The Archmage’s Restaurant

Chapter 85

# 85

Chapter.20 A Week in Korea

“Oh, I wish I could give you two! “Eldo!”

“You mean two or two.”

The clerk was at a loss as to what to do with the money Rulin gave him. There will never be a need to charge this much. I didn’t know what to do, so I decided to recharge it in increments of 50,000 won.

Because it was the customer who gave the money.

“Here it is. And since it’s 106,000 won, the rest is… .”

Looking at the amount, which seemed to be well over a million won, the clerk tried to return the money to Rurin, but no one was there.


The clerk was embarrassed and tried to take the money out, but his foot got twisted and he fell down. At that time, when people’s eyes were focused everywhere, Lurin didn’t even care and grabbed El’s hand, who just happened to come out of the bathroom.

“you! I show you what fun I have! “Follow me!”

“huh? “What is it?”

Rurin held Elle’s hand and ran. Rurin handed a transportation card to L and looked at her transportation card with curious eyes.

As I was about to pass through the turnstile, the partition closed and a beep beep sound sounded.

Lurin then held up the card.


Then the turnstile becomes quiet.

“How are you? If I just go, they dare to block me, but if I put this on them, they will open. Hehe, there are many amazing things about where you live.”

Rurin is obsessed with transportation cards and uses the card several times. Naturally, El began to panic.

A station employee approaches from a distance.

“It’s amazing, take a nap and let’s go first.”

El immediately dragged Lurin down to the basement. Then, the door of the subway that had just arrived opened.

“Oh oh! It is also open here. “What is this huge thing again?”

El sighed and boarded the subway with an excited Rurin. And after that, the screams of a part-time worker singing “Sonyiiiiim!” come out.


The destination is the house where I used to live. I vaguely remember the faces of my parents, whom I had forgotten. Because I was suddenly thrown into the other world, not even a single photo was allowed.

As the subway started to run across the Han River, Rurin put her face against the window and let out exclamations.

“I see the river. Oh, running over the river. This subway is amazing. “Yes, you are slower than me.”

okay. If you become a dragon and fly, you can easily beat the subway. This is our Rurin, who makes you shake your head while you are in a state of confusion.

The subway soon reached its destination. Arrive at OO station and get off. It’s been 15 years, but this neighborhood hasn’t changed that much. The apartment complex that was built during the apartment boom was still there.

There is no redevelopment as feared. The apartment where I lived. And the elementary school I went to is the same.

When I see familiar buildings, I start to feel longing. There were a lot of new buildings on the street, so there wasn’t much change, but because it was a quiet apartment complex, there wasn’t much change overall.

The problem is whether my parents still live here. I heard that usually families of missing people do not move. This is because missing family members may come to your home.

It is the last ray of hope.

My situation is exactly the same. No, we should hope so. I hope you’re waiting for me at home.

“Where are we going?”

“Actually, this is where I lived before moving to your world.”

“Oh really? “You lived in a place that seemed stuffy.”

It’s true that the apartment looks a bit like that. It is not for nothing that I compare it to a matchbox. Compared to restaurants and ranches located on vast grasslands.

Anyway, I took the elevator and went upstairs. In the meantime, I felt intense gaze and turned my head.

The main character of that gaze is a woman I don’t know at all. She is looking at me with intense eyes. Thanks to you, our eyes met. At that moment, the lady quickly takes her eyes off me.

“Why are you doing that?”

“It’s no big deal.”

The lady waved her hand and started looking somewhere else. Soon the elevator stops at the 6th floor.

I got out of the elevator right away. And it stopped in front of room 604. I hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell.

How long has it been since I was this nervous? Come to think of it, after gaining the power of the Dragon Lord, there was almost nothing to be nervous about.

But it’s different now. I’m nervous. I was thirsty. So much so that the less than a minute it took for an answer to come back from the intercom felt like an eternity.

“who are you?”

However, despite all the tension and anticipation, the woman’s voice that came over the intercom was the first time I had heard it.

No matter how much time has passed, there is no way you can’t recognize your mother’s voice. A huge disappointment comes.

“Oh, that’s… sorry. “You came to the wrong place.”

“Ah yes.”

The lady answered with a bit of annoyance, as if it was absurd. It seemed like the intercom would be cut off soon, but at that moment, I urgently spoke again. Because I felt like all clues would disappear after this moment.

“Oh, wait a minute, I’m sorry, but do you know someone who used to live here? The name is Jeonghwa Lee… .”

“yes? well.”


The lady hung up the intercom without giving any clues. You really don’t know. With that in mind, I took a step back from room 604.

At that time, someone grabbed my arm from behind. Not Lurin. I was surprised and looked back to see the same woman who had taken the elevator with me earlier standing there.

“if… .”


“Why are you looking for Jeonghwa?”

“Ooh, do you know my mother?”

My mother’s name came out of my grandmother’s mouth. When I asked again in surprise, the woman tilted her head as if trying to think of something.

