noted. Primrose said the heat from geothermic activity far under us was heating the groundwater. “Oh, that makes sense. The Ashlands are a thing, and it’s rumored a volcano used to be there before that fire spirit blew it up.” 

“Woah... It really is,” said Bella, who’d already stripped down to her birthday suit. She laid flat on the ground and kinda giggled at how it felt. I almost wanted to know if she had any shame because her legs were open and revealed pretty much everything and the kitchen sink. Domi, who realized what was happening, closed Bella’s legs and helped her to her feet.   

“You gotta act more like a girl,” Domi said, clearly embarrassed. Even if it was dark, we were in a large cave. The ceiling was about 60 to 70 feet high, and the little glowing moss almost acted like the bright stars in the night sky.   

I was already stripped down and sitting on the side with my legs in the water. Sekh was in the water beside me, her heavenly breasts getting warmed by the soothing, hot stone. She had a blissful smile while her tail swam through waist-high water. Primrose and Niva were on the other side doing a bit of therapy before enjoying the water. Niva had been working hard every day. She profusely sweated after each session, but my breast milk gave her the nutrients she needed to push on. In fact! She could walk about 400 feet without any problem. She could walk more than that, but any further distance caused her to slow down. With Primrose’s staff, that doubled. The uneven ground wasn’t a problem if she took it slow.  

Lei was floating around with its ‘eyes’ on its new owner, and Tilde was having a grand ole time using the slime as a surfboard. And it seemed Lei liked that. I couldn’t tell emotions from a slime, but it wasn’t hostile.  

“Man, this does feel good,” I said, leaning back.  

“Hmm... It certainly does, my liege.” 

“Hehe! Mistress, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. This is just what I needed for my tired body. It feels like it’s taking away my soreness,” Niva cheerfully added. As predicted, Primrose remained silent. However, she had offshoots of branches from her stomach that dipped under the water.  

Bella and Domi finally got in and sat down, their heads just barely above the water. I decided to hop in as well, and Sekh sat between my legs while I hugged her stomach and kissed her cheeks.  

“Again?!” Bella whined. “I don’t mean to be disrespectful, Lady Springfield, but that’s kinda making me jealous... The last boyfriend dumped me when he discovered I was a bounty hunter.” I asked why. “He was a cute little dwarf, but honestly? He wasn’t that strong. He was 27, but he hadn’t broken Lv. 14. Honestly, I kinda like guys like that. Being stronger than my lover makes me feel good, but he couldn’t handle it and ended things. I really wish I had what you two had. Lady Sekh is strong, but it doesn’t seem like—EEP! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to imply—”  

“Haha! It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Yes, Sekh is far stronger than me, but I love that about her. She’s my super adorable bodyguard, who's also the girl I love.” I moved my hands to her arms and rubbed her muscles, which almost embarrassed her.   

From there, we pleasantly relaxed. But that damn Primrose turned the conversation solely about Oswell’s group. And I didn’t want to find this out, but Vamire and Banda were best friends because he saved the fluffy panda from a circus. Full bestial beastfolk were rare, and Banda was even a rarer Pandafolk. He was treated like an attraction, and the ringmaster didn’t have much love for those he forced to work for him. And he and Banda ended up joining Oswell after a miscommunication led the two to fight.   

Then came Shink, who was simply a chef shit out of luck after his employer was sent to work in the mines after being guilty of fraud. He took tax money and only sent half to the local lord of his providence. According to Bella, that guy was a total idiot. But Oswell loved a good steak, and Shink was an expert at whipping up something delicious. And even though he was a slightly obese Pigfolk, he was strangely athletic when he was in his element.  

I wonder if Greggie can outcook him? 

Tactile and Deimpse were two orphans living out of a shithole village near a mountain to the far east. Oswell’s travels had brought him there to pick up a bounty, which was hiding out near the lighting elemental whose core gave Vamire his spear’s abilities. A week after that, Battr and Abaddan signed on after Oswell decided to go after a dangerous vampire in the windy mountains of Menia. Those two were instrumental in setting a trap to kill it. 

