System's POV

Chapter 99 Breaking You Won’t Be Fun Otherwise

Chapter 99 Breaking You Won’t Be Fun Otherwise

"Here are your winnings," Raldo handed the pouch he had prepared for the High Orc with a conflicted look on his face.

Jubei casually took the pouch, and checked its contents.

Inside of it were 32 White Coins.

If one Black Coin was equivalent to 100 Silver Coins, one White Coin was worth 1,000 Silver Coins.

This meant that Thirteen's group now had 32,000 Silver Coins in their possession!

"After what happened with Brakka, the odds are no longer in your favor," Raldo commented. "I suggest not going to the Duel Arena for a time."

"Mmm." Jubei nodded in understanding.

Raldo then glanced at the seven-year-old with awe and admiration, which he rarely showed to someone.

"You hid it well, you little Monster," Raldo smiled bitterly. "Still, I look forward to your next duel. Just don't do it anytime soon."

Thirteen gave the Duel Manager a faint smile as if telling him that he wasn't going to make any promises.

Raldo could only shake his head helplessly before heaving a long sigh.

"Off you go," Raldo stated. "Use the back door. I don't want a bloodbath happening on my watch."

With the Manager's help, Thirteen's group was able to leave the arena without trouble.

But, instead of heading back to their Inn, the seven-year-old told everyone that they should go to the Slave Market first to buy slaves.

When Cristopher heard this, he immediately gave his Young Master a thumbs up, making Rianna look at him in disdain.

She didn't need to be a genius to know what the chubby boy was thinking, making Jubei smile faintly.

Thirteen, who now had the funds to buy a few slaves, wasn't stingy and gave Cristopher and Rianna one White Coin each.

This would allow them to purchase whatever they wanted whether it be slaves, weapons, armor, etc.

The first time that they visited the Slave Market, Thirteen was glad that his brother, Mikhail, wasn't there.

There were also no other individuals who belonged to the Monarch Clans and Prestigious Families that were for sale.

This saddened him a bit because buying them as slaves would mean that those High-Ranking Families would be indebted to him.

However, there was one slave that caught Thirteen's attention when they went there the first time.

Because of this, he wanted to earn money right away so that he could buy that slave before others beat him to it.

'Good,' Thirteen thought as his gaze landed on one of the cages in the Slave Market. 'He's still here.'

The seven-year-old didn't hesitate and went to find the Slave Master, so that he could purchase the slave that caught his eye.

"Mister, my Master wants to buy that slave over there," Thirteen said as he pointed in one of the cages in front of him.

"You want to buy that troublesome thing?" the Slave Master asked with an amused look on his face. "Well, I guess breaking his will is good entertainment. However, he is a bit special. He gave us a lot of trouble, so it will cost you 300 Silvers to buy him."

"I don't mind," Jubei replied. "I will let my slave train?him, so make him that Tigerkin's Master."

"Hahaha, you are one interesting buyer, I like!" The Slave Market found this amusing because a seven-year-old was going to train a Beastkin who was several years older than him.

Raising his hand, the Slave Master asked two of his subordinates to open the cage and restrain the Tigerkin that Thirteen had chosen.

"Let me go!'' The Tigerkin roared in anger, as he struggled to escape from the two Slave Traders who had him firmly in their grasp.

"Shut up, you punk!" one of the Slave Traders shouted as he, and his comrade, forced the Tigerkin to kneel on the ground, so his head would be branded by the Slave Tattoo.

The Tigerkin was still young and, judging by his appearance, was around thirteen to fifteenyears old.

The reason why Thirteen chose him was his eyes.

Those eyes filled with life, determination, anger, and stubbornness that made Thirteen immediately know what kind of person he was.

Thirteen hated these people with a vengeance after facing off against them.

Yes, the boy in front of him had the makings of a Hero.

And for him, enslaving a future hero was a very amusing thing.

'Kukuku,' Thirteen laughed internally. 'I'm going to enjoy breaking you.'

He understood that these people were protected by Fate, and nothing bad would really happen to them until they had accomplished their destinies.

For them, facing these kinds of hardships was just part of their journey to reach the pinnacle of the world, and put their names in the pages of History.

Thirteen already understood that his Father, the System God, had given him a hidden class as well.

And this Hidden Class was none other than Cannon Fodder.

Similar to the Hero and the Villain, these classes were hidden within the very soul of a person, allowing them to fulfill their destinies in each of their lifetimes.

If he was going to beat the Cycle of Fate, he needed to understand its rules. What better way to understand it than capture a Hero and make him his first guinea pig?

"Stop!" the Tigerkin roared as the Slave Master pressed his finger over his forehead. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I swear I will kill you!"

"Yeah, yeah, that's what all of you slaves say before you are branded," the Slave Master was already used to such threats, so it didn't matter how many times the Tigerkin cursed him.

A few seconds later, a Slave Tattoo appeared on the Tigerkin's forehead, marking him as a True Slave.

"Put a drop of your blood on his forehead and the contract will be sealed," The Slave Master stated. "He even handed Thirteen a dagger which the boy could use to prick his finger to draw blood.

Thirteen accepted the dagger and pricked his thumb. He then unceremoniously pressed iton the forehead of the Tigerkin, making the latter scream, as tears streamed down the side of his face.

The "branding' was a very painful experience, as if to make the Slave understand that his Fate was no longer in his hands.

A minute later, the Tigerkin was released by the two Slave Traders making his body collapse on the ground.

Even so, the Tigerkin didn't lose consciousness as he stubbornly raised his head to glare at the seven-year-old boy, who was now his Master.

"I'll… kill you!" the Tigerkin said through gritted teeth, making the corner of Thirteen's face curl up into a smile.

Instead of answering the Tigerkin, the younger boy stepped on the Tigerkin's head, grinding the latter's face on the ground.

"Good," Thirteen said as he put more pressure on his foot. "Breaking you won't be fun otherwise."

The Slave Master gave the seven-year old a thumbs up in his heart because he liked sadistic people.

They were his biggest customers and he had a feeling that, before the day was over, several of his slaves would be purchased, earning him a lot of profit for his troubles.

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