System's POV

Chapter 52 Mikhail’s Weakness

Chapter 52 Mikhail’s Weakness

"That bastard!" Arthur couldn't help but curse out loud because his plan to keep Gerald's family away from the Remington Clan just went down the drain.

They had worked very hard to keep a tight lid on the incident that happened several months ago where the image of a Heavenly Sword appeared above the base of the mountain, where Thirteen's home was located.

Although it took a lot of effort, they managed to prevent the Monarch Clans, as well as the other Prestigious Families from infiltrating their territory.

Of course, the other Families didn't really try to infiltrate the Leventis Domain because if they did that, it would break the agreement between the different families.

They simply asked what happened and, if possible, would like to see the place where the phenomenon appeared.

Arthur simply told them that he was practicing a new Martial Skill, which made the Giant Sword appear.

The other Families doubted his answer, but since they couldn't really push the matter, they decided to pull back and plant spies in Oakheart City to see if the incident would happen a second time.

"We can't exactly ask them to travel alongside us since you have already disowned Gerald," Michael commented. "Doing so will just make the other members of the family, as well as the Branch Families, think that you have gone back on your word.

"Although I'm sure that they would not say anything when you show favoritism to Gerald, it would send the wrong signals not only to our Faction, but to the other Families as well."

Michael couldn't help but smile internally after seeing the annoyance on his father's face.

Usually, Arthur was a very calm and collected person. Although he was hot-headed, he had good control over his emotions. But, whenever he reached his limit, all hell would break loose. The incident that caused Gerald to be kicked out of the family was one of those instances.

'Ever since Zion came to the Leventis Family for his birthday, his temper has gotten the better of him time and time again,' Michael thought. 'I got to hand it to that nephew of mine. He knows how to tick my father off.'

Several minutes passed in silence before Arthur finally calmed down.

"Communicate with Gerald and make sure that he and his sons won't mention anything about the Mythical Equipment," Arthur ordered.

Michael nodded. "Understood."


Meanwhile in Thirteen's Home…

"Mikhail, you have grown very strong for the past few years," Thirteen said to his brother, who was seated in a cross-legged position in front of him. "But, there is still something that I haven't taught you. Currently, you still have one fatal weakness, and if this isn't resolved… I'm afraid that others may be able to take advantage of you in the future."

Mikhail looked at his brother with a solemn expression on his face as he waited for him to tell his fatal weakness.

Shasha, who was also inside the training room and seated beside Mikhail, looked at her brother with a curious look on her face.

Seeing that his brother was paying close attention to what he was going to say, Thirteen no longer held back and told him the weakness that he believed would become Mikhail's Achilles Heel.

"You have no experience when it comes to dealing with girls," Thirteen said in a serious tone. "Don't think that just because you've been around Mother, Shasha, and Remi, that it's enough for you to think that you have already developed a resistance to beautiful girls.

"Someone who is as honest, hardworking, and collected as you are, is bound to be a henpecked boyfriend in the future. Just look at Pops, he is a hen-pecked husband, and proud of it."

Gerald, who chose that time to enter the training room, heard Thirteen's words, making the corner of his lips twitch.

"Zion, I am not a henpecked husband," Gerald commented. "I just do what your mother tells me, so that our family will live harmoniously."

"Sure, Pops," Thirteen replied as he shooed his father away with his hand. "If that makes you sleep better at night."

Mikhail and Shasha were still too young to understand what Thirteen was talking about, and this was evident in their faces.

Because of this, the seven-year-old sighed because he understood that this was a difficult matter to explain.

"Brother, when we go to the party, you will be able to see many beautiful girls," Thirteen stated. "There is a chance that they will be more beautiful than Shasha and Remi, making you feel smitten with them. If they come and talk to you, don't give them wrong replies.

"For example, If they ask your name, just tell them that your name is Mikhail. Don't add any surnames, okay?"

Mikhail nodded in understanding.

"Then, if they ask you to dance, just shake your head," Thirteen said. "If they insist, just say No. But when you say it, don't say it softly. Say it firmly. Now, let's practice. Say No."




"Make it a bit more forceful, and make sure to look them in the eye when you say it."



Thirteen nodded. "Of course, many people will ask you questions. In order to bypass this, make yourself look bored as if you don't find anything interesting in your surroundings.

"You need to act mysterious and unreachable. This is a skill that you need to develop before you go to Solterra. This way, no one will treat you as someone who could become their subordinate.

"Also, ladies are a sucker for mysterious handsome guys who gives them a cold shoulder. They find bad boys irresistible."

Gerald, who was only supposed to check the quality of weapons in the training grounds, nodded his head in agreement after hearing his son's words.

He did the same when he was in Solterra and several ladies had shown interest in him, including his Ex-Fiance, who was now married to his best friend from the Remington Clan.

"Zion, should I also act cold and mysterious to people I am meeting for the first time?" Shasha asked.

"Yes, Sister," Thirteen nodded. "If you do this, many handsome guys will flock to you and will want to get close to you. Treat them as your lackeys, and treat the most persistent ones as your slaves."

Shasha nodded seriously. "Understood."

"Also, if anyone tries to use force to make you like them, just tell me their name," Thirteen replied. "I'll eliminate them quietly."

"Okay, Zion," Shasha replied. "I trust you."

Gerald started to sweat buckets because he didn't know if Thirteen was joking or not. If his son truly did as he stated, wouldn't that be bad for their family?

"Mikhail, treat the party that we will be attending as part of your training," Thirteen stated. "I will be grading your performance. Once we get home, I will tell you my analysis, and we will work on the flaws that you showed during the party."

Mikhail nodded. "I trust you, Brother."

Gerald wasn't able to take it any longer and cleared his throat.

"Zion, you know that your brother is a gentle soul," Gerald said. "Will he really be able to treat others coldly?"

"Not right away," Thirteen replied. "This is why I will observe him during the party. Relax, Pops. I got this."

Thirteen had been the Host of several Harem Kings and Harem Princes' just like his former host Vincent.

Although he felt a little bad in turning his gentle and kind brother into a cold-hearted man, he believed that this was necessary for him to survive in Solterra.

Kind and dependable people were always taken advantage of by others, and he didn't want the eldest of their family to suffer such a fate.

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