As for Kvree and Tivid? They were there from the beginning. Those two and Oswell were friends when they were barely old enough to swing a sword. No one knew more than that.  

Domi, Bella, and Marcey were the last three to join. They’d been here for about 7 months. It was a far cry from living in a village where the only destiny for a woman was to get married, get knocked up, have children to work the farms, then do it all over again for 40 years until they died. To become a member, the three had to fight against Oswell, which Bella said was probably where Marcey’s crush came from. With 13 members, the logistics were getting difficult to manage. Domi mentioned that after this job, the group was dividing into smaller parties. 

They weren’t breaking up, mind you, but they were going to do a small experiment to see how it worked. If so, they’d sign up as an auxiliary guild with the Bloodhounds.  

This group had history behind it, and Primrose kept the conversation going for almost two hours. Even when we all got out, dried off, put on our clothes, and walked back to the camp, she pestered them with about a thousand questions. And at this point, I learned something about the religious beliefs in this world, even though I wasn’t trying.  

Ofajaria, a country to the southeast, was almost nothing but a forest. It was constantly dusk, which made it hard to know when it was day or night. It was impossible to pass through since outsiders were forbidden to enter, so you often had to enter Ulbsil to the north or sail south from the Serpentine Kingdom to reach the Ngabarian Empire through Soroshia.   

Ofajarians practiced Nusha, a religion that worshiped Nusha, the Goddess of Nightmares, also known as the Night Stalker. It seemed like a religion centered around being harmonious with nature and praying when you killed an animal and took their meat.  

Most of Oswell’s group were either atheist or agnostic, but Vamire represented the Communion of Twilight, a group that believed there were good and evil inside all of us, and our life goal was to develop a perfect balance—a twilight, if you will, to live a good life. Suppose that was fine and dandy. It wasn’t like I was religious since that wimpy twat living above never did anything for me when I was Shuuta.   

Those were only two examples, but I’m pretty sure Meruria has people worshipping her. And it’s probably not just her. It’s safe to say that almost every Divine Country has its own religion to follow since becoming a Lord is assumably akin to becoming a deity.   But there’s probably a global religion out there like Christianity, Islam, or Buddhism. Don’t really care to find out, though. It doesn’t matter to me. 

But it was about time...and I thought about what Tilde and AI told me about my method of murder.  

An individual Heartbreak Sweet Skunk’s [Wilted Rose] only affected [Lavender Rose] that came from it. If there was a regular and its rare variant standing in front of me, the Heartbreak Sweet Skunk would never cause the [Lavender Kiss] from the regular one to turn into poison. And it was the same if there were two rare variants. [Wilted Rose] from the first would not activate [Lavender Kiss] from the second.  

But there was more to it than that.   

The moment a Heartbreak Sweet Skunk used [Wilted Rose] was the moment it died. Unlike a chimera, who stores their skills, forms, and powers in biomass, a formless energy with zero properties until given a command, the skunk passively emitted [Lavender Kiss]  

Suppose that was another reason why chimeras were greatly feared by all. We could do shit like that. Just had to be careful not to breathe in [Lavender Kiss], but honestly? Clones could take care of that.  

Tilde said you could harvest from a Heartbreak Sweet Skunk, but you would have to tranquilize and do it while it was asleep. Even then, the moment it woke, it would almost certainly use both skills to kill itself and whoever was around it. I didn’t find it surprising to hear of governments and organizations trying to breed two Heartbreak Sweet Skunks together to produce and harvest more of [Lavender Kiss] and [Wilted Rose], but there was only so much you could get. 

And since each only activated its respective [Lavender Kiss], it would be a messy show of logistics to go through all that effort to carry out a terrorist attack.  

Honestly, it felt like it was much more suited to assassination rather than a mass killing. It would be far easier to carry two vials and dump them into someone’s food or throw both at your target and watch them die. And it wasn’t like there wasn’t an antidote. Any woodland or nature spirit worth their salt would whisk up a cure in seconds, so I needed to watch Primrose and make sure she didn’t do anything stupid.  

Finding the skunk was easier said than done. I had tremendous assistance, but it still took almost 6 hours of constant searching. They were also prone to using [Wilted Rose] right then and there when it felt danger. 

