Speed Is King

Chapter 100

Aooooo. Aooooo!

“Still unwilling to die? Fine! I will personally finish the job!” Elliot muttered and dived into quickly fading red dust.

“Lightning Slash! Ughhh!!” Elliot nearly vomited in disgust when he finally saw the miserable state the freaky woman was in.

There are no words to describe the mangled and bloody state that she was in.

None. The author tried and failed to come up with any that could adequately express the sickening, nauseating and utterly gut-emptying view that Elliot had to deal with at that moment.

Elliot closed his eyes and slashed at both their necks.

Aoghhh!! Ghhhhh!!!

Choking sounds began to emanate from the dying body of the freaky woman as Elliot did a slapdash job of beheading her.

“Gahhh.” Elliot trembled lightly in disgust as he circled around to finish the job properly.


He dodged one of her arms which was waving around feebly, trying to grab a hold of the evil being who had so ruthlessly exploded a bomb near her.

“Man up and finish it!” Elliot told himself sternly.

He dived and struck at both their necks once more.

Lightning Strike!

He scored a perfect hit and sent their heads rolling away from her body.

And with that, the freaky two headed woman finally died.

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 201!]

[Congratulations on reaching Lord Level. Apostle System expanded.]

[Initiating Astral Canvas mode.]

[Frosty has levelled up to level 166 for killing a level 325 Sightless Shapeshifting Horror.]

“Astral Canvas? Interesting! And damnn finally level 201! Nice! That woman may be extremely scary, she sure is generous with her XP!” Elliot whooped for joy at the relatively high increase in levels as he turned his head away before opening his eyes.

Just in time to see a streak of lightning shooting out of one of the hydra’s remaining heads!

Elliot’s reflexes allowed him to quickly dodge to one side as the lightning bolt flashed past him harmlessly.


[120 random items generated.]

[77.5 points assigned to Strength.]

[6.8 points assigned to Reflexes.]

[7.2 points assigned to Intelligence.]

[8.0 points assigned to Endurance.]

[7.0 points assigned to Beast Affinity.]

[10.5 points assigned to Luck.]

[Thirty three other items received and stored.]

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 205!]

Immediately, Elliot gasped in surprise as time seemed to freeze for a split second.

And then, like a freed genie getting back the full magnitude of its powers after being locked up and powered down for a thousand years, Elliot gave out a full-throated roar of exhilaration as boundless might and vitality flooded him completely!


A formless shockwave of power radiated out from him.

“THIS IS POWER!!” Elliot roared excitedly.

Every single cell in his body screamed out glorious power undimmed by time and genetic degradation. It was as though a massive dam holding back his might had exploded and released every shred of power he knew he had but never knew how to access.

Previously, he was an extremely powerful human being wielding the power of almost ten men with every simple swing of his arm. With his lightning strike skill, he was able to drastically increase his power output by 5000%, dealing damage as much as fifty men acting in concert could.

But after his power increase, his every swing dealt more damage than eighty men, and with Lightning Strike, his power output had skyrocketed to four thousand men’s worth of damage.

He had totally left the power structure of Planet Earth and had finally entered the beginnings of that of the Universe’s.


He opened his maw wide and fired off a humongous Ice Beam at the five headed hydra!

Unlike before, his ice beam shot out at a much higher speed and with a much deeper intensity. With 500% in ice damage, his ice beam was as powerful as 400 men’s worth of damage.

Even before his attack landed, Elliot had exploded towards the five headed hydra with great speed.

With so much power, he couldn’t wait to get up close face to face with the humongous hydra and fight it in close combat! His eyes narrowed lightly as bloodlust began to fill him up.

It was difficult to nurture the bloodlust in an ocean of apathy that was the White Dragon Warrior’s default emotional state. But Elliot’s hunger for battle finally pierced through and his heart began to pound faster and faster.

Still, caution demanded that he weaken the hydra further before engaging in a life and death battle.

Like a meteor falling from the sky, Elliot ripped through the sky and fell on the poor hydra who had just been hit by a powerful ice beam and had his movements slowed drastically.

Lightning Slash!

Elliot gave the hydra a flyby and sliced off one of the remaining three heads easily.

“One down. Two to go!” Elliot smiled grimly.

Fiery orange blood spurted out of the neck stump as the remaining two heads screamed out in anger and agony.


The largest and reddest head shot towards Elliot and tried to bite him with its huge mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.

But Elliot was too nimble and too fast. He quickly got out of the head’s range.


The other remaining head fired off a viciously powerful lightning bolt at Elliot.


Elliot calmly released his own Ice Beam which collided with the lightning bolt with a loud boom.

If it was before Elliot’s power up, his Ice Beam would have been no match to the lightning bolt. However, with his body strengthening by multiple times, the ice beam which he could produce increased in strength as well.

Which was logical, as Ice Beam dealt a 500% ice damage based on Elliot’s base damage. If his base damage increases, Ice Beam would deal an increased damage as well. And for the increased damage to be an improvement in quality was also logical.

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