Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 84: Full combat power

Chapter 84: Full combat power

"White." Hei Wuchang came to the corpse of Bai Wuchang, his expression horrified.

He never expected that his old partner would be killed in a few encounters.

"Don't be careless, this Yi Xiao is very strong, he deserves to be a genius demon hunter." Hei Wuchang stared at Xiao Yi coldly.

Tianchoudiqian also looked at Xiao Yi coldly, "Boy, I admit that you are very strong. But, don't think that you can escape in our hands by killing Bai Wuchang, we are just a little careless."

"Yi Xiao, you must die today."

The three sighed coldly and shot again.

This time, they did not care much.

The three did not separate, but joined forces.

Heiwuchang and Tiancan once again released ghost vines and ice chains.

Land shortage is waiting for an opportunity.

Whoosh, Xiao Yi's figure disappeared again.

Since he knew that the two tea guests were killers before, but dared to leave the city, he was naturally certain.

He knows what his strength is.

At this moment, the trio of Tianchou Diqian and Heiwuchang controlled the martial soul, while waving their hands, shouting, "Aura is imprisoned."

Suddenly, the aura within a hundred meters violently walked away, and confined this small space.

Xiao Yi, who was moving fast, was immediately stopped, revealing his figure.

"There, the ghost vines, the ice chains, bind him." Dique yelled.

However, Xiao Yi's body shuddered with disdain, and easily shattered the spiritual imprisonment, and then his body moved quickly and disappeared in place again.

Ghost Vine and Frost Chain rushed again.

"Damn, that kid could even break free from the ice chains before, and his spiritual energy can't restrain him." Dique cursed.

Half-step Dong Xuan, after all, is not a real Dong Xuan realm, they are only able to control the heaven and earth aura initially.

The imprisonment they issued, it's okay to bully the warriors below the eighth level of innateness, any one of the nine levels of innateness can easily break open, let alone Xiao Yi.

Half-step Dongxuan, the real power is that the true qi in their bodies far exceeds the nine innate levels, and their natural strength is also stronger.

However, today's Xiao Yi, relying solely on the zhenqi in his body, plus the rising dragon, has nine innate combat strengths.

If you add the spirit weapon, the strength has already reached half a step Dongxuan, or even stronger.

When it comes to fighting alone, he is better than anyone who is incapable and impermanent.

However, in the face of the combination of the four, he fell short.

But don't forget, he also has five unique forms and meanings.

The speed of Xiao Yi after using the leopard shape is far beyond the four of them.

Against these four people, he can easily defeat many of his cards without using them.

Whoosh whoosh, Xiao Yi moved quickly, his footsteps making waves of breaking through the air.

"Humph." Tian Can snorted coldly, "Yi Xiao, you only have such strength through the spirit weapon."

Dique sneered, "In terms of true cultivation, you can't compare to us. As long as you restrain you, you will definitely die."

"Yi Xiao, I see how you can hide from me."

Hei Wuchang waved his hand and shouted coldly, "The city is full of thorns."

Suddenly, ghost vines were everywhere, completely covering a radius of tens of meters.

Whoosh, Xiao Yi could only immediately retreat to several tens of meters away, and stopped moving fast, revealing his figure.

"Martial skill?" Xiao Yi frowned. The one that allowed the ghost vine to cover such a large area in an instant was obviously a martial skill, and it seemed that the rank was not low, at least it was a profound rank martial skill.

"It looks like it's going to be more troublesome." Xiao Yi secretly said.

At this time, the crippling and impermanence attacked again.

"The city is full of thorns."

"Do you think the same moves are useful to me?" Xiao Yi sneered, planning to step back and escape.

However, Tian Can also waved a big hand at the same time, and shouted, "Heavenly net."

Suddenly, dozens of ice chains appeared out of thin air, completely blocking Xiao Yi's path back.

"A martial skill again?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The killer of the shadow building is indeed not a general.

"Boy, you can't hide now." Dique shot in an instant, swept away with one foot, "Big Black Wind Slash."

"It's so strong." Xiao Yi was startled, obviously feeling the pressure from the foot of the ground.

This is the difference between a powerful warrior and an ordinary warrior.

Ordinary warriors lack martial skills and are much weaker.

The warriors of the big forces all have martial skills, and their martial skills are not low, and their combat power is extremely strong.

Like the martial arts of the trio of Mu Diwei and Heiwuchang today, any move is a Profound Rank, that Great Black Wind Slash, or even an intermediate Profound Rank.

A huge black wind cut out of nowhere, and slashed towards Xiao Yi at a very fast speed.

"Fire devouring a hundred blades." Xiao Yi shouted, and at the same time released eighty flames.


Eighty fire blades collided continuously, and finally ended in both disappearance.

Although the Great Black Wind Slash dissipated, the countless ghost vines and cold ice chains were not idle, and quickly entangled Xiao Yi.

"Hundreds of fire-devouring blades." Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly and shot the blades of fire again.

The ghost vine was instantly shattered by flames and explosions, and the ice chains were also shaken back.

At this time, Da Hei Feng Zhan struck again.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi cursed secretly. "The three of them all use martial arts and come one after another. It is extremely difficult. Once I fail to catch one of my attacks, I will either be **** or attacked. Troublesome situation."

"It looks like a quick battle and a quick decision." Xiao Yi secretly made the decision.

