Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 74,Part1: 1 - Negotiation

Chapter74,Part1: 1 - Negotiation

Chapter 74 Negotiation

Part 1

We got new information from Martis-san after he contacted the owner of the 『Reverse Face (Facial Transformation) 』, so we are now heading to negotiate.

The one following next to me as an escort is Sytry who isn’t showing any sign of disgust although I owe her a tremendous debt and still ask for more.

“There is no problem. It will only push my research a little bit later, but I can recover some extent by selling spare materials and potions I have in stock for cash.”

“I am sorry?”

“Cry-san doesn’t have to worry about anything at all. I don’t really like that but as a last resort, I can borrow money from a bank. Alchemists have good credit when they are getting a loan.”


“Onee-chan is also cooperating with me… It is a Relic that is absolutely necessary right? I will show you that I can get it by any means necessary.”

“…… Un, un, you are right…”

“For our projects… It is fine to postpone them. I don’t really like it, but it is fine to postpone them.”

Sytry hold her fist making her expression feeling even more tragic. Now, I don’t have the courage to say it is for me precious sweets shop.

Apparently, my timing was bad, it seems that Sytry and the other had something they wanted.

As expect even for me, I can’t put myself first when Sytry is holding herself back. I wanted to withdraw my request, but it was already too late. It is not only today, Sytry had always the tendency to give me the priority over herself.

Sytry continues to smile with a happy expression.

“However, I have to confirm the required amount first… As a last resort, we will somehow manage it as the owner is a Hunter. Negotiation is my specialty.”

Her smile is terrifying. What kind of emotion are hidden behind it? Today I am not blind enough to not see the inner grudge she has.

You say you will manage it somehow but what are you going to do… If it is possible, I would like to end it with just this negotiation.

Liz purposely went to a Shrine to get me more money. Apparently, she will rush off to multiple Shrines with low difficulty Level. I have never heard of speed running multiple Shrines, but I didn’t have the time to stop her.

I just received a big favor. Am I a sponger? Am I sponging off them?

However, there is still hope remaining.

I was able to set up a negotiation with the other party. Depending on the result, I won’t have the need to force Sytry’s hand.

Direct negotiation is a double-edge sword. There is a merit of getting the Relic you want first but there is also the possibility that the opponent can see your cards.

If a high amount of money is brought up in the negotiation, but the negotiation failed and there was no other competitor during the auction. In the end, it is possible that I win the bid at a far cheaper price than the amount of money you offered during negotiation.

This time, the targeted Relic looks awful. It is at a level where a normal Hunter wouldn’t take it back… The other party probably want to dispose it as soon as possible.

If we manage it well, we can get it pretty cheaply.

If it was someone I know, it would have been easier. But this Relic was found in a Shrine far from here. It seems that the Hunter who brought it in was from another country, the probability of knowing him is low.

“If the owner is generous then I wouldn’t need to bring out the heavy artillery…”

Sytry-chan remarks are getting more and more dangerous.

She is an Alchemist who is weak to hand-to-hand combat. That statement is probably a joke but Sytry has previous offence where her jokes doesn’t end up as a joke.

The sky was clear without any clouds, but my heart was full of anxiety.


The place of negotiation is a tavern next to the Imperial Capital Explorer Association Branch… It is in the 『Challenger’s Learning Spot』.

It is full of Hunters returning from the Shrines, twenty-four hours a day and three hundred and sixty-five days a year. It is said to be the most famous tavern in the Imperial Capital. If you want to know the most recent rumor of the Imperial Capital, you should go there.

The quality of the alcohol and food isn’t good, but the price is low, I often see newbie Hunters who tend to be poor gathering together and party inside. There are many seats and reservation can be made, so it is the perfect place for a discussion.

I use come here many times but after Liz and Luke were ban from getting in, I never went there again.

For how many hours were they here, there are Hunters who are drinking regardless of the time of the day. I head to the meeting table.

I check the seat far away. I stopped my legs when I saw the Hunters gathering around the table.

Sytry opens her eyes which she rarely does and puts her hands on her lips as if she was surprise.

“Oh… Well, well, well. What do we have here…?”

This is troubling…

I check around with a slight glimmer of hope, but the meeting table wasn’t wrong… The one who is here are those who had been hit by Liz when we were at the Golden Pavilion, it was Arnold Hale and his companions.

There aren’t many Hunters who have a party of eight peoples, so there is no doubt.

At this time, there should be a lot of Hunters coming in from outside but why did I pull the worst straw…

My war potential here is only Sytry. If the opponent is a Level 7 vanguard, then there is nothing we can do if something goes wrong.

Should we go home now…

For a moment that kind of thought passed in my head but the negotiation this time involved Martis-san. Even though he was busy, he took the trouble to set up this meeting. No matter how much I suspect him of being a Lolicon who is all Deredere with Tino, I can’t throw mud on his face.

In the first place, the one who went close to him was only Liz, maybe there is a possibility that he doesn’t remember me… There should be.

Right, I am sure that he doesn’t remember me. Even though I say it, my face is kind of plain and I was sitting in the deepest part. At least, if I was in Arnold position… Before forgetting about him, I won’t even remember him.

When I try to encourage myself while standing still, Sytry approaches them without worrying about my thought.

Even though we had some trouble with them the other day, what a great courage! I haven’t prepared myself, but I couldn’t let her go alone, so I rushed to pursue her small back.

Arnold looks up at the approaching shadow. As usual, he seems to be in a bad mood.

For the love of god, forget about me. Without hearing my last prayer, his expression severely turns for the worst.

Entourage A next to him shouts when he sees Sytry and me.

“Ah, you bastards are…”

“Thank you very much to have accepted today’s negotiation. Arnold-san!”

Without being afraid of his expression, Sytry cheerfully and openly speaks

Her eyes aren’t acting, they are shining *Kirakira*.

Speaking of which, Sytry liked men like Arnold… The voice of Entourage A disappears as if it were drowned into that shining smile.

Arnold who sees that smile point the opposite chair with his chin.

I sat down while keeping my stomach from aching because of the tension.

And then, the negotiations started.

§ § §

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

As always Cry is being dense but at least he feel bad for Sytry XD

And the owner of the mask was indeed Arnold. How are you going to buy it now Cry XD

Tchao à plus!

Deredere: It means someone being lovestruck so Martis is being king and gentle to Tino.

Kirakira: It means that Sytry’s eyes are shining, like she has star on her eyes.

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