For the average joe, it was more trouble than it was worth.   

The warm glow of the campfire illuminated 13 curious faces as we gathered around it. Once we returned from the natural hot springs, I told everyone I had a big announcement I wanted to make, and it couldn’t wait. 

“Well? What is it, Lady Springfield?” Marcey asked. She sat near Oswell with a big smile on her face. 

“Is it something special?” 

“You could say that. It’s a song I want to play for you. When I found that extra 10 gold, I also found the sheet music to a song called The Parting of Melancholy, a slightly funereal piece, I would say.” 

“Ahh, I know that one. It was written by a bard after hearing the drunken rambles of a sad woman. According to it, she traveled with her family. They came across a horrible battle of monsters and bandits. Fear overtook her heart, and she left her husband and child to serve as a distraction. For the rest of her life, that parting of cowardice was the one thing she regretted most of all.”  

“That’s right. We’ve only been together for days, but I’ve honestly had fun. Vamire,” I lied, pointing at the Dark Elf, who carried a slightly saddened expression. “You’re frankly amazing with the spear. I wish I could learn more from you. Shink, you're an awesome cook. Those veggie wraps were out of this world.” I withheld my true feelings and complimented all 13 members while composing a waypoint message to send to Sekh. “And now... I want to thank you all with a song from my heart...”  

It was lies...lies...and more lies. 

With Susize’s flute in my hand, I pressed the mouthpiece to my lips and played a fleeting melody. The subdue tones were severe and restrained, and they sounded shadier while regaining a hint of potential positiveness that it was possible to learn from our mistakes—no matter how drastic they could be.  

As soon as Vamire rubbed his crying eyes in Banda’s fur, I activated [Wilted Rose] and watched as the slightly pink scent spread around my targets. They were all too drunk to see or sense it. My companions didn't have a hint of [Lavender Kiss], so it was harmless to them. 

I spun in circles and added more flowy movements to my song as I reached the apex. The tones rapidly grew aggressively to mimic the woman’s heartbreak and anguish.  

“Wha... I... Can’t... Brea....the... What...” 


Marcey was the first to go down, her arms trying and failing to grab onto Oswell. In seconds, her face started to bleed from all orifices, and it almost looked like her chest was melting. 

Those stronger than her lasted just a few seconds longer, but they all collapsed. 

New Title: [Poisoner] 

New Title: [Experienced Poisoner] 

New Title: [Mass Poisoner] 

“What the hell is going on??!” Primrose exclaimed. She rushed to Oswell and looked at his bloody face. She pressed a hand to his wrist, slightly adding a bit of pressure, then backed off when it fell completely off and revealed blood the same hue as a dead rose. “This is... [Wilted Rose]? What the hell...? From her legs came roots that buried themselves deep into the earth. A collection of agonizing groans, whimpers, and blood-curdling cries tried to drown my music, but I continued to play without any hope of interruption.  

Erin horrifically stared at what was happening and dissolved into a crying mess. She blocked her eyes with her hands, not brave enough to peek through her fingers.  

“That’s enough,” said my voice, but it came from a clone I’d made earlier. It was just a spider, yet it grew to my exact shape and tore Primrose from the ground, breaking her roots and keeping her restrained. 

“You bitch!!! You did this?!!!! Why?!?!?!”   

“Mistress?! Primrose?! What’s going on...? Bella? Domi? Marcey? Where—EHH!!!”  

“Calm down, Niva. I just handed you a gun,” said Sekh, who had taken the one from my hip. She drew the one I gave her, then slowly placed it in Niva's hand and pointed to Marcey’s leg. She was the closest, after all. “Our liege has given her orders. You’re to shoot them in the leg to become partly responsible for their deaths to receive their experience. All you must do is squeeze the trigger. I’ll do the aiming.” 

“DON’T MAKE HER DO THAT!!!! JUST STOP THIS, YOU MONSTER!!!!” Primrose screamed loud enough to cause commotion at the slave wagons. They were shouting, demanding to know what was happening just out of sight.  

Tilde sighed and flew over to the wagons, and after a few seconds, they all immediately shut up.  I couldn’t hear what threats she dished out. 

