System's POV

Chapter 57 Join Me And Live, Oppose Me And Die A Dog’s Death

Chapter 57 Join Me And Live, Oppose Me And Die A Dog’s Death

Harry stood in one of the arenas with a confident look on his face.

He had chosen to fight against the One-Horned Forest Wolf, which was one of the strongest Rank 1 Monsters in the list.

The highest number of points that a single monster could have was 110 Points, and the Forest Wolf gave 90 Points.

Harry was sure that once he defeated this monster, he would enter the top 100, and even have a shot for the top five, where greater prizes would be awarded to the winner.

The other candidates had a similar strategy to their peers.

They fought the Monsters that they believed were something that they could handle. Since they felt that they would be unable to beat the Five Monarch Clans, as well as the Ten Prestigious Families, they chose monsters, which would allow them to enter the top 100 easily.

Of course, there were children who decided to not participate in the battle because they were not confident about being able to beat the Monsters that the Remington Family had prepared for this challenge.

Out of the hundreds of children that were present in the venue, only a little over two hundred participated in the battle.

These children belonged to the Monarch Clans, the Prestigious Families, The Military Families, as well as powerful Families, who were only a Tier or two lower than the Ten Prestigious Families.

These were the families that were eyeing their position, and wanted to stand on equal ground with the most influential families in the world.

Of course, unless they produced a Throne, they would not be able to accomplish their dreams of being part of the Prestigious Families.

When the One-Horned Forest Wolf was released in the arena, Harry immediately took action.

His father, Elijah, had chosen to be his Guardian, ready to interfere if he deemed that his son was in danger.

Harry had been trained since he was young, and he had also fought against Rank 1 Monsters before.

This was an essential part of the Remington Clan's training, and only those who managed to show excellent results would be considered children worth investing in.

This was his third time fighting against a One-Horned Forest Wolf, so he already knew how to deal with it.

The Wolf lunged at him, using its superior speed to kill the prey before him. However, Harry had already expected this, so he deftly dodged to his right side.

When the wolf went past him, the teenage boy slashed his sword, targeting the foot of the Forest Wolf, slicing it in half.

The Bronze Grade Sword in his hand was crafted by the best Blacksmiths of the Remington Family.

It could be wielded by ordinary children who hadn't had their First Wandering. Because of this, Harry was easily able to cripple his enemy, preventing it from running all over the place.

The Forest Wolf was a very agile creature, but the moment one of its legs was crippled, its only advantage disappeared completely.

Harry then made short work of it and, before long, the One-Horned Forest Wolf finally breathed its last and died to a clean stab in its head.

Elijah gave his son a nod of approval because he didn't disappoint their family.

In another arena, Matthew Stallard had also finished his battle.

The teenage boy fought against a Rank 1 Dire Bear which was equivalent to 96 Points.

He ended the battle in one swift spear thrust, targeting his opponent's chest area where the heart was located.

He then glanced at the person whom he considered to be his rival, Clark Ashford.

The battle was just about to start, and everyone's gaze was focused on the genius of the Ashford Family, whom everyone had high hopes for.

He was fighting against a Ferocious Saber-toothed Tiger, which was a Pseudo Rank 2 Monster. It was worth 110 Points, and was considered to be the strongest Monster in the Rank 1 Category.

The two-meter tall Saber-toothed Tiger roared as it looked down on the fool, who chose it as its enemy.

Clark made a come and get me gesture with his hand to the Monster, infuriating it instantly.

With a roar filled with anger, the Ferocious Saber-toothed Tiger charged towards the teenager with bloodshot eyes.

It opened its jaws showing its razor-sharp teeth, ready to shred the arrogant child to pieces.

Clark only sneered as he also ran towards the monster with his sword raised above his head.

When they were only a few meters away from each other, Clark did the unexpected and slid under the monster's body, just as the latter was about to bite his head off.

His sword, which was raised above his head, effortlessly sliced the underside of the Saber-toothed Tiger, making it roar in pain.

Blood flowed out of its body, dying the arena in red.

Clark then casually brushed the dirt off his robes before flicking his sword to the side to remove the bloodstains that had clung to its blade.

Just like the weapons possessed by the children of the Monarch Clans, as well as the Prestigious Families, the quality of his sword was at the peak of the Bronze Grade, making it the strongest weapon in its Rank.

Despite its injuries, the Ferocious Saber-toothed Tiger, didn't back down and stubbornly attacked the boy, who no longer attacked, but simply evaded his opponent's attacks with ease.

The Saber-toothedTiger was now like a bull that could only charge in one direction, leaving a trail of blood behind.

Matthew clicked his tongue when he saw this because he understood the message that Clark was trying to tell everyone in the event.

Anyone who dared to get in his way would suffer in the same way that the Saber-toothed Tiger was, as it slowly, but surely, bleed to death.

It was a long and agonizing death.

It was a pitiful death, which was the message that Clark wanted to send his peers.

Join me and live, oppose me and die a dog's death.

A few minutes later, the Ferocious Saber-toothedTiger gave an unwilling death cry before its body finally collapsed into a pool of its own blood, and died filled with anger, bitterness and frustration.

More battles followed, but they weren't as impactful as the battles of the Families that stood at the top of the world.

Even the chubby boy, Isaac Elrod, who was considered to be in the bottom tier among the Five Monarch Clans, was able to defeat his opponent, earning him 80 Points on the Leaderboard.

"Is there anyone else who would like to test their skills?" Theodore asked after only a handful of people remained fighting in the arena. "This is the last call before the scores will be tallied and the top 10, and top 100, will be announced."

At that moment, Mikhail stepped forward and raised his hand.

"I would like to try this challenge," Mikhail stated.

Theodore nodded and made a gesture for the boy to approach a middle-aged man, who was responsible for bringing the Monsters to the arena.

Mikhail checked the list that the man had given to him and made his choice.

The man was surprised because Michael decided to not only fight one Monster, but decided to fight three Monsters at once.

"Boy, are you sure about this?" the Middle-Aged man asked. "Trying to show off may result in your death. Do you really wish to go ahead with this arrangement?"

"Yes, Sir," Mikhail replied, making the middle-aged man shake his head.

"Very well," The Middle-Aged Man said. "You're lucky there are referees to save you in this match, boy. Because I am certain that you're just making a fool of yourself. Go to Arena 7. The one in the middle, and I will send the monsters there for you to fight."

Mikhail thanked the man and headed to the arena.

Thirteen gave his Brother a knowing glance before nudging his father to go to the arena to become Mikhail's Protector.

Gerald nodded and followed behind Mikhail with a smug expression on his handsome face.

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