
Chapter 65: < Protect – Episode 64 – Shanghai Express [3] >

Chapter 65: &lt; Protect – Episode 64 – Shanghai Express [3] &gt;

The Indonesian president didn’t ask for anything in particular.

Even if he did, it wasn’t like he was going to grant it, but what he wanted was his personal number. He obviously looked like he sifted a lot of money. He didn’t know what the rumors were, but very few people in this world knew his number. Seeing how he was minding others, General Sutan was definitely on his side.

The Asia Tour team, which arrived a day after the ordeal that Ahn Soo Ho was evolved with, was welcomed warmly. And the battle at the harbor just ended as something that became known as a rebels’ terrorist attack.

‘This is the reality.’

The media and public opinion were just illusions. They would be created and would vanish depending on the situation. The tour team was limited to touring Jakarta, and they were better off trusting the people on the streets than the Indonesian police. They just had to hope they wouldn’t run into any crazy person, but no one could really say for sure.

They performed, volunteered, and donated just like they did in the Philippines. Some of them uploaded pictures of the pirate ship on social media and caused a commotion, and thanks to the media and fans, Hosoo Entertainment’s website was shut down.

“It was a very interesting experience for everyone.”

“Weren’t they scared?”

“They weren’t face-to-face with them.”

They were pirates, but they only passed by on their ship. Oh Joo Kyung made it sound like it was no big deal, but it wasn’t that simple. Korea’s foreign office advised that they canceled the rest of their plans and returned immediately. Just like all government workers, their advice was more like an order.

“So we’re going back?”

“Just me.”

She decided to return on her own.

“Do you have to listen to them?”

“I’m not you. I thought it’d be better to explain our situation and show my face for the sake of our future plans.”

Even though Oh Joo Kyung used to work at Daesan Group, she experienced how horrible it was to be the victim of a public institution.

“Once they start nitpicking, there will be no end to it.”

“Are you speaking out of experience?”

“The secretary’s office is like an errand center.”

Even though she was treated as an elite for being with Daesan Group, she was nothing more than someone who cleaned after other people’s messes. There were complaints to be made about Daesan group too. It was a secretary’s skill to get anything done, even if they had to get on their knees. Ahn Soo Ho wanted to tell her to abandon her way of thinking as a secretary, but that was something she had to learn on her own.

“Do what you want.”

“What about a contact...”

“Oh, don’t worry about it.”

Ahn Soo Ho shooked his hand.

He didn’t like having someone on him all the time as if he was the heir of some royal family. He was fully capable of looking out for himself. However, Oh Joo Kyung shooked her head. That was because she remembered something that happened before leaving Korea. Hosoo Entertainment Group’s status came from the owner’s crazy spirit. To her, Ahn Soo Ho was a magical goblin bat that could do anything.

“The tour team will be controlled by Director Seo Joo Kyung from now on.”

“Not Kim Woo Jung or Kim Yoo Seon?”

“Director Kim Yoo Seon went back.”


“Please have more interest, CEO Ahn.”

Kim Yoo Seon went back with the actors and Shim Il Kwon.

“What about Kim Woo Jung?”

“Director Kim Woo Jung doesn’t know much about idols.”

“He probably still felt insulted.”

“No. They’re both acquaintances, so Director Kim suggested it first.”

“I see.”

It didn’t matter who was in charge as long as nothing bad happened. As soon as Oh Joo Kyung left, Seo Joo Kyung came in. The two Joo Kyung’s were already known as the powerful big sister team. Seo Joo Kyung was in charge of the scene, and Oh Joo Kyung was in charge of the company duties. Seo Joo Kyung was probably happy to receive Oh Joo Kyung’s support since she was known as the owner’s close associate.

‘How long will this go on for?’

They probably wouldn’t let go of each other as long as they could both profit, but that must come to an end sooner or later.

“We’re leaving tomorrow at 2 p.m., and the advance team has already left for Kuala Lumpur.”

“They’re always working so hard. Are we compensating them accordingly?”

In contrast to Oh Joo Kyung, he spoke formally to Seo Joo Kyung. She was older than him, and one who had betrayed someone once would betray again. Ahn Soo Ho knew that she must have used tricks to get out of JT Entertainment. But Oh Joo Kyung and the other executives didn’t know that.

‘She’s a dangerous wench.’

