Speed Is King

Chapter 64

“Please describe the situation and setting to me, Master.” Wu Kong’s voice rang out calmly in my public mindspace.

Elliot quickly described everything to him.

“What do you suggest we do, Wu Kong?” Elliot asked him after he finished his descriptions.

“Ellie’s poison will be the key in this fight, so coat all of your claws with it. However, if the spider is truly as big as you say, then she would need to sink at least one good attack on it for the poison to be effective.

Therefore, we need to create an opportunity for her to do so.

Position Ellie in a tall building, and use everything at your disposal to lead the spider towards that building.

I would suggest unsummoning the two mammoths and elephants for the initial stage, and only using the others to harass it. Use the town’s buildings to your advantage and avoid a frontal fight with it. Disperse, launch quick attacks and immediately escape whether or not the attacks succeed, all the while leading the spider towards Ellie.

When the spider is near Ellie’s position, use the mammoths and elephants to wound and distract the spider, and Ellie can use that opportunity to attack and poison it to death.”

“Excellent idea. Sounds simple enough.” Brock rumbled.

“This is just the general outline. Do not be afraid to improvise during the heat of battle.” Wu Kong said.

“Hmmm. Excellent suggestions. Armored Kaijins 1 through 6, get back here first. You guys will only be a distraction. The rest of you, go to Ellie and get some poison on your claws and then disperse! Ellie, get to that clock tower near the East Gate after you’re done. Gogogo!” Elliot instructed.

“Camelia, you’re with me. Your mission is simple’¦ Blind that bastard!”

“Leave it to me, boss.” Camelia said confidently. Of course at that point, her confidence was born out of ignorance of how powerful and horrifically disgusting her enemy was.

“Let’s go!” Elliot clapped his hands and his beasts immediately crowded around Ellie, the not-so-little Venemous Royal Black Bear.

“Grrrr. Ok next! Grrrrrrr. Next!” Ellie bared her fangs and excreted a little poison on each of her customers’ claws.

While they were doing that, the disgusting purple Brood Mother had finally left her hole and revealed her supremely nasty body for the world to see.

And what a nasty body it truly was!

Instead of having eight legs like all the reasonable spiders of the world, it had sixteen!

“Guhhh’¦ Sixteen legs on a giant purple spider is truly gross.” Elliot said with great distaste.

“Whaaa-at? Sixteen legs? Giant PURPLE spider?” Camelia’s eyes opened so widely that for a second, Elliot worried that her eyes would pop out of her eye sockets.

“Don’t worry. We will be keeping our distance and hiding until you’re ready to shoot, so we’ll be safe. Just make sure you blind it as quickly as you can. There are uhh’¦ One, two, three, four’¦ Uhh many eyes. Twenty maybe? Make sure you get them all!” Elliot transformed into his Primal Feline Warrior form and beckoned Camelia to hop on.

Camelia gulped nervously and clambered up Elliot’s back.

“This is your first battle, and it will be extremely scary. Courage is not the absence of fear, but action in spite of fear. So be courageous! You can do it, Camelia!” Elliot encouraged her.

“Yes. I will be courageous! I will blind the purple bastard!” Camelia took a deep breath and took a deep breath. “For my family!”

Camelia drew strength from her grief and allowed her emotions to slowly energize her.

“Yes. For our families!” Elliot agreed and narrowed his eyes in determination as well. “For Jennifer!”

“Let’s go!”


The nasty purple spider let out its creepy scream and began to turn around slowly, tasting the air and deciding which of the large number of prey which suddenly appeared she would eat first.

Elliot couldn’t help but chuckle very slightly even through all his pumped up state when he saw the nasty spider lock on to Brock and began skittering towards him.

As expected, Brock’s mournful wail immediately sounded in the public mindspace.

“Damn it! DAMN IT! Why is it coming after me?” Brock howled grievously.

“Gramps! Run! Big scary spider coming eat you!” Ellie shouted from way behind him. She was completely out of position as she had to spend a lot of time coating poison over so many beasts!

And because she wasn’t in position yet, there was no clear direction that Brock could run away to, so he dashed away from the East Gate and towards the South Gate to draw it away and allow Ellie a safe passage to her clock tower.

“Hold on tight!” Elliot shouted to Camelia through his communicator and he immediately burst out with great speed towards the South Gate as well! He was running parallel but behind Brock and slightly behind the nasty spider as well.

“Activate [Charge]!” A surge of energy instantly filled Elliot’s legs and he accelerated rapidly until he was going at double his previous speed.

He quickly overtook the spider.

“Can you shoot its eyes?” Elliot shouted.

“No! You’re going too fast! I’m barely able to hold on to you!” Camelia shouted back.

Elliot narrowed his eyes and his mind raced for a solution.

“There!” He exclaimed to himself as he spied a religious building with a tall tower on its side. He leapt up a small building and quickly made his way to the tower.

“Get ready to shoot!” Elliot told Camelia.


With one last leap, Elliot shot upwards from the top of a two storey shophouse next to the religious building and onto its four storey tall tower!

“Now! Shoot its eyes now!” Elliot shouted when he landed nimbly on the tower.


Five laser beams shot out from Camelia’s gun and accurately struck five of the nasty spider’s many eyes!

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