Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 79: Fire company

Chapter 79: Fire company

The Dulong Mountain Thief Group is the most notorious bandit group outside Poxuan City.

Killing and surpassing goods, doing everything, asking for money, but also for life.

However, their power is so strong that no one can help them.

Even if the general large-scale caravan encounters them, they have to surrender and deliver goods in order to survive.

Therefore, many merchants and some families in Poxuan City hated them deeply.

Merchants and families once united and issued rewards in the Hunting Demon Palace at high prices twice in a row, but they all ended in failure.

For the first time, the mission was a prestigious demon hunting team in Po Xuancheng. The leader was a nine-tiered martial artist with dozens of demon hunters.

But when they were purged and annihilated, they encountered an annihilation, and even the captain of the innate ninety layers could not escape.

The second time, the bounty was increased, and the three demon hunting teams that were the strongest in Poxuan City took over at the same time. Three innate nine-tier warriors and nearly a hundred demon hunters joined forces.

However, the Dulong Mountain Thieves Group relied on the benefits of the mountains and forests and hid everywhere. Just let these three demon hunting teams return without success.

After that, the three demon hunting teams reluctantly went to pick up other tasks. After being dispersed, they were retaliated again and again, resulting in heavy casualties.

So far, more than a thousand demon hunters have died in their hands.

The merchants in the city were also helpless. They hired few demon hunters, not their opponents. They hired too many demon hunters, and they would start to frighten snakes. They hide in the mountains and old forests, and no one can help them.

Unless it is the Dong Xuan realm martial artist who takes action personally, they can easily be destroyed.

However, there were only a few cave profound realms in Poxuan City, and he was still the head of a large family. It is naturally impossible for them to lay down their identities because of the bounty and go to the deep mountains and forests to deal with a group of bandits.

Over time, the poisonous dragon mountain thief group was still entrenched, and there was no demon hunter to take on this task.

When Xiao Yi saw this task in the Demon Hunting Palace, he did not hesitate to take it down. After all, it was on the way, and it was a level four task, with a full 30 points.

The missions of the Hunting Demon Palace are generally graded for their difficulty, which also corresponds to the martial artist's cultivation base.

The first-level tasks can be easily completed by Mortal Martial Artists.

Level three missions can at least be completed by the leadership or action of an innate realm martial artist.

Level 4 tasks generally require Dongxuan realm warriors or multiple Xiantian realm warriors to work together to complete.

There is no doubt that dealing with the Dulong Mountain Thieves Group is listed as a level four mission.

Closer to home.

With Xiao Yi's ability, until he sneaked into the nest of these bandits, no one found his existence.

He just stood on the tree and watched the bandits drinking and having fun.

"A few more votes, let the eldest brother take the brothers to relax." A bandit said happily while eating meat and drinking wine.

"Tsk tsk, after holding back in the mountains and forests for so long, I really want to go back to Poxuancheng to see the situation."

"Cut, those prostitutes, what are you thinking about."

"I know, there will be caravans passing by in a few days, and there seems to be many women."

The bandits drank alcohol and talked wantonly about dirty things.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked in front of them.

The middle-aged man has a scar on his left face and his face is very ferocious. He is the leader of this band of bandits, Dulong.

"Big Brother...Big Brother..." The bandits saluted.

"Don't relax too much." The poisonous dragon said in a deep voice, "I heard that the cave house of the mad blood mysterious monarch was discovered a while ago. Many demon hunters have obtained treasures in it, and their strength has greatly increased, but don't have any moths. "

"Don't worry, big brother, those demon hunters and caravan guards are just fat sheep in our eyes."

"That's it, kill them with a single knife and grab the treasure."

The bandits spoke viciously.

Dulong just wanted to scold him a few words. Suddenly, his ears moved, he suddenly turned around, and shouted angrily at a big tree not far away, "Who?"

On the tree, Xiao Yi jumped down.

"As expected of a poisonous dragon, some ability." Xiao Yi said lightly.

"Huh?" Dulong narrowed his eyes, staring at Xiao Yi coldly, "A young man who has the ability to sneak here silently, you are not bad."

The ghost mask is not a full-covering mask, it just covers the part under the eyes.

The eyes and the parts above them are not covered.

With that kind of full-covering mask, the whole face is covered except for the eyes. This will cover the corner of the warrior's eyes, creating a blind spot for the warrior, which is extremely unfavorable for combat.

