Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 156

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 156

Episode 156:

Holy Kingdom Atra.

Saint Hall is known to be the holiest among the holy cities.

A crystal ball was placed in front of Kaleyna, a saint of the Luna Church who was said to be more noble than any other royal family.

Surprisingly, the blinking crystal sphere showed Aldur looking quite haggard.

“so. What happened? Inquisitor Aldur.”

Aldur had a high reputation as the owner of the Magic Tower, but to Kaleyna, he was just an inquisitor.

In response to Kaleyna’s question, Aldur began to convey the situation he was in with a quite embarrassed expression.

[The Witch of Balance appeared in the magic world. I have been banished outside the demon realm by the magic she used.]

Upon hearing Aldur’s report, Kalayna’s eyes, which seemed infinitely deep, became even darker.

“Can’t you find out the status of the heretic and Acrich there?”

[Acrich’s Life Vessel has been removed by the Witch of Balance. Perhaps Acrich’s subjugation was successful, but it is difficult to accurately predict the fate of the other party members.]

Kaleina noticed that the Witch of Balance also entered the demon realm to prevent the resurrection of the Demon King.

However, if this happens, the lives of Elaine and Galletto cannot be guaranteed.

“What is Inquisitor Aldur’s location?”

[This is a remote island. It will take some time to find out the exact location.]

From her conversation with Aldur, Kaleina was able to tell that he was quite far away from the Eastern Demon Lord.

Kaleyna could well guess what the Witch of Balance’s intention was in sending Aldur away.

‘I should have ended it completely then.’

Kaleina blamed herself for not sending Aldur to completely kill the Witch of Balance.

Even though she wasn’t able to completely finish the fight, she never thought that Kaleina would recover from her injuries so quickly and appear in the Demon World.

Anyway, in addition to his current status, Aldur relayed to Kaleyna all the details of the eastern expedition that had taken place so far.

Kaleyna listened carefully to this and gave immediate instructions to Aldur.

“Inquisitor Aldur, please return to the parish immediately.”

[I understand.]

Kaleina did not send Aldur back to the demon world.

Since the Witch of Balance has already arrived in the Demon World, her mission to punish heretics there is doomed to failure.

‘Calliope, the Witch of Balance…’

Kaleina placed a finger on her throbbing forehead as she remembered the name of the Witch of Balance.

Up until now, she had been living quietly, claiming to maintain balance, but Kaleina had recently learned about the existence of the ‘Seven Stars’ and could no longer sit by and watch her.

The most powerful beings among the believers who support the forgotten sun.

The time when I began to look into this more deeply was after Clara returned from exploring the forgotten temple.

Through Clara’s report, Kaleyna was able to learn much about the forgotten temple.

The existence of seven stars and that they have been hiding on the continent for a thousand years, waiting for an opportunity.

‘It gets annoying when they get together in one place.’

Kaleina had no choice but to admit that the existence of the Seven Stars was the Luna Church’s greatest enemy.

Summarizing the information received from Aldur, the Luna Church’s situation seemed very bad.

Aldur left the battlefield and there was no way to know what happened to the battlefield after that, so it is unclear whether Galeto and Elaine are alive or dead.

The problem arising here was clear.

If this eastern expedition succeeds, the credit given will go to Prian and Dio, the leaders of the allied forces excluding the Luna Church.

In addition, the Luna Church was unable to complete its mission to deal with Dio.

Looking at all these circumstances, there was only one conclusion.

It was said that the Luna Church gained nothing from this eastern expedition.

Rather, the entire continent may point fingers at the Luna Church, calling it incompetent.


‘D.I.O. If you think that I will just suffer, you are mistaken.’

Kaleina pushed ahead with sending a group of three men with five swords to this eastern expedition, but that did not mean she risked everything on the eastern expedition.

After learning that Dio and the Seven Stars believed in the same god, Kaleina planned to deal with them all at once.

Although the mission to deal with Dio failed, it was not the other side’s mission.

‘I’m glad I took care of one of those.’

Calleina, who needed to explore the forgotten temple more precisely, immediately conducted an additional search targeting the temple.

The new search party, composed of paladins directly under Kaleina, searched the temple for several days and were able to achieve results after a long period of time.

A hidden text was discovered under the icon Clara mentioned.

-I will wait for your return in the deepest valley of the South.

After receiving this report, Kaleina immediately realized that the place where the words were written was called ‘Abyssal Valley’.

The Abyssal Valley, located deep in the south, was a place that even veteran adventurers did not easily visit due to its extremely rugged terrain.

However, Kaleina immediately took action, guessing that the being who left the words was one of the beings called the Seven Stars.

It doesn’t concern Kaleina how dangerous that place is.

Now that she knew the whereabouts of the Seven Stars, Kaleina was willing to take any risk to deal with him.

