Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 89,Part1: 1 - Evil

Chapter89,Part1: 1 - Evil

Chapter 89 Evil

Part 1

… What was Cry trying to retrieve?

So far, I have fought against many strange Monsters and Phantoms.

A living plant that eats people, a huge spider measuring more than ten meters. From a herd of hundreds of small dragon attacking from the sky to full body armor which are empty on the inside but still attacked with skillful movements.

However, even the experienced Ark who has fought many monsters have never fought against masks that can take over people’s body.

éclair’s shape remains unchanged. If it is just her silhouette, then there isn’t any change from before. However, that is why the fleshed mask that is covering her sensible appearance is terribly daunting.

“Uuuh… Myhead… Inside my head is…”

éclair sway greatly and her small hand touches the wall.

And a light glow in her hand because of the power in it.

Along with a small squeaking sound, a small hole is made in the wall. It is a force that is out of the ordinary. If you are Ark, then you can unflinchingly do it but the girl in front of him isn’t a Hunter.

She hasn’t neglected her training because of her family but she didn’t absorb much Mana Material so she shouldn’t be so powerful.

No… In the first place.

The dented armor from the guard knight on the floor. If she did it with her fist or her kick then even if she is still small, the current power éclair has is of the level of a Mid-Level Hunter.

Some Relics temporarily increase the ability of the user, but I have never heard of a Relic that would enhance the strength of a single little girl so exponentially.

There are no noticeable scratches on éclair’s limbs or body. Only her face has changed and there is no sign of the fleshed mask eroding her body.

The lightning that is bestowed into his left hand is cancelled and scattered around. Although I am not bad at hold myself back, as expect I can’t hit the daughter of a noble I knew with a lightning fist that could completely suppress Hunters, Monster and even Phantoms.

There is no way I can burn it off with the same lightning that I am always using when I am exploring.

“She called my name… Does she still have… Consciousness?”

If possible, I don’t want to do anything too rough. As far as I can see, it doesn’t seem that she has been completely hijacked.

It is necessary to judge the situation carefully.

Is it possible to separate her from the mask? If it is possible, what is the method to do it?

éclair has a sword on her waist, but she didn’t pull it out. That is why the guards are still alive.

It hasn’t become an irreversible situation yet.

éclair isn’t looking at the guard she sent flying anymore.

“A… Ku… Dono… Aaah, you must have, travel, a lot, to come here… I am……”

“éclair-sama… can you hear me?”

A hollow voice calls Ark’s name. Her small body wanders and takes a few steps to approach Ark.

His companions are spreading around in a natural way. They hold her breath so as to not irritate the girl and observe the irregular mask that is possessing her.


“I know.”

Ark makes a small nod when he hears Benetta’s voice.

The most important thing I must avoid right now is the mask… Changing host.

If that mask can enhance the immature éclair to the level of a Mid-Level Hunter, then how powerful will it be if it takes over Ark or his allies.

If it takes over Isabella or Benetta or one of Ark companions, then it will still be fine, but if it takes over Ark himself then it is over. There will be no one in the Imperial Capital who can stop him.

It is out of the norm that a Relic can take over a person by itself, but the current situation is already outside of our common sense.

éclair doesn’t answer Ark’s call. She just keeps muttering something in a whisper.

“I am… Strong… I became, strong. I won’t lose, to anyone. Whether it is a Hunter, or a knight or Otou-sama… Never, again…”

I can feel dark emotions on her words, similar to a delusion.

In the first place, éclair Gladys was eager to improve but she didn’t seem to be as eager as she is right now. At least, she wasn’t trying to get stronger to the point of wearing that mask.

éclair is always unwavering either for good or bad.

“Ojou-sama… Huh!? This, this… appearance is…”

From the other side of the other corner, a knight guard who heard the noise rushed here and when he saw her, he shockingly said that.

éclair shouts in a quivering voice.

“Shut, up… Shut up, shut up, shut upppp! Don’t look, at me… With those, eyes!”

It is a dark roar mix with her anger and her sadness.

éclair’s posture greatly tilts, her body turns around and accelerates with only one step.

Strength. Speed. From instantaneous strength to its sensation. All of éclair’s power greatly exceed what I predicted earlier. The action of jumping into the bosom of the enemy while leaning extremely forward is what a swordsman who emphasizes in offense should do, but she doesn’t hold her sword in her hand.

The guard stiffens to the unexpected appearance of the Ojou-sama he should be protecting. When she enters the range of his bosom in an instant, a small fist pierces him.

A painful blow. Along with the sound of metal squeaking, the guard is sent flying away from his stomach.

