Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 78,Part2: 2 - Appraisal Result

Chapter78,Part2: 2 - Appraisal Result

Chapter 78 Appraisal Result

Part 2

“It is not often that you seem to have been done in. You don’t have any injury?”

“There is no injury! Because the opponent was only three fallen 『Thief (Tozoku) 』 Hunters. The one who destroyed the store was our security guarddd! It has been a while since he last used his Relics so he couldn’t hold back is the kind of nonsense he was spouting! Damn! I didn’t lend you my Relics so you can break my store!”

… So, the culprit wasn’t the robber.

Even when the security guard was pointed out his line of sight doesn’t move at all. Isn’t this what it means when you say only weirdo gather around weirdo. And how good are you to be able to crush a Red Party just by using Relics equipped on you. At least he looks stronger than me.

Perhaps because he was satisfied of all his screaming, Martis-san drinks to wet his throat and sigh deeply.

“So, what do you want? If you want to compensate, I don’t need it, the bounty on the Red puts me in the clear. My granddaughter has also come to visit me.”

“But, still…”

“I don’t need your apology for the rumors. To be led by the nose by someone else… There is no way that the strongest Relics exist! If there is such a thing, I would love to see it!”

Without taking a breath Martis-san says what he wanted to say and hit his fist on the counter.

Even if there is the worst Relic, there isn’t a strongest Relic is one of his favorite quotes for a decade since I met him.

Apparently, he doesn’t believe in the rumor at all.

Is it because he does trust me or because he doesn’t trust me? Either way, his stubborn words made me feel a little bit better.

I make a smile and decide to end it in a nice way.

“The strongest Relic… perhaps the scariest thing isn’t the Relics, but it may be people’s heart, right?”

“Shut up! What is scariest is you because just by wanting to buy a Relic you can become the center of attention!”

Martis-san frown and yells this. You’re goddamn right.

I sigh deeply and show my agreement.

“Yes, there are no limit to people’s stupidity.”

“Shut up! Don’t say empty words like that!”

Compared to that how big is my ten-digit debt.

By the way, if you think about it calmly, even if I marry it doesn’t mean the debt will disappear.

Sytry is quickly cleaning everything up. How did she convinced the knights who came to investigate the site, to get involved in it and follows her instruction? For the time being, the debris inside will be quickly cleared up.

『Magiz Tail』 also doubles as Martis-san’s home. Unless you put a door back, it will become a bigger problem than security measures. Do you want me to consult it with Eva after I return to the Clan House?

“By the way, were you able to appraise that thing?”

Regardless of the circumstances, that Relic is already the center of attention in the Imperial Capital.

I don’t know why éclair-jou misunderstands it as the strongest Relic but if its ability is confirmed, then the fuss will calm down. The use of transformational Relic is restricted in the Imperial Capital. Nobles also have their own reputation to be careful about, the bidding price should also drop significantly.

In response to my simple wish, Martis-san shakes his head.

“Hm… Aah, yes. I carefully checked in some document… But I wasn’t able to assess its ability.”

To the answer I expected, I drop my shoulder a little bit.

Martis-san’s take pride in his work and that is why he won’t hide the risks, but he won’t bet his life on an appraisal.

“The risk usage is classified S because there are many troublesome parts with masks-type. Expression show the essence of human being, mask-type Relics that hide it often bring changes in your mind or your body. The activation condition is restricted in quite a few of them. I tried to use a Golem and activate it, but nothing happened. Considering the shape of the mask, it will probably not activate unless it is put on a living creature.”

“…… I see.”

“Nine out of ten it isn’t something decent. If they understand this and still win the bid, then it is their own responsibility.”

As expected of him. It is already difficult to put a Relic into a Golem and activate it. So even in this Imperial Capital, Martis-san is probably the only one who should be able to do it.

Previously, when I obtain the 『Reverse Face (Facial Transformation) 』 from the group of bandit, there was a testimony from someone in the gang so I understood its effect but if it can’t be appraised after Martis-san did so much then it means that it is difficult to know its effect unless you cross that bridge.

In the Relics Auction, the appraisal of the item’s power and all the discovery from the appraiser are announced. If Martis-san announce the same thing as what he said just now, then many Hunters who are desperately trying to buy it should wake up.

But if that happen, then the last hurdle remaining will be that éclair-jou. I don’t know why but she is hung up in the illusion that it is the strongest Relic. The noble Ojou-sama would probably not understand the danger with just Martis-san’s words.

Businesses companies will probably not go down unless éclair-jou gives up on the bid.

“Cry’s party symbol also has an outrageous appearance, but the risk of the fleshed mask is even higher. I don’t know why everyone would be desperate to get that.”

“I am the most trouble in all this, it looks like everything is blamed on me. To be honest, I hope the Auction will end soon. In the first place, no matter how strong your Relic is and how used to the Relics you are, if the recipient is weak it is useless, right?”

Even if someone strong have or don’t have a Relic, he will stay strong and if the one who has it is weak then he will stay weak. This is why, exploration of “Strange Grief” isn’t stopping.

According to Sytry-chan, in the present era, the greatest 『Characteristic』seems to be human strength.

Previous civilization was well-developed, but the seed called human species wasn’t strong. Although the degree of development in our civilization is not as high as before, the strength of human being is the strongest.

“… You are damn right. Everyone is picturing to much of their ideal on the Relics.”

Martis-san nods strongly to my words.

I assess the situation and assume the worst and the best scenario.

The best is for the Ojou-sama, businesses companies and other Hunters to give up on the Relic and I get it at a low price.

And the worst is… for the Ojou-sama or the businesses companies to get the Relics… Use it without fearing the risks, discover its effect and come knock at my door because it was a different effect than what they expected.

It is an unreasonable story but she is a noble precious princess so I don’t know what she would do. As far as authority is concern, my side is overwhelmingly inferior so I don’t know what will happen.

I don’t need that Relic anymore. But if you give it to me, I will take it, but I wouldn’t think of using Sytry’s marriage funds to get it.

However, since the origin of the turmoil is me, I should keep a preventive line.

I don’t want to do it since it will be very annoying but if I leave such troublesome thing unattended, it will become even more troublesome later.

“Taking into account the words of Martis-san, do you want to talk to éclair-jou at least once… Will you come with me?”

When Sytry hears that when was busy cleaning up. She put her hand on her cheek and gives me a melting smile.

“Of course, Cry-san. Let’s go see the Ojou-sama who got infuriated with Ark-san and tell her more about us, to make her understand better about us.”

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

I wonder if Strange Grief Mask has a special effect even if there are no holes for the eyes, like they can see the flow of Mana Material or something!

Cry so you gonna meet éclair I hope that you don’t make more problem because of this XD

But well it is Cry we are talking about so we can expect some good misunderstanding!

Tchao à plus!

I put this because Breaking Bad/Heisenberg but it is more like Cry says it in a regretful tone.

Ojou-sama: Mistress as in master

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