“It must be done. My liege gave an order, and it will be carried out,” Sekh replied.  

“No, it doesn’t! Master, remember how Domi helped you up when you fell! Remember when Bella put that bandage on your wound after scraping your leg on the rock! THEY SAW YOUR FACE!!! THEY KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU, AND THEY BOTH PROMISED TO KEEP IT!!!! Please! Help them! They’re your real friends, not this fucking monster!!!!!” Clear sap flowed from Primrose’s eyes. 

“But... I am a monster. Primrose, you know my past... You know what I suffered through. I try to forget it, but even if I am blind... I can see it. It’s a never-ending nightmare that I can’t escape. I... I want to kill those that did those things to me. Mistress is going to give me a chance, and I need power. I don’t want to kill Bella. I don’t want to kill Domi. But...they’re slavers. Erin wasn’t guilty of the crime she was enslaved for. This group steals people’s freedom in exchange for money, even if they’re innocent. They’re like the people who picked me up and sold me to a horrible person to live a fate worse than death! I need power! I need strength! I need to be strong enough to support my mistress!!!! I have to do this! I must do this! You don’t understand, Primrose. What it means to be at the bottom. What it means to be passed along like a piece of meat to the next highest bidder! What it meant to be a living shield and to burn at all hours of the day until your limbs fall off!!!!”  

Niva’s little speech started as a whisper, yet it grew as loud as a sharp crack of thunder! Lei shivered in fright and remained in her lap.  

“If it’s power you need, then I can help you! Master, please!!! I don’t want to see our friends die! Don’t do this!!!! I can heal them!!! It won’t take more than a few seconds!!!” 

“I’m sorry...” Niva said, looking towards Primrose's sobbing cries. “I...hope you can forgive me...” The cyclops apologized thrice more, and each time was accompanied by another heartfelt sob. 


The first gunshot of what would be many shattered the atmosphere, bringing forth another rousing struggle between my clone and Primrose. The barking gun jumped out of Niva’s grasp, but Sekh caught it in the same motion she delivered a bullet between Marcey’s eyes, ending her life. 

You’ve reached Lv. 19. You’ve gained 0 SP. You’ve gained 44 SP from Sekh and 29 SP from Niva. 

New Title: [Assassin] 

And with that, I’d started something I couldn’t reverse. My song continued, accompanied by screams and bullets upon reaching the song's climax. Every second meant the truthful joys I experienced on this short trip came close to being nothing but a memory. The gunshots just indicated my time was done here. The screaming just… 

You’ve reached Lv. 24. You’ve gained 0 SP. You’ve gained 24 SP from Sekh and 53 SP from Niva. 

Deep in my mind, half fears filled my worries. The moment I stopped playing would cement this bloody night in the darkest bowels of untold history. No longer would I eat Shink’s cooking.  

You’ve reached Lv. 26. You’ve gained 0 SP. You’ve gained 14 SP from Sekh and 15 SP from Niva. 

Banda wouldn’t look at me with those eyes. Domi and Bella would look up to me as a woman they respected. Vamire…  

New Title: [Experienced Assassin] 

You’ve reached Lv. 31. You’ve gained 0 SP. You’ve gained 32 SP from Sekh and 12 SP from Niva. 

Even Battr, Abaddan, Tactile, and Deimpse… Those four all had aspirations and goals, and now… 

Tivid wouldn’t see his family. Oswell would never return with money to buy medicine for his sick wife. His child’s vacation? What a fleeting dream that was. 

You’ve reached Lv. 35. You’ve gained 0 SP.  

Now I’d stolen them all away…and doomed those that relied on them to death.  

The very least I could do was play until the very end, never breaking off from the only thing that hopefully allowed them to pass as painlessly as possible.  

Even if they deserved death for what they planned to do in Ria...  

Even if I wanted to hear their screams and final cries for the betrayal they had planned... 

Even if... 

Even if... 

You’ve reached Lv. 39. You’ve gained 0 SP. You’ve gained 10 SP from Sekh and 19 SP from Niva. 

New Title: [Humanoid Slayer] 

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