The Baby Raising A Devil

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

TL: Zimmings

I screamed involuntarily as I got out of bed.

“It hurts!”

When I tried to save Edgar, my back was impacted because of the shard.

As I was crying out, Isaac yelled at me.

“This fool! Don’t move!”

Johann quickly grabbed me and put me back on the bed. Isaac smirked and looked at me.

“Serves you right! Think about your own body next time! Do you know how surprised-”


Henry pulled the screaming Isaac back. Then I glanced at my dad.

His expression was also gloomy. Isaac bit his mouth, and I looked at my dad.

“That… dad, you know. It’s not that I just jumped right in, I was going to open the barrier first… Four, no, no, they were with me there. I could ask for help, so I knew it wouldn’t hurt too much. I wasn’t seriously hurt either. So-”

“Is the result everything?”


“You had both thoughts and intentions, so should I consider it special that you are only injured this much?”

“It’s not like that….”

“Leblaine Dubblede!”

A thunderous shout rang out.

I grabbed the blanket tightly.

It was the first time my dad yelled at me. There were times when he was angry, but at that time, his tone was very soft and kind.

“So, if you jump into a fire pit, it’s okay because everything has a purpose?”


Not knowing what to do, I could only shake my head. Then Isaac said,

“Say you’re sorry and you were wrong!”

I thought I should say that, but my body froze and I couldn’t open my mouth at all.

Even when I jumped into the collapsing wall, I wasn’t scared at all, but my angry dad was so scary.



Dad, who was staring at me, got up from the chair and left.

Bewildered, I quickly got up from the bed and hung on my dad’s leg.

“I was wrong! Huwaa! It’s my fault! Huwaa!”

My father, who was about to walk into the hallway, looked at me crying on his legs.


“On the wall, hiccup! I jumped into a wall and got hurt…!”


“I won’t make any excuses, huwaa!”


“Also… also. Huwaa! I’m sorry. I don’t know. Huwaa! I was wrong, wrong!”

He took a deep breath and hugged me. As I sniffled and cried, he said.

“There is no one in the mansion who doesn’t care about you.”

When I turned my head, the people running in the hallway were looking at me with worried faces.

“I’m sorry…”

“You broke the promise you made to me.”

“……I’m sorry.”

Dad patted my hair and said.

“Promise me. You will never make everyone feel this way again.”

“Yes… yes!”

As I burst into tears again, Johann, Henry and Isaac laughed as if they couldn’t help it.


I rested for a few days.

As I said to my father, I asked Pur to build a barrier for me, but I was not feeling well so Pur couldn’t create a strong barrier.

Yuni applied medicine to my back as I kept groaning because of the pain.

“What if the wound doesn’t go away? The doctor had sewn twelve stitches, you know?”


“I thought my master was about to die too. He hugged you and didn’t say anything. How could the master die before the lady!”

As I lowered my head, Dahlia tapped Yuni on the shoulder.

“Stop it, she had already apologized so much.”

“But my heart almost stopped!”

Laura nodded her head quickly.

Yuni closed the ointment container and glanced at me.

“You need to calm down. Also Lea called the mansion each day asking for your condition and crying.”

“Okay! But what about the chairman?”

“He came here. He had a terrifying expression on his face. You need to be careful?”


Everyone I met scolded me a lot.

Even my aunt, who was in the imperial palace helping Cecilia, came to the mansion.

I took a deep breath and put on my clothes. I grabbed the doorknob to go to the greenhouse where the chairman was waiting.

“……Can’t I not go?”

“You have to get in and get scolded.”

“It cannot be avoided huh…”

Yuni and Dahlia giggled as they opened the door. I sighed and headed for the greenhouse. As soon as I entered, I heard a scream.


“I’m sorry!”

As I hurriedly said, Seria, who was with the chairman, laughed and stopped him.

“She woke up. That’s enough.”

“You’re an adult now huh? Making those reckless decisions without-!”

“Yes, yes. Lady, how are you?”

“I’m fine! Seria is the best!”

Seria smiled and handed me a pile of letters and papers.

The documents were prepared for me, but what about the letters?

The seal of the letter was stamped with the seal of Shuheil duchy.


“At the hope mercenary guild, a request from the Marquess of Shuheil. They want to send a thank-you gift to the lady who saved her son.”

They want to give me something from my own mercenary guild?

I giggled and nodded my head.

“So what’s my present?”

“After consulting with the marquess, I prepared something very special.”

“What’s so special?”

“There’s something interesting in Shuheil’s library.”

Seria handed me the book.

