
Chapter 19: < Protect – Episode 18 – Lee Jung Hoon [2] >

Chapter 19: < Protect – Episode 18 – Lee Jung Hoon [2] >

There’s an effective technique used to beat people up just like how there’s an effective one for dating too.

His military life was a big help in learning how to hit someone so it hurts but doesn’t leave a wound. One might ask if the military academy was easier than serving in the military, but it was far from it. The strict command and discipline and the brainwashing of the order of rank made for a cliquey and single-minded culture.

Ahn Soo Ho’s sociability wasn’t bad. What he couldn’t stand wasn’t the illogicality, but the foolishness of it all. The future generals who passed this difficult exam were fools. Did they really pass the exam? He thought maybe they got in through illicit admissions. When Ahn Soo Ho troubled over it, someone said this.

“The exam process isn’t important.”

Even though he had already known about it, his shock exceeded his expectations. That meant the world wasn’t being led by the smartest people. The first steps toward the real world was a society governed by rank. The military was no different. Tests they had used for multiple times were still the most democratic method to promote their rank. However, could the inability to succeed no matter how hard they tried was the essence of exams?

Studying hard and getting good grades.

Getting a good job with those good grades.

With a better job comes a better salary.

That’s where the contradiction begins. Everywhere people might go the world always faced them with the reality that good jobs were scarce. Since companies do not possess an unlimited job offering but the demand was always on the rise, the competition was stiff. They needed one poor person for another to become rich because the quality of life was relative. It’s impossible for everyone to live a good life. That might be why exams scores were the only way to measure a person’s future worth.

The fortunate continued to be fortunate, the unfortunate continued to be unfortunate, men in power who didn’t want people to have suspicions about democracy created a never-ending inheritance of poverty, and the bombastic propaganda about all of it. There’s no point in studying hard. That’s because working hard doesn’t guarantee you’ll do well on the exam.

Just like how there’s a technique to dating and violence, there was a technique for exams too. The rich didn’t pass down money, but rather the techniques to passing all the tests life offered. As long as they don’t fail the tests, it was natural for power to follow.

“What you did was run away from the exam that’ll determine the rest of your life.”


Lee Jung Hoon’s body ached. He was beaten up like crazy, but he had no wounds or bruises. His joins just ached a lot. “What a baby!” If he goes to the hospital that’s what the doctor would say.

“You dropped out of the Naval Academy too!”

Ahn Soo Ho smirked at Lee Jung Hoon’s defiance.

“Did you hear from Mrs. Park?”



“I looked into it myself because I was curious.”

“Wow! Not bad.”

During a sensitive time of his life, he learned the shocking truth about having a big brother from another father. On top of that, there was a fifteen-year age difference, so it was hard for him to accept.

“So what? You quit school to rebel against Mom?”

“It’s not that. I just didn’t think that was my path.”

His lack of formality sounds way too natural.

Lee Jung Hoon met Ahn Soo Ho for the first time today. But for some reason, they felt close. Is this the power of blood relation? He felt like getting beat up was unfair, but he didn’t really want revenge either. He felt like all of his anxiety went away.

“Hm. Not your path, huh? Okay. Let’s say that’s true, but it wasn’t right for you to make that decision on your own. You don’t think you raised yourself, did you? And why did you trick Mom when you’ve been back in Korea since last year?”


Lee Jung Hoon could not answer. Was it because preparing to debut kept him busy? That’s not true. As long as he had fingers, he could make a quick phone call. This was all his doing, and it’s an inexcusable mistake.

“Don’t think the family will understand what you do.”

“Sorry. Ugh!”

Ahn Soo Ho flicked him on the head.

“I’m not the one you should apologize to. Who should you be doing it to?”



“So Hye?”

The questions and answers revealed that Lee Jung Hoon wasn’t fond of his father either. Then again, what child would like a father who caused so much trouble?

“You’ll probably hear about it soon... but they will get divorced.”

“Did he fall for another scam?”

“Sort of.”

This news did not faze Lee Jung Hoon at all. He didn’t hold his father with high regards; instead, he views him as a gullible fool. He studied hard because he didn’t want to become like his father, which he unfortunately ended up quitting.

“Do I have to testify or something?”

“Maybe, but we’ll try to steer away from that. Our So Hye’s still too young for that.”

“Our So Hye? She’s my little sister.”

“Undutiful children have no right to be a big brother.”

Lee Jung Hoon felt angry, but he had nothing to say in retribution. It’s true he tricked his family for the past year. First, he had to find Mrs. Park Ok Nam and beg for forgiveness. He had to clear his conscience before he could say anything to Ahn Soo Ho.

“Excuse me...”

A coordinator from a corner called the two brothers.


“It’s time for the shoot.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Please get back to work.”

As soon as Ahn Soo Ho apologized and backed away, the room became busy again. Lee Seon Mi, who was watching from the door, approached with a sigh.

“I thought you would kill him.”

“He’s fine.”

“I guess so.”

When Ahn Soo Ho beat Lee Jung Hoon, someone tried to call the police, so she ran all over the place trying to stop it. Gossip about an assault would be the worst of its kind. It would be a matter of time before the reporters noticed their different surnames, which would lead to rumors about the secret behind their births.

“I want to avoid noise marketing...”

Lee Seon Mi thought Lee Jung Hoon was more than capable enough to become a star. He had a good-looking face and tall stature. Come to think of it, Ahn Soo Ho was tall too. Are they really brothers after all?