“wait a minute!”

After a while, he shouted loudly, suddenly clapped his hands, and ran somewhere. Toward room 605 on the same floor.

After a while, the lady brought out a photo from home. He compared the picture with me and started shouting with a shocked face.

“also! also! He’s Jeonghwa’s son, right? He’s gone missing! “Oh my!”

Sister Jeonghwa.

At the familiar name, I looked at the woman’s face again. Maybe it was so long ago that I couldn’t remember much. However, when I looked at the photo I handed over, some memories from the past came to mind. It was clearly a lady who lived on the same floor. He was a person who was very close to my mother.


When I let out an exclamation without realizing it, the woman suddenly let out a long sigh and her expression began to harden.

He looked very tearful and hugged me and patted my back.

“okay… ! This guy, where did you go and are you here now? “My sister has been looking for you for so long!”

After saying that, he suddenly sat down in tears. Anyone can tell that the tears are not from joy at my appearance.

Suddenly my heart started pounding. Those tears must have something to do with my mother. With my mother.

As a result, I didn’t have the confidence to ask anything. Not knowing what to do, I stood still and looked at the woman in confusion.

Rurin grabs the hem of my clothes. She wasn’t saying anything.

Time passes quietly like that.

But I couldn’t stay like this forever. It is a difficult truth to face, but it cannot be buried. In order to know the truth, I took another deep breath and opened my mouth to the woman who was sitting down and crying.

“Perhaps your mother…” .”

I can’t speak well. My heart felt like it was going to explode. Either Dragon Heart or my heart. Heart and intestines. And I feel like everything in me is about to explode.

When she saw my face, she grabbed the wall of the hallway and stood up.

“Seeing as you came this way, it looks like you didn’t know the news at all… . If so, I should tell you or you’ll keep looking… .”

The lady walked, making a sign to follow her. So I followed. Lurin quietly follows me.

So I went into the lady’s house. She quietly sat Lulin and I down at the table. Rurin looks at me quietly. I don’t know if he knew that my condition was strange or not, but I just stared at him quietly.

The lady silently got into the car and sat down in the chair. There is silence for a moment. The silence lasted for several minutes.

I couldn’t break the silence first. In the end, it was the lady who changed the situation first.

“I heard your uncle was in a car accident. He passed away while fighting illness. That was already 10 years ago. My older sister was left alone and suffering, which made her body weak. Still, he wandered around looking for you and eventually followed you. That was already 5 years ago. 5 years ago! Hey! “Where on earth did you come from?”

“… … .”

I hear the sky falling. Where is this clear blue sky? I can’t believe they both passed away.

From that moment on, I don’t even remember what I heard or how I moved. Everything is hazy.

Are you saying your parents are not from this world? You said you became weak while looking for me?

It was fucking fate.

I don’t know how much hardship I went through being alone in an unfamiliar world. The reason I persevered as I passed the risk of death was because I dreamed of the day when I would meet my parents again.

Especially since I didn’t know Lulin at that time.

But in the end, what ends up happening is this tragedy.

It couldn’t be like this.

Tears naturally flowed as I felt like everything had collapsed.




My mother was a kind person. You always supported and pushed me to do what I wanted to do. Even if my father was against it, my mother always supported me. And I convinced my father.

Going to culinary school was a difficult decision, but he followed my advice. and… and… .

I can’t think of anything to say.

I didn’t leave because I wanted to leave. Something that couldn’t have happened happened and I was forgotten from this world.

What a fate.

Thinking about my parents who had closed their eyes in a situation where I didn’t know if my son was dead or alive, my already dark eyes felt even more painful.

“Whoa… . Damn it.”

After a while, I could barely see my surroundings. I was sitting on the fire escape of my apartment.

What’s surprising is that Rurin is standing quietly next to me. He is just looking down at me crying quietly. Then I make eye contact with her. It was not until the moment their eyes met that Lurin quietly opened her mouth.

“Is your mother dead too?”

“huh. maybe… .”

When I barely answered, Rurin came and sat next to me. He suddenly hugged me and started patting my back.

I’ve patted her on the back many times, but this is the first time since we met that Rurin has patted me on the back.

“Okay. I am by your side! And I will always be by your side. “If you’re that sad, I’m sad too.”


Lurin’s warmth seeps into my empty heart. I’ve hugged her many times, but this was definitely the first time I’ve felt warmth to my heart.

Rurin comforts me. It’s kind of funny, but the peace that came to my mind was entirely thanks to her.

A sense of security surrounds me, as if I was being held in my mother’s arms.

“I was sad too when my mom died. I cried a lot. I couldn’t stop crying because I didn’t know you back then. But now I am by your side. “Don’t cry because you have this body.”

“okay… .”

Lurin spoke to me with an expressionless expression, but her appearance seemed so dazzling.

Like a goddess.

At this moment, I gave up everything and just fell into Lulin’s arms.

It’s completely the opposite of usual.

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