Speed Is King

Chapter 107

“He extends his heartfelt curses on you and your family.” Romarok replied with a slight chuckle.

“So be it.” Elliot shrugged. “Without him, we can’t take on the Belcher now. I will need to power up and also get my other Apostles to power up as well. Let’s clear out the other King Level beasts first. There should be one more pack back where the other wolf is.”

“Let’s go then. I hope fourth brother is still alive.” Romarok said.

“Now that you’re on my side, I hope so too.” Elliot replied. “I’ve sent my other Apostle to deal with it earlier.”

“WHAT? Ask him to pull back, damn it!” Romarok shouted.

“Can you assure his cooperation?” Elliot turned to look at Romarok questioningly.

“YES! YES I CAN! Pull back! That’s a King level beast he’s controlling!” Romarok shouted again urgently.

“Fine. Red, how’s the situation?” Elliot asked Red in his public mindspace.

“Bad! Very bad! Can’t talk! Come over and help me if you can! Bye!” Red shouted maniacally as though he was being chased by fearsome monsters.

Well considering the situation, it was probably exactly what was happening.

“Let’s go.” Elliot told Romarok grimly.

As a beast under a slave contract, Romarok shared Elliot’s public mindspace too, and could hear Red’s panicked voice as well.

Immediately, both of them increased their flying speed and flew towards Red, the fourth wolf and the four King level beasts which were giving Red so much grief.





They heard the four beasts’ creepy battle cries before they saw them.

“Gah. I hate fighting with creepy monsters.” Elliot muttered. “Give me ten fierce wild beasts any day rather than a single creepy horror freakshow!”

“Those are Stitched Pixie Witches.” Romarok said in a slightly worried voice. “We had access to infest them, but there were no volunteers. And thankfully, with so many other powerful Kings available and so few of us, our leader didn’t force anyone to take them despite them having very high levels.”

The Stitched Pixie Witches had finally entered their line of sight, and one of them was already speeding towards them.

“Damn it. A hundred! I’d rather fight a hundred wild beasts than one like that! What a revolting monster! GAH!” Elliot cursed once more when he saw how the Stitched Pixie Witches looked like clearly.

He had seen them from a distance earlier on, but they didn’t look disgusting from so far away.

Now that he was studying it closely to prepare for a tough fight with it, he could feel waves of disgust just assaulting him from all directions.

“What’s with all the horrifying female monsters?! First it was the freaky naked woman, now this spider lady wanabe!!” Elliot expressed his heartfelt complaints to the public mindspace.

All four Stitched Pixie Witches looked different. Like their name suggests, they were all relatively small like pixies at a modest two meters tall, they were all female and most importantly, they were all full of stitches.

Appendages, hands, feet, wings, claws, tails, eyeballs and even other crazy organs were all stitched onto their bodies. And the most disgusting thing was, they were all functioning!

Eyeballs twitched this way and that way while all the appendages were moving discordantly. With purpose yes, but with jerking motions that seemed highly unnatural.

The one approaching them had four utterly massive spider legs stitched onto her waist and which raised her up a few meters off the ground.

Seven strange arms which ended in claws and fingers were stitched unevenly around her back and ribs.

Two totally different horns were even protruding out from her head!

And finally, she had short stubby bat wings that were unable to bear the full weight of its body, and so it could only leap up and fly in short bursts.

Which, of course, made it so much more creepy to behold.

Imagine a 2-meter tall freaky woman with all of the above mentioned stitched on appendages hopping up in powerful bursts with all of her arms stretched out towards you shrieking and screaming for your blood.

It was a terrifying sight to behold.

“I guess now’s the wrong time to hoard points.” Elliot muttered. “Hawk! Another 10 Gigantic Mystery Boxes, and as before, dump all free attribute points into Strength!”


[120 random items generated.]

[72 points assigned to Strength.]

[9.2 points assigned to Reflexes.]

[5.2 points assigned to Intelligence.]

[8.6 points assigned to Endurance.]

[7.8 points assigned to Beast Affinity.]

[15.5 points assigned to Luck.]

[Thirty one other items received and stored.]

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 224!]

As before, Elliot felt as though he was propelled all the way up into the top of the world where he was showered with life giving elixirs and deluged in the water of life.

His senses sharpened like never before and every single cell in his body seemed as though they were overflowing with pure unadulterated energy!


A sharp reptilian roar chock full of excitement filled the air as Elliot suddenly burst forward with explosive speed.

Azure Lightning Blast!

A powerful beam of bluish ice energy crackling with lightning arcs all over it shot out of Elliot’s mouth and smashed accurately into the spider freak show as it was leaping up with overwhelming strength!



The Stitched Pixie Witch was thrown violently back by Elliot’s powerful Azure Lightning Blast and she crashed onto the ground heavily. Its body had suffered serious frost damage, and was partially disabled.

Elliot’s massive increase in strength had qualitatively improved his attack once more, and now he was strong enough to deal serious damage to King level beasts.

In fact, with his extremely overpowered skills with ridiculous damage multipliers, he might even be able to fight with two mid tier King level beasts!


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