Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 107,Part1: 1 - Fun Vacation ②

Chapter107,Part1: 1 - Fun Vacation ②?

Chapter 107 Fun Vacation ②?

Part 1

Usually, I stayed in the Clan Master room during the day but that was for self-defence, so I was not doing this because I liked to stay inside.

It is just, I had too many encounters in the Imperial Capital. If I just walked outside everyone and anyone would aim for my life, like when I got entangled with Ahrun and Marie’s case.

However, we were not in the Imperial Capital. Nobody knows that I was in this satellite city with no special features.

The number of people who know my face was far less than in the Imperial Capital. And if it was raining right now, there was almost no chance that I would be noticed if I put on my hood.

Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t that bad. I was shocked when I heard that the storm was following us but if you think about it rationally, it is impossible.

My expectation for this vacation was gradually growing. The me right now was free.

I ran away and left my work but what about it, wasn’t it good to do things like this sometimes.

Liz, who was walking aimlessly nearby, stumbled without tripping on anything in particular. The water inside the puddle splashed on her as she stepped on it. This was a rare sight.

Was she feeling bad or something? As I stared at her, she noticed my gaze and laughed as she did something bad.

“Hehehe…… Sorry. I forgot how to walk, while leaving an opening…… As I haven’t done that for years……”

“I, I see……”

Wasn’t this somehow different from what I requested? Was the kind of question I swallowed back.

My only request was to enjoy the vacation like any adult and that’s all, if I said that it was okay for her to stay natural, then she will probably return to be the Genocide Monster. This girl only knows how to accelerate.

In that case, I should take it upon me and make up for her later.

Although she did it awkwardly, she put her hands together on her back and showed me a face full of smiles.

“However…… Un. Being like this is kind of fresh, so I might enjoy myself, maybe?”


It was something wonderful to find anything enjoyable. Maybe I should try to learn from Liz’s way of living.

When I was think about that, Sytry and Tino who had left us by ourself for some business, came back in a short run. Deeply hidden in her hood, her light pink eyes were quietly shining.

“Excuse me and thank you for waiting.”

“No, I haven’t waited. Did you have some matters to attend?”

I can’t think of any matter she needed to attend to as soon as entering the town but she went out before even searching for an inn while it was raining, so it must have been a very important matter.

At my casual question, Sytry covered her mouth and said shyly.

“No………… I went to block my information network.”


“It was supposed to immediately contact me if there was something happening but………… That wasn’t good, right? And also like, making some arrangements to abolish the lord………… Aaah, I am so defenseless…… I feel a little bit excited *dokidoki*. This is also another lesson right……?”

“Un, un, you are right……”

Not knowing how to cut any corners was their strengths but also their weaknesses. What I wanted to prohibit was the action that could lead to any incident, I didn’t mean to prohibit even your eyes and your ears, but it was very difficult to correct her as I was the one requesting it to them. Please just be normal, normal……

Liz whistled quietly and looked at me.

“Ehー, not bad. Maybe me too, Cry-chan, should I also tie my legs too?”

“It is fine even if you don’t tie them……”

We were not trying to have handicaps. I said that you should hold back. I just said that you should spend time leisurely.

Was Tino the only one who was normal?

When I gave a glance at Tino, she hid behind Sytry as if she was frightened. She wasn’t able to be successfully hidden as there was a difference in their height, but when I thought that she was all Master, Master just the other day, I am a little shocked. No matter what, I have to restore my dignity during this trip.

However, I can’t come up with any method. The people who I was always depending on, came with me. To destroy my images of being useless, I will probably need to take a considerable amount of effort.

Sytry, one of the main reasons that made me an useless person, asked me a question.

“Cry-san, what do we do for the inn? Even if we are temporarily on a vacation, I still think that we should get an inn with a certain quality attached to it……”

“…… Can we stay in one today?”

Although it wasn’t a tourist spot, 【Elan】 was a transit city leading to the Imperial Capital. And there was a storm yesterday, so inns must be full.

To my question, Sytry lightly smiled without showing her thoughts.

“…… We can stay in one if we use Cry-san’s name.”

What kind of value can my powerless name have……

I feel sad saying that but let’s leave that aside, High-Level Hunters were, at the end, favored. I felt bad about it so I rarely use my privilege but, indeed, if I use the power of being a Level 8 I might be able to get one or two rooms in an inn.

However, this was bad. Right now, I was running away and skipping work.

“Denied. We are in the middle of a trip. Let’s see…… Right now, we aren’t Hunters.”

This was why I won’t accept any requests nor will fight or work. Even if someone asked me if I was 《Infinite Variety》 when I was walking, I will answer that he got the wrong person. I won’t even train. This was what a vacation is.

“This is…… Such a fresh thought, I think that this is a great idea.”

Sytry quietly praised me for what I said when I could only think of it as a rubbish joke.

It was those kinds of things that made me useless. No, I am really sorry. Someone please refute me.

“Heeee…… It looks really fun to hide your identity when traveling! Just like a spy! You think so too, right Ti?”

“Someone, someone like me can’t uncover Master’s true intent at all.”

“If we do it, we should put our all on it………… Later, I will brag to Luke-chan and the others about it.”

And so I realized it for the first time.

About the Members with me this time…… There was no one who would stop me. There are only Members who will fall with me If I fall in a hole. I should have at least brought Eva with us.

It was only a story about taking responsibility, but I won’t be the only casualties if there were any.

When I was struck by an unspeakable anxiety, Sytry tightly grabbed my hand.

“I understand, Cry-san’s true intent. Let me prepare all the setup.”

§ § §

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Haha so that is how Liz and Sytry understood Cry’s request for no training during vacation.

Walking and having as much information as any regular citizen XD

But if that is a training to be a regular citizen isn’t that also a training? XD

Looks like we have Tino point of view in the next part. I always look forward to how others think of Cry!

Tchao à plus!


Dokidoki: Here it can be translated as nervous or excited but I think that it is better if she is excited as strange grief like to challenge themselves.

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