[Meria, goddess of charity]


Seria nodded as I grabbed the book.

“As Marquis Shuheil’s physical condition reached a point, it seems that they had collected all kinds of medical data. Thid was said to have been among them. Data about the mysterious herb ‘Meria grass’.

“Isn’t it just a fairy tale?”

As I turned over the book, Seria said, “But we had the real thing, right?”

I sat in a chair and read the book, while shaking my legs excitedly.

‘Meria is a girl with an incurable disease? She died at a young age and she was resurrected by her master and became a goddess?’

Storas said she was not a goddess though.

‘Well, people must’ve thought she was a goddess at that time.’

The book was written in large text so it was a quick read. As I was flipping through the paper, I stopped at some point.

When I burst out laughing, Seria tilted her head.

“Is there anything interesting there?”

“… Storas, you damn devil.”

“Is there anything about Storas?”


I closed the book and looked at Seria and the chairman.

“So, I want to get revenge on that devil who gave me so much trouble. Can you help me?”

Both of them said at the same time, “Of course.”

I whispered to both of them. And their eyes twinkled after hearing me.

“We have to work as fast as possible.”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”

I am a vicious child who pays back both kindness and resentment twice the amount.

I won’t let it go.

The next day, a guest came to the mansion.

It was the Marquess of Shuheil and Edgar.

She grabbed my hand and bowed her head several times.

“Thank you, lady. How am I supposed to repay your grace?”

“I’m glad that he is safe!”

“How did you have such a great personality… The head of hope mercenary guild told me to send the family book as a gift, but I think that alone does not suffice. Please accept this.”

The marquess’ servant laid down vast amounts of jewels, gold coins, and clothes.

I muttered “I’m fine…”, but my honest body was already hugging a large jewelry box.

‘How much is all of this! It’s worth saving his life!’


My eyes twinkled, and the marquess said, “I’m glad you like it.”

“I also want to greet his excellency.”

“Yes, I’ll bring you to him!”

“Thank you.”

I laid down the treasure and looked at the marquess.

‘Looking at her coming with Edgar, she probably doesn’t know Linda is here.’

Had she known, she wouldn’t have sent Edgar out last time.

‘Anyway, that’s fine.’

Last time, something happened because of Storas, so Linda and Edgar didn’t have time to talk.

“I’ll call dad from you. Can I play with the young master?”

“Of course. Edgar.”

When the marquess called, he replied “Yes, Mother.” and nodded his head.

I went out into the hallway with Edgar. And after asking the butler to call my dad, I sneakily led him to the garden where Linda was.

I felt great.

After I saved Edgar, Linda couldn’t see my eyes.

She must be thinking that I was hurt because of her.

“Dubblede people are so nice.”

As I mumbled involuntarily, Edgar turned to look at me with a distorted face.

“What did you just say… Huh? Who’s nice?”

“Dubblede people. They’re so nice.”

“… They say it’s the lair of criminals though.”


“There are murderers and scammers…”

“That’s right!”

When I said bluntly, Edgar said, “ah, yes…” and averted his gaze.

As we were talking, I saw Linda holding a flower and walking to me.

“Lady? You’re not feeling well, so why do you go out-”

Linda looked at Edgar next to me and kept her mouth shut.

Linda greeted him and Edgar nodded his head modestly.


After those words, Linda took a step forward.

‘Wait that’s it? You’re leaving?’

I panicked and tried to catch Linda, but Edgar first said something and looked back at her.

“Do you have any children?”


“Because parents feel something when they see a child the same age as their own. The way you looked at me last time was similar to that of my mother.”


I gulped, and Linda bit her lip.

After a silence, Linda raised her head.

“I do have one.”

Yes, Linda! Say it!

As I blinked, Linda turned to me and smiled very sweetly.

With a much more affectionate look tham when she saw Edgar before.

“I had a precious lady who I love like my own child.”

I opened my eyes and looked at Linda.

“Please cherish the life my lady saved… I saw you with the marquess. You have a good mother.”

“She’s not simply a good mother. She is the best in the world.”

Linda bowed her head and continued walking. I quickly followed Linda as Edgar saw her until she was out of sight.

“Are you okay.? Linda, Edgar…!”

“On the day of the accident, the marquess came to pick up the young master. She was the first to check whether he was safe or not. She even wore a different pair of shoes, fell from the carriage, and blood was oozing from her knees.”


“Ah, I’m so glad… I’m glad, my child.”


“I’m already over it.”


Linda hugged me.

“Because you are here for me instead.”

I answered yes several times and grabbed her apron. I had Linda, and I was really glad that Linda had me.

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