Shim Il Kwon was greedy too, but he had a lot of affection for his company. Since that affection had turned into a passion in the actor sector, he was better off. However, Seo Joo Kyung was using Hosoo Entertainment as a tool to pursue her greed. If that greed yields good results, that was good, but the problem was being too greedy.

“What should I do? Should I hand out gift certificates?”

“Customs will catch that.”

“There are ways.”

“Okay, then.”

Oh Joo Kyung was good at doing what was in front of her while Seo Joo Kyung was good at creating new tasks. In some ways, her way of seeking new things was good for the entertainment world. However, if one tended to step on others to get higher, their bound to make a lot of enemies.

“I wish to sign another contract with Right Hand Media.”

“Why is that?”

“Because as the ones providing the content, we’re on top. Once we go back from our tour, our company’s status will change.”

If Lee Joong Hyun was the type to use China’s ban of Korean culture at BRICS to break through the situation, Seo Joo Kyung was the type to use her connections to up her status within the company. Was that a bad thing to do? No. A person should use their strengths to get to an advantageous level and this behavior should always be encouraged.

“Did you discuss it with the executives?”

“Director Oh agreed, and the other directors didn’t oppose either.”

“So the baton is in my hands now.”

“Yes, Sir.”

From what he heard, Hosoo Entertainment’s Asia Tour was still a hot topic of discussion in the entertainment media. It was the destructive power of social media. Luxury goods were a very popular topic on social media. People might feel deprived looking at it, but they had a desire to feel compensated or comforted from other people’s success.

While they went around Southeast Asia on their private jets and cruise ship, the tour team’s social media blew up the Korean internet. The advertisers and broadcasters were on top while the agencies were at the bottom, and the stars that people liked were even lower in the Korean entertainment world. Top stars could maybe convince their agency, but they couldn’t win over the advertisers and broadcasters.

- Hosoo Entertainment receives favorable responses from their Asia Tour! #donationangels #stateguest #pushoverentertainment

- They flourished in Manila! The response was explosive!

- Look at the pictures and videos! I love Korea!

- They’re elevating our national prestige.

- All they did was make a donation!

- If you dig the ground, maybe 1 won will come out. If you’re going to donate then donate to our country!

- Didn’t you see the news? They donated just as much to Korea too!

- That’s our Ahnsour!

- What does the CEO of Hosoo Entertainment do anyway? There’s no description on the internet.

- I was curious, so I looked into it too, but there was no information. I heard he’s not an heir.

- Isn’t he Chairman Kim Dae San’s love child?

- Don’t say his real name! You might get sued by Daesan Group’s legal team!

- He just does business as a hobby! His specialty is flaunting his money!

- The other agencies are staying quiet. Did they get outcasted because of JT Entertainment’s situation?

- Isn’t it natural to move to an agency that treats you better?

- What’s the point of loyalty? The broadcasters are never loyal.

- Worrying about celebrities is a waste of time! Worry about your own futures!

Even famous and large agencies would be blown over if heirs in the 30s decided to knock it over. However, once Hosoo Entertainment’s financial capabilities became known, investments naturally followed.

- My brother works in finance, and he said Hosoo Entertainment deals with trillions of won. Apparently, they have all the blue-chip stocks!

- Anyone who knows a bit about stocks already knows that!

- So what’s your point?

- You bastards! I’ll settle this for you! The advertisers and broadcasters usually enforce their power on the agencies and the celebrities, right? Then think about it the opposite way. Advertisers and broadcasters don’t stand a chance against the major shareholders. With the listed companies, once someone obtains more than a certain amount of stocks, they’re automatically announced. Hosoo Entertainment has invested in more than 500 companies and that alone exceeds 20 billion US dollars.

- How much is that in won?

- Isn’t that 25 to 26 trillion won? That’s crazy!

- I heard they have a lot of national bonds too. Wow! Aren’t they more like an investment company than an entertainment agency? They’re crazy!

- So who’s that CEO?

- I don’t know! No one knows!

- Someone get a picture of him! I can’t find him on Google either!

- There are some in Seol Hyun’s fan café. But if they were blocked by Google, that means Google did that themselves. If they have influence over Yankee companies too, he must be an incredible man!

- Is that incredible?

- Our portal sites are nothing compared to Google! They don’t listen to Koreans when they make requests!

Ahn Soo Ho looked at the summary of Korean responses that Seo Joo Kyung gave him and smirked.

“Are you trying to sell me off, Director Seo?”

“No, Sir. But it’s important to keep up an image.”

“Evil Empire? That’s not bad. It sounds badass.”