On the contrary, it is a semi-covered type, which can cover the appearance without affecting the warrior fighting, which is more convenient.

So on Yanlong Continent, most of them are half-covered masks, as are ghost masks.

Dulong looked at Xiao Yi's clear eyes and Bai Zhe's delicate eyebrows, and he could almost conclude that Xiao Yi was not old.

Hearing Xiao Yi's voice again, it was already certain that Xiao Yi was a teenager.

Of course, he also felt incredible that a teenager dared to break into his territory.

"Who are you?" Du Long asked vigilantly, "In Poxuan City, there is no one like you."

In Po Xuan City, apart from those outside the cave, there were no more than ten people who had the ability to break into his territory. But among these people, there is absolutely no teenager.

"You are the poisonous dragon." Xiao Yi did not answer, but asked instead.

Dulong frowned, "Knowingly asking, what do you want to do."

Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "It's nothing, I just want to ask clearly, so as not to kill the wrong person."

Dulong's face became cold, "You are a demon hunter."

"Demon Hunter?" The surrounding bandits also had a cold expression, and then they looked jokingly, "Here is another one to die."

"Hehe, I don't know how many demon hunters died in our hands these years."

"What a high price the Poxuancheng family paid this time, even a kid who doesn't grow up even dared to trouble us."

The bandits laughed, obviously not paying attention to Xiao Yi.

"Give it to me." Dulong yelled coldly.

A dozen bandits rushed forward, and the bright sword in his hand seemed to tell Xiao Yi, kid, it's best not to resist, otherwise it will kill you.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly. He didn't see any movement, but the dozens of bandits suddenly added flames.

Boom, the flame exploded, and dozens of bandits were severely injured without even having a chance to react, and fell to the ground, knowing their life or death.

Dulong sneered, "Boy, don't think that you can come to me to run wild with some abilities. I don't know how many people like you who don't know the height of the sky and the earth, I don't know how many kills a year."

After all, the poisonous dragon waved his hand and shouted, "Shoo me this stinky boy into a honeycomb."

Whoosh whoosh...

In the dense forest, more than a hundred archers responded. After a while, more and more archers appeared. Judging from the number, there were more than five hundred archers.

Xiao Yi frowned and glanced at the other bandits.

At this time, there were no fewer than hundreds of people approaching here in a siege.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, "It turns out that there are thousands of bandits, not the hundreds of rumors. There are hundreds of archers on the outer guard alone. No wonder other demon hunters have treated you several times. The scale of the encirclement and suppression was discovered in advance by you and hid."

"And the small-scale demon hunting team, in the face of your numerical advantage, is simply going to die."

"Humph." Dulong sneered. "Boy, now kneel and beg for mercy, I might be able to make your death easier."

"Pray for mercy?" Xiao Yiyi said without fear, "Dulong, have you ever heard of the burning company?"

"Huh?" Dulong was taken aback, reacted instantly, and shouted, "Fell the arrow and kill this kid."

As soon as his words fell, countless arrows shot at Xiao Yi quickly.

But at the same time, Xiao Yi waved his big hand, and flames burst out from the sky, sweeping the archers in the dense forest. Almost in an instant, the entire dense forest turned into a sea of flames.

The fire control ability of the green Wuhun coupled with its own surging true energy is enough to release an astonishing amount of flames.

At this time, several shots were shot.

The dense arrows were not even close to Xiao Yi, they were already swallowed by flames and explosions.

Even if there are a few arrows that can pass through the flames, they will be useless when hitting Xiao Yi's True Qi coat.

"Innocent coat?" The poisonous dragon was shocked. "At a young age, he has already condensed the innocent coat, so I can't keep it."

At the same time, when he saw the heavy casualties of the archers in the sea of flames, the killing intent in his eyes became more intense.

Those archers who are up to the sky are mortal martial artists, in Xiao Yi's sea of flames, they are only for a spike.

"Catch this kid for me, I want him to get rid of cramps."

The poisonous dragon yelled, and the five warriors behind him instantly attacked.

"Two innate six-fold, three innate four-fold, you still have so many strong men under your hand, no wonder no demon hunting team has won you for so many years."

Xiao Yi's expression remained unchanged, and a flame condensed in his hands.

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