SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 59: Chapter 59: Family Bonding

Chapter 59: Chapter 59: Family Bonding

Huge thanks to Robert and Jake for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd POV] [Wayne Manor]

Walking into the Wayne Manor from the Batcave, Gwen inwardly groaned 'This is going to suck' Gwen thought, knowing that her Dad was definitely going to question what the hell happened to her, which would probably involve DNA tests and a lot of questions.

Walking into the living room of the Manor, and noticing Alfred, Dick, and Bruce, Gwen spoke "Before you three freak out, yes, it's me, Gwen. No I don't know how this happened, yes it's probably due to my powers, and no, it's not harming me in any way"

"What do you mea-Ah..." Dick asked, before turning around and seeing what she was talking about. Bruce soon did the same, his eyes widening slightly, while Alfred just chuckled slightly.

"Always surprising, Young Miss" Alfred said with a smile.

"Yeah, well, this was sort of surprising to me too. I don't look that bad, do I?" Gwen asked, noticing the looks she was receiving from her brother and pops.

"You look quite elegant, at least, I believe so. It is...surpsrising, but not the weirdest thing that has happened to you" Alfred said with a smile, not really bothered by Gwen's evident change.

"So uh, when did all that happen?" Dick asked, looking at Gwen.

"A couple of hours ago. Was in the bathroom, felt a surge of pain, and then boom! I go unconscious and wake up like this" Gwen said, motioning to her form.

"And you're sure it's not harming you? A random change like this can have unforeseen side effects, it would be best to do some tests, to make sure your power isn't harming yo-" "I'm fine dad, really. I'd know if it was harming me, with how in tune with my body I am" Gwen said, cutting off Bruce from his evident worries.

"What does "In tune with my body" mean?" Dick asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm? Oh that, I can perceive and perfectly control my own DNA, meaning, I am always aware of any discrepancies with it. Which is why I wasn't freaking the hell out, because the changes that are happening to me, aren't negative, but positive" Gwen replied, forgetting that they weren't aware of that power.

"Positive how?" Bruce asked, looking at his daughter seriously.

"You know, the basics of having your species changed into something magical in nature. Strengthened magic, stronger physical strength, stuff like that" Gwen said with a shrug.

"Your species is changing? Into what?" Dick asked, slightly worried for his sister.

"Hell if I know. But it's nothing bad, if it was, I probably wouldn't be here right now, instead, I'd be in my lab trying to stop it from happening" Gwen replied with a smile, calming her brothers worries.

"Well...it does looks kinda cool, the horns, hands, and overall getup, I mean" Dick replied, not lying about how cool he thought she looked.

"I'm glad my adorable little brother thinks so! Now, what movie are we watching?" Gwen said, giving Dick a small hug, before flopping onto the couch in between Bruce and Dick.

"I was thinking Lord of the Rings, I've heard good things about it, but have never watched it" Bruce said, causing Gwen to look to her dad in horror.

"You-You've never seen Lord of the Rings?!" Gwen asked in mock horror.

Rolling his eyes, Bruce replied "I have a lot to do, Gwen. I don't normally have time for movies and tv"

"I've never seen it either" Dick added with a shrug.

Looking in between the two, Gwen shook her head "What a travesty, an absolute travesty" Gwen muttered.

"Alright, this has turned from a family bonding day, to me showing you the absolute masterpiece that is "Lord of the Rings". Oh, and we're watching all the movies, so be ready to stay up late!" Gwen said with a grin, turning on Lord of the Rings, while Dick and Bruce looked to eachother.

"I think we've made a mistake" Bruce said, causing Dick to nod.

"We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?" Dick asked, as Gwen rolled her eyes at their whispering.

"Oh most definitely" Bruce nodded, causing Dick to sigh.

"Well, at least it's fantasy, and only one series" Dick said, causing Alfred, who was on the side, to grin.

"Ah, Master Bruce, I don't believe you've ever watched Star Wars either, have you?" Alfred asked, causing Gwen's head to snap to Bruce with wide eyes.

"You-" "You haven't watched Star Wars either?! Oh hell no, we're going to be watching those too! Even if we have to pull an all nighter" Gwen said, cutting her dad off, horrified at the fact that her dad hadn't watched that either.

"Oh...I am getting you back for this, Alfred"

"I'd want nothing less, Master Bruce" Alfred said with a smile, before walking off, while Bruce and Dick sighed. Inwardly though, Bruce had a different thought 'Thank you Alfred'

Afterall, he didn't mind watching more movies, if it meant he could spend more time with his family.

[Several Hours of Masterclass cinema later]



"I don't think anything will ever top that" Dick said, awed as the credits to Return of the King. "Is it possible for a fantasy movie to be better than that?" Bruce asked, also slightly awed by the show. Having never seen a fantasy movie on such a level.

"Nope, only thing that could come close, is Game of Thrones. And I doubt that'll surpass it" Gwen said, grinning at the state of her brother and dad. Both of them were completely hooked by the second movie, and in awe by the end of the last movie.

"And you say Star Wars is on the same level as that? But in Sci-Fi?" Bruce asked, looking to


"Mmhmm. Probably the best Sci-Fi movies ever made" "The original trilogy at least. The prequels are pretty good, but not on the same level, and the less said about the sequels, is better' Gwen thought, remembering just how bad the sequels were.

"And there's three of them?"

"Yep! New hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. The second one is probably the best one" Gwen answered, remembering her first time watching Empire Strikes Back, and the emotions she felt while watching it.

'Plus, Leia was my first crush, and the one that made me realize I'm lesbian' Gwen thought, remembering just how much the series meant to her.

"Now, let's get ready for another 6 hours of masterclass cinema"

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additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like more than 35 exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!

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That's the end of the chapter!

The chapter was rather short, but that's because it was basically just some family moments, and her being flabbergasted that they haven't watched Star Wars or Lord of the Rings (Some of the best cinema in history, btw).

Next chapter will be some more intermission/slice of life before the first world travel. It'll be a date with Raven, most likely. It'll probably be roughly the same length as this chapter. Next world is most likely going to be Legend of Korra, RWBY after that, and then Owl House after that. There will be a world in between LOK and RWBY, a world I do think you guys will

really enjoy.

The new system function will be shown in a few chapters, for when she does her first world

travel. It'll be a rather powerful and helpful function.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

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