“Bad rumors might go around because of you.”

“About what? An assault?”


“That won’t happen.”

“You sound confident again.”

Ahn Soo Ho shrugged his shoulders.

“Oh yeah. Deliver my message to CEO Kim Yoo Seon or the board of directors. Tell them I will proceed with mergers and acquisitions if they don’t respond within forty-eight hours.”

“Our CEO has more than half of the shares. That won’t be possible.”

“That’s what common sense would tell us.”

“What does that mean?”

Lee Seon Mi gulped after seeing a cruel smile on his face.

“Common sense doesn’t always apply to this world we live in.”


“What an irrational punk!”

Lee Geun Taek, who was the chairman of the board of the Korea National Association and the CEO of a construction company, threw the documents onto the floor. His face was so red it looked like he was at risk of having high blood pressure.

“Who is this?”

“Ahn Soo Ho.”

“I’ve heard of that name before.”

“He used to know Kyung Joon.”


Lee Geun Taek exclaimed. Kim Dae San wasn’t the only one who received help from Daemo. Not everyone who received help felt thankful. A man like Lee Geun Taek doesn’t want to see any more competition.

“That punk.”

“Yes. The one we cut the wings off of was him.”

“That arrogant punk... So? He succeeded abroad?”

“That’s what I’ve heard, but there’s no definite proof.”

“Did our side take our eyes off of him completely?”

“We probably didn’t think it was worth it, but that was a bad move...”

Lee Geun Taek looked at him and let out a bitter laugh.

“What if we remove him now?”

“I’m not sure. It won’t be easy. That punk’s a whole different type than Mr. Kim.”

“Ha! The great Lee Ji Heon is reluctant? Did I hear correctly?”

Lee Ji Heon continued to laugh bitterly.

“You’ll know if you look out the window.”


Candles and chants of wanting a reformation of the rich filled the center of Seoul. The rich weren’t so happy about this, and Korea National Association had an uncomfortable view on the executive committee after what they did to Kim Dae San. Daesan Group’s firm stance on their willingness to die together rather than coming to a settlement was a big surprise to everyone.

“You’re not willing to compromise one bit, huh, Kim Dae San?”

It’s true. Daesan Group represents Korea as a nation, but they detached Kim Dae San thus he didn’t get along with other groups. Kim Dae San didn’t hesitate to treat others in power as insects as if he was a white heron among black crows.

“You can’t live in this world alone. You have to realize that.”

Has Dae San Group never been a part of corruption? Lee Geun Taek didn’t believe that. People had to be a part of groups in life, and Kim Dae San wasn’t elegant like a white heron either. He was a crow too.

“Wouldn’t things die down after a while?”

“That’s possible... That’s why they sent us these documents.”

Lee Ji Heon picked up the documents Lee Geun Taek threw on the floor. There was no important state secret or trade secret within. However, if the information got out, people on their side wouldn’t be able to keep their head in public. It would be okay if they could settle the case in court, but someone would bind people to use ethical corruption to earn sympathy from the public and burn up more candles in the city’s center.

“They’re telling us not to drag it on.”

“What if we use the media to make this look like a lie?”

Lee Ji Heon shook his head.

“This... is probably not all of it. If we deny it, they’ll bring even more definite evidence.”

They wouldn’t send such evidences to them, and them alone.

“Does Kyung Joon know?”

“They’ve probably met already. Seeing how I have heard nothing, it probably wasn’t a pleasant meeting.”

Lee Geun Taek clicked his tongue.

“Tsk! I should have stomped all over him when I had the chance.”

There was no point in having regrets. Lee Ji Heon went outside and took out his phone.

“It’s me. Stop attacking Jinsung Group and halt the guys on Daesan’s side from doing anything further.”

“Yes, Sir.”

As soon as he hung up, the phone vibrated, so he picked up.

“Hey. What is it?”

“There’s a problem.”

“A problem?”

Lee Si Heon’s frown turned into sharply raised eyes as soon as he heard the rest.

“It looks like Ahn Soo Ho has reached out to the princess.”


“The Jejudo monitoring team lost his whereabouts quite a few times... but they confirmed that he’s with Lee Chul at Daesan Hotel in Jejudo.”

This reminded Lee Ji Heon of something. The private information Ahn Soo Ho sent to Korea National Association didn’t imply a civilian inspection. Was that why he went down to Jejudo? He clenched the phone and screamed.

“I don’t care if you use coercive methods! Isolate Mi Hyun!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Lee Ji Heon bit his fingernails.

“Does he really know the secret?”

Only the outer shell of the Korean imperial family remained, but that’s where the Korea National Association’s cause came from. Princess Lee Mi Hyun was a blemish on the imperial family. That’s because the executive committee couldn’t allow a foreigner with blue eyes as the son-in-law of the king. The reason the couple couldn’t have children for 20 years wasn’t that of fate.

“Mixed blood? That’s preposterous.”

Lee Ji Heon stopped biting his fingernails and took out his phone.

“It’s me! Book a meeting with Ahn Soo Ho!”

“Right now?”

“That’s right! Right now!”

If Ahn Soo Ho really knows the secret, and he tells Lee Mi Hyun, Daesan Group, and the reformation of the rich won’t be a problem. Korea National Association might just combust from the inside.

“Tell him we’ll give him whatever he wants!”

< Protect – Episode 18 – Lee Jung Hoon [2] > The end.

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