Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc XII Chapter 7

Arc XII Chapter 7



Arc XII Chapter 7


“Pain-sama.” Zetsu spoke up, breaking the silence.

“Yes, Zetsu?” Pain listened.

“Pain-sama, the enemy ... They are approaching. And they are approaching fast. Two groups. They somehow managed to track us down. They will reach the hideout soon.” 

“...” Pain looked annoyed. “How soon?” 

“Soon enough. Half a day at most. It will be impossible to complete the ritual before they arrive. We must delay them.” 

“...” Pain deliberated their options. “Who are they?” 

Zetsu answered, “They appear to be Konoha-nin. Both of them. One group is led by a ninja named Maito Gai.”

“Maito Gai? Who is that?” Pain was less than intrigued.

Itachi cared to elaborate, “He is a jonin from Konoha. He is a taijutsu specialist. He is quite talented.”

Kisame chimed in, “Ah, that Maito Gai. I remember. A bizarre beast ...”

Pain processed the new information. “And who are the other group?”

“Also Konoha-nin”, Zetsu reported. “They are led by Hatake Kakashi, the Copy Ninja. A formidable ninja. One who should not be underestimated.” 

“I have heard about him. A formidable ninja indeed”, Pain conceded. “It seems that we will need to use the jutsu, after all. Who will go then?”

Kisame flashed his teeth, grinning, his hand raised. “I will. I will fight this Maito Gai.” 

Pain accepted. “Then it is decided. Kisame, you will face Maito Gai. As for, Hatake Kakashi ... He falls to you, Asami.” His gaze and his attention turned to her.

Asami raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised. “Me?”

Pain elaborated, “You are the youngest among us, Asami. The sealing must be taxing on your body. Consider the fight a respite. Not to mention, they are fellow Konoha shinobi. I would send Itachi, but he is usually rather reluctant to fight them. I hope that you don't take after him. Don't disappoint me. ”

“...” Asami merely nodded. How troublesome. Not only did she have her hands full with processing the stolen essence of the One Tail while extracting the bijuu from Gaara, now she also had the honour to fight Kakashi and his friends. Three things. All at the same time. How vexing. But orders were orders. Especially, if they came from Pain-sama himself.


Kakashi led the way. His team followed, Naruto, Sakura, Temari, and the old woman named Chiyo closely behind. The dense foliage of the forest blurred their sight, yet unable to abate their tempo, their speed. They raced through the canopies, from treetop to treetop, always advancing, always progressing. Pakkun supported their efforts. His ninja dogs sniffed the air, searching for any remaining trace of Gaara. They succeeded. They detected his scent. They tracked him down. Now they followed their lead.

The forest ended, and his team approached a wide clearing bathed in the soft glow of the sun. They reached the edge only to be met with an unexpected sight, an unexpected guest.

Kakashi raised his fist, signalling them to stop. “Halt!!!” His body braked, decelerating before coming to a halt. So did everyone else. They followed his example and stopped. They assembled, the enemy right in front of them. The red clouds on black ground gave her away. Akatsuki. It appeared that the enemy had been awaiting them.

“...” Kakashi scrutinised the enemy, his hand slowly reaching for his pouch.

Naruto didn't understand, “Kakashi-sensei, why are we stopping?”

“Naruto, ... look ahead.” Kakashi motioned towards the enemy, his gaze directing him. “We are not alone.” They weren't. Not at all. They had got a guest. One with an air for dramatics based on her appearance.

Standing in front of them, in the centre of the clearing, was a mysterious figure. A girl, judging by her petite stature, her heels, and her ostentatious choice of clothing. A purple umbrella concealed her figure, her back forever turned to them. Purple silk caressed her skin from her shoulders down to her waist beneath her heavy black coat. This sense of fashion ... An ill fated omen.

“Who are you? Are you friend, or foe?” Kakashi demanded in a firm voice, his question mostly rhetorical, a matter of foregone conclusions.

“...” The girl remained calm, shielded behind her umbrella. A smirk crossed her lips, the princess deigning them unworthy of her attention. Was it the product of foolish hubris? Of misplaced pride? Of supreme confidence? It was impossible to tell.  

“...” Kakashi gripped his kunai, his instincts tickling. The way the girl carried herself ... The girl ... was dangerous.

The girl raised her arm, her silken sleeve covering her lips in a manner that befitted a lady of her birth. An amused giggle escaped her, one filled with delight and inexplicable glee. “Hehehe, salutations, my old friends. I hope that time has treated you well all these years. As fate would have it, our paths cross once more.”

The girl turned, two purple orbs staring at them, their colour accentuated by her pale tone. “It is a pleasure to meet you again.”

“...” Kakashi stiffened, his blood freezing. This voice ... This cadence ... This intonation were unmistakeable. Yet his grip hardened, his focus sharpened, his muscles tense. Because he knew. The Black Princess of Konoha was not known to forgive mistakes. “It's you ..., Asami.” Yes, it was.

His words pleased the girl. Asami offered a humble bow. A saccharine smile was his reward, suave and yet deceptive, warm and yet ice cold. “Ara ara~, it seems that the few good still remember my name, despite a certain man's best efforts to the contrary. How auspicious. I feel honoured, Hatake Kakashi, the Copy Ninja, the Hero of the Sharigan. Now Kakashi, ... Naruto, ... Sakura, ... Show me your strength, children of Konoha. Because I will not yield easily.” A dark, purple glimmer gripped her eyes, tantalised by unhinged blood lust, her voice veritably laced with sardonic hubris.



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