Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 93,Part2: 2 - Achievement

Chapter93,Part2: 2 - Achievement

Chapter 93 Achievement

Part 2

I stand up and turn my eyes to the main entrance door.

I have many acquaintances but only a few numbers of peoples come to my house. This is because Tino has a terrifying Shisho who changes how she behave based on her mood of the day.

I confirm that Shisho’s mood today isn’t that bad and open the door.


Shisho opens her eyes to the face that appear behind the door. The visitor is a gray-haired old man with a severe face… It is Martis, the owner of the Relic store 『Magiz Tail』. Wearing a thin, dirty apron, he is holding a small box under his arm.

When he sees Tino, his eyes become slightly softer. When he clears his throat, he says in an apologetic tone.

“Aaah, Jou-chan. Sorry, for coming unannounced. I have finished with the appraisal of the Relic you brought last time but… I was wondering if you didn’t forget about it as those last days were so messy. Wasn’t this something Jou-chan found?”

As he said, that matter went completely over my head. At that time, the interest of Master shifted to the mask and he was completely overwhelmed by it.

Well in the first place, Tino has already offer that Relic to Master so it isn’t hers anymore, but I can’t say I forget it, so I receive the small gift box.

“Isn’t it Martis-chan? Can you stop giving things to my Ti without my permission? Your Oku-san will catch wind of it, you know? If you don’t like it then bring a strong Relic that Cry-chan likes. For the special occasion, each time you bring him one, I will lend you Ti for each day. But I will kill you if there is any scar on her.”

“You were here, little girl… Who is going to touch her, you stupid crap! It is the same as the kid but each and every single one of you teasing me…”

When Shisho opens her light mouth, Martis yell until his face was red. It is the usual exchange that has been repeated many times since Tino became her disciple.

When I open the box, I found the bracelet and a paper with the result of the appraisal on it.

“Why did you bring it to Ti instead of Cry-chan? Scaaaary. Your granddaughter will catch wind of this, you know? Cecille-chan was it? If you don’t like it then bring a Relic that will please Cry-chan.”

“Whe, where did you hear that na… You are too noisy! It is a Relic found by Jou-chan. In the first place, my store rarely has Relic that the kid wants! If you are a Hunter, shouldn’t you go look for it yourself!”

“You used to sell a lot of good thing before, right? Recently, I just told this to Gark-chan, but did you lose your touch?”

“It is because the kid bought all the unsold stock I have at a high price! Tell him to sometime sell them instead of just buying!”

Aside from the skirmish between Tino’s Shisho and Martis-san, Tino looks through the instructions.

“『Mirage Form (Dancing Glow) 』? An optical image projector? Effective range, one meter. If you master it, you can make a doll dance in the palm of your hand……”

This is… A product that is difficult to evaluate.

Hunter prefer simple yet powerful and useful Relic. As far as Tino knows, the easier it is to use and the more effective it is, so the higher the price will be. Like a bottle of water that infinitely spring water or shoes that increase your agility or a sword that can send a flying slash.

“It is a rare item. At least it isn’t something a newbie can find in the Alain Column Ruins.”

On one hand, this bracelet is difficult to judge. An optical image projection device means that it can create an illusion within a certain range.

I don’t think I can use it if you just look at the specification. However, the effective range is quite narrow, and the operation seems to be complicated. Even if I plan to sell it, it would be quite doubtful if it would sell.

I think it is a quite a peaceful Relic as it is a Relic I got according to Master’s instructions.

And then, the bracelet that was inside the box disappeared. I look around in a hurry and see Shisho who had been arguing with Martis until a while ago, having the bracelet and observing it seriously.

After being silent for a while, she looks at Tino and says.

“…… This, I will be in charge of giving it. It is fine, right? Ti.”

“Eh? Ye, yes. Of course. Onee-sama.”

After I accept it by reflex as usual, Shisho hugged the bracelet in her arm and turn around on the spot with an unprecedented good mood.

In front of Martis, whose eyes becomes round, Shisho says in a joyful voice.

“Yatta! This will definitively make Cry-chan happy. Ti, great job. I will buy you a new dagger next time!”

“Eh? Eh? To that point!? A, ano, O… Onee-sama… That… Wait, a sec…”

It is rare for Shisho to give Tino a present.

I regret it and try to refuse her but before that, something behind me stops me. It is a familiar voice who called out to Shisho who was in a good mood.

“Wait a second, Onee-chan! Shouldn’t we go at it fairly here? Nee, Ti-chan.”

Before I knew it, the other Onee-sama is standing behind me while *niko niko* smiling.

She places a hand on my shoulder and my body trembles. When Shisho hear her voice, her smile disappears.

“Haaaa? Ti is my disciple, so of course what she finds is mine, okay? Why are you barging in?”

“I was the one who bothered Cry-san, in the first place the reason everything started this time was because Onee-chan was saying that she wanted to train with my Golem, so this time you should give it to me. I think Ti-chan is also thinking that it is better to do that, right? Right?”

The intimidating voice of Shisho doesn’t seem to work against Sytry, her sibling.

As if saying a prerecorded line, Sytry Onee-sama smoothly return the ball and finally asks for Tino’s consent.

Her voice isn’t as rumbling as Liz but the power inside it only allow one answer, for me to agree with her. Finally, she adds by whispering something to me.

“If you let me handle it, next time… I will buy you a new dagger and a pretty dress.”

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Let the sister fight begin! XD

And poor Tino who is in the middle this, it is like she is in the middle of two trenches without knowing where to go and is crouching as close as possible to the ground to evade the bullet. XD

Tchao à plus

Oku-san: Means madam for the wife of the owner.

Cecille: It is written セシー but Cecille sound better. But you don’t need to think too much about it as it will probably the only time when you hear her name.

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