Kaleina immediately dispatched a search party.

Following her orders, the search party was able to risk their lives and reach a place so deep that no one could reach it.

A sleeping giant was found there, and the search party immediately reported it to Kaleyna.

It is said that a different divine power from the Luna Church can be felt in the giant.

Kaleina clearly determined that the giant was a being called the Seven Stars.

He immediately sent his loyal confidants to the abyssal valley and succeeded in subduing the giant.


‘The werewolf who hurt Galletto… should have caught him too.’

Not only did she kill the giant, but Kaleina also tracked down the werewolf who had confronted Galeto.

A person with enough skill to cause Galetto’s death.

However, since the injuries would be so severe, the best option for Kaleina was to hunt the werewolf before it recovered.

Accordingly, Scarlett, one of the five swords, was immediately dispatched, but unfortunately no trace of the werewolf was found.

Unlike the giants, the ending was not as clean, but compared to the other seven stars, the werewolves were not that much of a threat to Kaleyna.

According to Galeto’s report, not only was the injury an injury, but the werewolf’s mental state was extremely unstable.

Thanks to Kaleina’s quick response, we were able to achieve this level of success, but that does not mean that the Luna Church’s situation is good.

In the end, the Luna Church suffered a significant loss of power in the eastern expedition.

‘What on earth did he hear from the Solari?’

Recently, Kaleina had a hard time hiding her distraught feelings every time she thought of Dio.

Kaleina had to always maintain a noble appearance.

Only then will Luna’s status not fall.

The only one who can stand against the darkness is Kaleina herself, and the moment she becomes distracted, the darkness will take advantage and throw the continent into chaos.

However, even though she tried to make up her mind, the existence of Dio was completely incomprehensible to Kaleina.

No, it seemed like the existence of Dio was outside the realm of Kaleina’s understanding.

No matter what Kaleina did, Dio always looked ahead and dealt with it.

‘I already knew that I would mobilize five swords in the expedition to subdue the Eastern Demon Lord.’

Otherwise, the Witch of Balance sends Aldur away at just the right time and isolates the other two Five Swords.

Because the right situation wouldn’t have happened for Dio.


After thinking for a while, Kaleyna flinched from the pain stabbing her chest.

It’s not because of the stress I get from D.O.

Kaleina felt a huge amount of divine power draining from her.

But even at that moment, Kaleyna spread her palms to gather strength without a change in her expression.

The saintess of Luna must never be shaken.

‘no way…?’

Kaleina tried to remember why the divine power was drained.

But I can’t think of a good reason.

‘Dio and the Witch of Balance are in the Eastern Demonic World. Could it be that they finished all their work and found the place? No, that’s impossible.’

No matter how much he thought about it, it was true that Kaleyna’s divine power had weakened.

Kaleina sensed that now was the time to take action rather than speculate about an impossible situation.


“Yes, saint.”

As if you were always by my side.

At Kaleina’s call, the Archbishop of Atra appeared kneeling before the saint.

His expression was as cold as Kaleina’s, but there was a deep scar on his right cheek that wasn’t there before.

“How is your body?”

“Thanks to the saint’s grace, I completely recovered. “Just give me an order.”

The five swords of the Luna Church and the Archbishop of the Holy Kingdom of Atra.

Paul Eppenhaus.

There were various nicknames and titles for him, but most people call him this.

The last Heretic Questioner.

The five swords are said to be swords for the saint, but among them, Paul is so trusted by the saint that he is called the ‘last sword’.

It was none other than Paul who Kaleina sent to the valley of the abyss, and as always, he did not disappoint the saint.

He recently returned to Atra by killing the seven giants believed to be hiding in the south under Kaleina’s orders.

Upon his return, Paul also suffered significant injuries, but thanks to Kaleina’s personal treatment, he has now fully recovered.

Except for one scar.

After a fierce battle, the giant left a scar on Paul that even divine power could not erase, and Kaleina was able to see that the existence of the seven stars was not easy.

“Head to the Eastern Demonic Palace right now. “The location of the altar built by Acrich to revive the Demon King has been identified.”

Kaleina recalled Aldur’s report and relayed it to Paul.

It seems that the Witch of Balance also appeared in the demon world to prevent the resurrection of the Demon King, but in order to confirm this for sure, Kaleina needed to check for herself.

In addition, there is a need to find out whether the other five swords of Demon Lord are alive or dead.

“All right.”

Paul accepted the saint’s instructions without any disagreement and immediately disappeared.

As if the saint’s black questions were not necessary.

Kaleina slowly closed her eyes as she looked at the empty space where Paul had disappeared.

The continent will certainly be shaken by the eastern expedition.

The forgotten god has been resurrected.

The confusion of not having to rely on Luna anymore.

Kaleina was lost in thought for a while.

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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