“A negative image is more sensitive for female fans than male fans. It’s true that females are drawn to bad boys, but they want their own to be kind and pure.”

“How complicated.”

In Hollywood, it was more common for the stars to write ill comments about themselves than for the agency or the manager to do so. Since business and personal life was clearly differentiated, the agency and stars weren’t viewed under the same light.

“Okay. Go forward with it.”

“Thank you.”

They followed the same schedule in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. After a few times of repeating the same schedule, the celebrities and employees didn’t need any directions. Ahn Soo Ho joined them for their last location, Shanghai.

As one of the 5 major cities of China, Shanghai was probably the first city someone would think of when they hear about China. However, just like how New Yorkers didn’t represent all Americans, the people in Shanghai didn’t represent all Chinese people either.

In particular, the people of Beijing hated people in Shanghai.

“They think all they do is flaunt money.”

“People of Shanghai?”

“Yeah. And the people of Beijing are known to be lazy and too talkative.”

There were always likes and dislikes regarding other regions of a country. It could be historical, or just for no reason. In China, it was partly historical, but it also had to do with the big gap between the rich and the poor. As soon as Ahn Soo Ho arrived in Shanghai, the one who welcomed him was the State Council Prime Minister, Lehighdung.

“Welcome, Soo Ho.”

Ahn Soo Ho and Lehighdung’s relationship had never been good since the day they first met. It was Lehighdung who criticized Ahn Soo Ho for his capitalist ways, and he also threatened that if he ever harms China, he would bring Korea down with nuclear weapons. Therefore, Ahn Soo Ho felt apathetic toward him.

‘It’s usually the scared dog that barks the most.’

Lehighdung was the 2nd most powerful person in China, but it wasn’t possible to make decisions about nuclear weapons in an independent manner in that country.

“I never had personal feelings about the things that went down between us. I had no choice but to attack someone who was close to the premier.”

“I understand.”

Politics was a sensitive and difficult thing. It was common to be looked down upon without knowing a person’s opinion even if it was important. Party interests had nothing to do with personal opinions. In any case, the democracy that they were advocating for was a healthy and growing war.

“You’re not attacking me anymore?”

“I’m not so bad that I’d attack a retired person.”

“That’s nice.”

“But I can’t just change my stance.”

Even in the game of go-stop, there was such a thing as reputation. Ahn Soo Ho had a feeling that he knew what he wanted and gestured that he was listening.


The horseman’s descendant?”

Asian martial arts and bare-hand wrestling was like the national flag for China. The martial arts competitions that include using the body had as many components as a school curriculum. Thanks to Hong Kong’s action films, the Shaolin temple was pretty well-known, but Kurshenbai was a teacher, member of the Communist party, and a great master.

‘There’s a horseman on top of the triad!’

They made it seemed like a big deal, but he was nothing more or less than a thug boss.

“He wants to meet you.”

“So he went to the prime minister...? I have to hand it to him for his authority.”

In such a dictatorship country, normal procedures were difficult, and different routes had to be taken in order to avoid monitoring. The Westerners thought it was fascinating that the country hadn’t split yet. It was difficult for the Europeans to understand the logic and values of Chinese people.

Why was China still not getting torn apart yet?

China had once been divided. However, the continent always had a leader to overcome that and pushed ahead. That was the future that the leader had to dream of, and it was their fate. The leaders of China had always pushed forward for unification, and not once did they even speak of independence.

“But who is he to tell me to come and go? The one who has the request should move their ass.”

He meant the one who was more desperate should travel. Lehighdung sighed as if he knew he would say that.

“He knew you’d say that, so he’s in Shanghai right now.”


That was unexpected.

“He’s waiting at Jin Mao Tower.”

The 88-floor Jin Mao Tower recently had the Grand Hyatt Hotel came in, and the building next to it was where the BRICS summit would take place.

“Okay, fine. But...”

Lehighdung was tense, but he scoffed at what Ahn Soo Ho said.

“Put me as close to the Korean president as possible. Right next to him, if you can.”

“You’re cruel, Soo Ho. Are you going to degrade him?”

Lehighdung also knew about Ahn Soo Ho’s game with Korean politicians.

“We’ll see.”

They would only know if it was sweet or bitter once he shoved it down their throats. What was for certain was that the taste was determined by the one consuming it.

“You’ll see when I meet him.”

< Protect – Episode 64 – Shanghai Express [3] > The end.

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