Chapter 63: TQ @LotusLin for the Super car

Early this morning, inside the large back yard of the Arul family, young master Arul is practicing a new spell under the guidance of the grand elder of the Sky family Magus School. Due to his relationship with the Arul family, Grand Elder is personally preparing Arul for the upcoming competition.

"Focus, young Arul," the Grand Elder intoned, his voice carrying the weight of cturies of knowledge. "The defsive spell you seek to master requires not just strgth of magic but clarity of mind and purpose."

With a determined nod, Arul focused on his aura, channeling his ergy. The black wand in his hands glowed in the d as he prepared to unleash the new spell, which he had reserved for the upcoming tournamt.

"Vortas defso," he murmured, the words flowing effortlessly from his lips as he extded his wand like an arc.

In an instant, a shimmering bubble shield materialized a Arul, its surface pulsating with a soft azure glow. The Grand Elder observed with a ke eye, nodding in approval at the precision of Arul's execution.

"Good," he remarked, testing the thickness and spread of the shield bubble. "Now, let us move to the next phase. Remember, young Arul, the true strgth of the shield of retribution spell lies not just in defse but in counterattack."

As Arul focused his conctration, the Grand Elder raised a hand, conjuring forth a phantom aura attack to test the efficacy of the shield. With each strike, the shield absorbed the force of the blow, humming with ergy as it braced against the onslaught.

Ssing the momt was ripe, Arul closed his eyes and whispered the second part of the spell mantra.

"Vortas Vindicta," he intoned, his voice ringing with determination.

In a breathtaking display of magic, the shield rose into the air and transformed before their eyes, morphing into a gleaming spear crackling with pott ergy. With a swift motion, Arul thrust the spear forward, unleashing a devastating burst of power towards a pool of water.

The water rose up to ts of meters and evaporated into thin air. As the echoes of the spell faded into the morning air, Arul stood breathless, his heart pounding with exhilaration. The Grand Elder regarded him with a solemn gaze, a hint of pride flickering in his ancit eyes.

"You have done well, young Arul," he declared, his voice tinged with admiration. "But remember, true mastery comes from free will and understanding your emy. I hope that with this spell, you will have a chance against Mia Snow. Her movemt technique is a complete waste against this shield of retribution." The grand elder said, puffing a smoke pipe.

"Thank you, grand elder. Without your guidance, I couldn't have achieved this." Arul bowed, combining both hands. But inside his brain, he is thinking of Kt, who chose him as the oppont in the first . "I will break your legs Kt." Arul muttered while staring at the g in a bowing posture.


In the heart of the luxurious estate of the Snow family, nestled amidst vibrant gards, Mia Snow, adorned in elegant attire, moved with grace and precision upon the surface of a colorful pond.

With a gold folding fan held delicately in her right hand, she glided effortlessly from one lotus flower to the next, her steps landing with pinpoint accuracy.

Each movemt was a testamt to her mastery of the prized movemt technique, the "willow wind leaf."

Each of her steps landed precisely on the lotuses of the pond. She is moving freely on the pond without touching a single water droplet. Without losing her balance from the lotus flowers, she is attacking the moving target boards a the pond. rhythmic music playing each time her attack landed on the target board.

As Mia continued her training, her servant girls stood by, tossing flowers and fruits into the air to test her speed and precision. But Mia remained unfazed, her movemts fluid and precise as she danced across the surface of the pond, her eyes never leaving her targets.

Suddly, a figure appeared at the edge of the pond, watching Mia's training with a mixture of pride and admiration. It was Mia's mother, her presce commanding atttion as she observed her daughter's skill with a ke eye.

Encouraged by her mother's presce, Mia increased her speed, her movemts becoming more dynamic as she built momtum. With a final flourish, she rose high into the air above the pond, her hand fan glinting in the sunlight as she muttered the spell mantra under her breath.

"Flamma Ignis," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sounds of nature.

Instantly, the lotus flowers below began to wither and crumble, their once vibrant petals turning to powdery dust. With a graceful desct, Mia landed before her mother, her face filled with pride and determination.

"Greetings, mother," she said, bowing her head respectfully. "I am well prepared for the tournamt."

Her mother smiled, her eyes shining with pride, as she embraced her daughter. "Your target is not this childish tournamt. Do you think I wasted one year of progress just for this shitty Sky family tournamt? No, your father requested the autumn wind sect for you.

All you have to do is impress the elder of the Autumn Wind sect during the competition and become a core disciple of the Autumn Wind sect. The elder is also coming for you specifically, so all you have to do is overpower your oppont and win this tournamt single-handedly to impress the elder." Mia's mother spoke while holding Mia's cheeks with both hands.

"Yes, mother. I won't disappoint you." Mia said it in a determined tone while staring into her mother's eyes.


While his emies were preparing their best, Kt was checking his old glass orb with a confused face. The reason for his confusion is Thea, his promised bride. She st a message, asking Kt to meet her at the Silver Plaza, a restaurant.

"Why the hell does she want to meet me so suddly?" Kt thought, staring at her beautiful, calm face in the profile. "Whatever, let's meet her first. My stomach is also grumbling for food." Kt muttered while tering the restroom to fresh up.


*Thank you everyone for the Power stones and gold tickets. TQ so much.

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