"Fire and a hundred blades."

It was another eighty flames.

"Yi Xiao, is it the same trick again?" Hei Wuchang sneered.

"If this continues, he will inevitably be in a hurry. As long as one move is not blocked, he will definitely die." Tian Can was full of confidence.

The ground shortage was cut by a **** wind, ready to block the blade of fire.

Sure enough, Fire Blade and Big Black Wind Slash dissipated at the same time again.

On the same day, when the mutilated and black impermanent face was full of confidence, suddenly, dozens of flaming blades made an arc in the air, turning a corner and slashing towards them.

"Hmph, these little tricks dare to show off in front of us."

"Eighty blazing blades can't help us, let alone a few dozen."

"Hmph, I can smash it with one slap without even releasing martial arts."

The three spoke with disdain, but after a second, their disdain suddenly turned into horror.

The dozen or so fire blades, when they were about to hit them, suddenly merged into one and turned into a larger flame.

"No, it's the fusion of martial arts, quickly avoid it." The three were suddenly shocked.

However, they reacted at this time, it was too late.

With a loud explosion, the flames completely flooded the three of them.

Xiao Yi's practice for the past few months is not only a hurry, he is also honing his strength in countless battles.

Combining martial arts is the part of his time.

Combining martial arts is difficult. No one has succeeded, and no one dared to try, because after failure, the consequences of a runaway power will be very serious.

At the beginning, in the cave house of the mad blood mysterious monarch, a total of fifty fire blades were integrated, but it was very unstable, and finally exploded in front of him, sweeping the entire cave house. If it were not for the ghost mask to save his life, he would be dead. .

But since he tried it once, he has experience.

After that, during his experience, he tried two fusions, three fusions, four daos, martial arts...

Up to now, he can integrate ten Dao, and it is like an arm, not only is not unstable, but also can be remotely controlled.

The fusion of the blade is not as simple as one plus one.

It's like releasing two flaming blades at the same time, and a flaming blade fused with two flaming blades, the two are obviously not the same level of attack.

Power must be one plus one equal to ten.

The huge flaming blade formed by the fusion of the two flames is as powerful as the ten flaming blades being scattered.

Now the huge fire blade fused with ten fire blades has the power of a hundred fire blades, which is equivalent to the great achievement of a hundred fire blades.

Although Fire Devouring Hundred Blades is a low-level Profound Rank, the flames are at the level of a Green Martial Spirit, and coupled with the increase in spirit weapons, its power is almost equal to the advanced Profound Rank.

The trio of Heaven and Earth is nothing but yellow martial arts, even if they have intermediate martial skills, they are far inferior to Xiao Yi's attack.

Cultivation base, martial skill, martial spirit level, etc., are all factors that determine the strength of a martial artist.

Closer to home, the flames of the explosion drowned out the crippled three.

A few seconds later, the three of them jumped out of the explosion, embarrassed and vomiting blood, apparently suffering serious injuries.

"Damn, is this Yi Xiao a pervert? He can even integrate martial arts." Tianchou cursed bitterly.

"A genius demon hunter, he really deserves his reputation." Hei Wuchang gritted his teeth secretly, and for the first time had an unsure idea about the task of killing Yi Xiao.

On the other side, Xiao Yi stared at them coldly, muttering to himself, "It seems that the fusion of ten flame blades can't kill you, so try twenty."

As soon as the voice fell, his voice disappeared again.

"What does the kid want to do?" The three people of Tianmadiqian became cautious, not daring to be careless.

Whoosh, Xiao Yi appeared in front of them instantly.

"Huh?" The three were surprised at first, then overjoyed.

"Boy, you dare to show up in front of the three of us, looking for death."

They tried every means to trap Xiao Yi, didn't they just want to fight Xiao Yi head-on, so that their odds of winning would be greater.

After all, the three of them are now united and not dispersed. If the three of them work together to fight Xiao Yi in close combat at the same time, and they can't beat Xiao Yi, then other methods will be useless.

The three of them issued their hands at the same time, and the ghost vines and the ice chains were like two long whips, danced with great power.

The black wind and blood sickle in the ground is also heavily shadowed.

Whoosh whoosh, Xiao Yi's footsteps kept evasive, like a snake.

He often dodges the dense attacks.

"What's the matter, what a weird body." The three of them were shocked.

In their eyes, Xiao Yi's figure is constantly changing, sometimes like a flame cheetah, sometimes like a smart fire snake.

Whoosh, when Xiao Yi approached the three of them, twenty burning blades appeared out of thin air.

"Hey." Xiao Yi shouted loudly.

"It's the fusion of martial arts again, **** it, hide it." The three expressions changed greatly.

With twenty burning blades, Xiao Yi couldn't control it remotely, so he could only release it at close range.

A huge blade of flame was condensed out, but it was very unstable and exploded instantly.

The trio of crippled people had no time to escape, and were submerged by the explosion again.

When Xiao Yi released the fireblade from his hands, he immediately backed away, but was still affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

"Puff." Xiao Yi's face turned pale, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked confidently at the three people who were completely submerged behind him.

When the flames and explosions dissipated, three figures of incompleteness and impermanence were revealed.

At this time, the three of them were already in tattered clothes, covered in blood, and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

Although he was not dead, he was obviously seriously injured and no longer able to fight.

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