The sword éclair is wearing is a practical sword and isn’t like the ceremonial sword noble wear. It is also used for self-defense, so the blade isn’t blunted.

If she has enough strength to dent an armor with her fist, then she definitively has the strength to cut an armor off if she had pulled her sword out.

“『Hypnos Cage (Sleeping Shackles) 』.”

When éclair is showing her back, she is immediately illuminated with a shining blue light.

It is Isabella’s magic. It is a magic that acts on the human’s mind and forces them to sleep. There are only a few opponents which it is effective, but it is a powerful magic in the abnormal state category which can neutralize a target with a single blow.

At least, it isn’t something a general citizen who didn’t absorb any Mana Material can withstand.

She defenselessly receives the light without being able to perceive it. éclair’s body greatly sways, however soon after that, her foot firmly steps on the floor.

… She was able to endure it.

Isabella who was convinced of the success of her magic, is agape. éclair looks back as if nothing happened to her.

Her bloodshot eyes aren’t looking at Isabella but at Ark.


“Kuh… I am sure… It should have been a perfect surprise attack!?”

The probability of a psychological type magic attack succeeding is drastically increased when you hit them when their consciousness has no idea about it.

The fact that éclair endure it even when she doesn’t have any resistance to it, is the proof that the mask has a strong effect on her mind and has act as an antibody to her attack.

One after another, guards are gathering behind éclair and Ark’s side.

éclair being exposed to countless eyes, takes a big step and shouts.

Her expression is covered with the fleshed mask so I can’t judge it, but the emotion contained in her voice indicates éclair’s mental state.

“No… Why, are you… Looking at me… Kuh… Uuhh… Kill… I will kill youuuu… I will kill you all!”

She is screaming, but those words don’t sound the usual her so the guards surrounding her are in an uproar.

The guards guarding the mansion are genuine soldier introduced and trained by Gladys himself. They have a high fighting ability but above all they are familiar with éclair. Some of them are even training with her on a daily basis.

éclair is still immature, but she is practicing every day, she doesn’t look down on the soldiers so she was respected and admired by them.

“All who dare to take me for stupid, insulted me…”

éclair violently scratches her face covering by the fleshed mask. However, blood doesn’t flow out from the pulsating mask and there is no sign of the mask coming off.

This is a bad situation. éclair is clearly more agitated than earlier.

And the guards who rushed here… Are facing against a monster whose face is covered by a fleshed mask and are showing their repulsion to the little girl.

Confusion and fear are spread easily.

Ark steps forward without saying anything.

“Everyone stands down! We will negotiate.”

“…… Understood. Did you hear that? Everyone stands down!”

Armelle who is next to Ark and in a position to be ready to jump at any moment, screamed to the guards after guessing Ark’s intention.

It was fortunate that we had visited the mansion many times. The guards who are surrounding us are slightly relieve from Ark’s companion words and take some distances.

éclair’s hand which was scratching herself gently stops. After confirming this, Ark slowly closes the distance.

I don’t know the detailed effect of the Relic but nine out of ten, it is a psychoactive type. However, this doesn’t mean that éclair is completely unconscious.

From her actions so far…… From the reaction she shows when the situation is changing, we can conclude that the Relic may boost a specific emotion at the cost of enhancing your power.

Her mind seems to be quite unstable but if she is still conscious then negotiations should still be possible. If we can stop her from being agitated, then we can find new ways to help her.

If it continues like this, éclair with her enhanced power, keep fighting guards then casualty will appear. This is the only thing that must be avoided.

Ark raises and opens both of his hands wide to show that he isn’t here to harm her and speaks to éclair.

“éclair-sama, please calm down…”

“Fuuu, fuuu… Ahrk… Dono…”

I take a deep breath and smile at her to soothe her.

As a magic swordsman, Ark has high reflexes and high physical ability. I confirmed éclair’s speed earlier, it was quite fast but even if she jumps at me from a close distance there is still enough difference in ability, I still have enough time to avoid her.

éclair advance one step, and then another one. She is coming one step at a time.

Her movement doesn’t show any intention to harm him. To Ark who is looking at her small steps, she looks like a lost child wandering around.

“I got it, I got my hand, on it.”


“With this, if you have this… Ahrk-dono can become the strongest. That was my reason. I have fought… for this reason, it should have been… So why…”

“… Thank you very much, éclair-sama.”

Her words are told to Ark, but it sounds like as if it she was telling it to herself.

If you listen to her voice carefully, she seems sad and regretting it deep down.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

What are you going to do now Ark? The enemy is éclair! You can’t cut her so you gotta do what all shonen manga protagonist have to do to wake someone who is possessed by something XD

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