Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc XI Chapter 5

Arc XI Chapter 5



Arc XI Chapter 5


Mifune’s expression hardened, his thoughts and mind unreadable. “Elaborate, Lady Miyumi.”

“Lord Mifune, you are mistaken, Amegakure does not stand alone, nor is our alliance only meant to serve the interests of Amegakure, but rather the interests of many. Our intention, our goal is to unite the many small countries that have suffered under the tyranny of the five villages. The Land of Rain, the Land of Grass, the Land of Waterfalls, the Land of Rivers, the Land of Stone, the Land of Rice, the Land of Springs, for far too long, our lands have been turned into the battlefields of foreign powers. For far too long, we were nothing but mere pawns of the likes of Konoha, Suna, Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri.

Our cries were not heard. Our tears not seen. Our pain not felt. Our sacrifices forgotten. Our suffering was dismissed and ignored because we don’t exist in their eyes. To them, we are merely ants. The five villages have brought naught but death and destruction, naught but despair and bloodshed to our lands. And why?

Only because we were weak. Only because we were small. Only because we were divided. The five villages took what they could just because they were strong, and we suffered what we had to. But not any more! Not if we gather under one banner! Not if we stand united! No longer will be their mindless pawns. No longer will we submit to their coercion and threats!”

Asami clenched her fist, lending her voice all the eloquence she could muster. Her speech captured Mifune’s attention and those of his retainers, ensnaring the hearts and minds of her audience. They were listening to her every silken word, unable to avert their ears. “Lord Mifune, we will fight to correct the historical injustices we have suffered at the hands of the five villages. Because we know that our cause is just. If the enemy disturbs our peace, we will be prepared to fight for our freedom until our last breath. United in mind and purpose, the Land of Rain, the Land of Grass, the Land of Waterfalls, the Land of Rivers, the Land of Stone, the Land of Rice, and the Land of Springs will strike back in response, together, as one. This is my vision. This is my dream.”

“That is why we need you, Lord Mifune. We need you and the strength of your samurai. Because we know you to be a righteous man. You are a man of justice, a man of honour and integrity. You would never forsake us, so lend us your hand in our struggle.” Asami offered Mifune her symbolic hand, yet the shogun hesitated.




“... ... ...” Mifune fell silent, organising his thoughts.




Asami awaited his response.

“... ... ...” Mifune finally spoke, “Your words hold truth, some Lady Miyumi. I must admit that you certainly have a way with words. One moment, they are sweeter than honey. The next moment, they cut deeper than the sharpest blade. I have no doubt that you will grow into a beautiful woman, Lady Miyumi, and one day your words alone might be able to conquer entire nations ... However, that day has not come yet. Your eloquence aside, I must confess that I still fail to see how such an alliance might benefit the Land of Iron. For decades, we have lived now in peace and harmony. We have already what you seek. No country dares to attack us. Even the most powerful villages respect our sacred borders and our neutrality. In exchange, we samurai have vowed to not intervene in the matters of the outside world. So why should we abandon our ancient ways? Why should we stray from our path that has brought us prosperity and peace for so long, Lady Miyumi?”

“...” Asami paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. “But at what price, Lord Mifune?”

Mifune narrowed his eyes, scrutinising her. “Care to explain yourself, Lady Miyumi?”

“It would be a pleasure, Lord Mifune.” Asami lowered her head, preparing for her final stand. “No doubt, your path might have brought your much desired peace and modest wealth, but at what price?”

Whispering erupted across the venerable halls of the castle. Silence was replaced by the clamour of voices. Retainers and vassals were convening in secrecy, sharing their opinions. Now she had their undivided attention.

Asami opened her arms. “Who are you? Who are you, the warriors of the Land of Iron? All these years you have lived in peace, and yet the ways of the samurai are fading, waning, slowly falling into the abyss of obscurity. You are samurai! You are proud warriors walking the path of the blade! You are proud warriors forged in the crucibles of battle! You live for honour! You breath honour! Your very souls must crave for the lure of the battlefield, and yet the samurai of the Land of Iron have grown complacent in their ways. The years of peace have weakened your spirit!

Day and night, you hone your sword without respite, and yet your blades remain sheathed, deeply covered in the dust of neglect. You rule a country, but you have lost your souls. You have lost what makes you samurai, what makes you men of the blade. You prefer the stability of peace to the battlefield! You prefer wealth to honour! Yet you dare to call yourself samurai! What is a samurai that refuses to fight? The truth is that you have forsaken the way of the warrior! You have forsaken your history! You have forsaken the legacy of your ancestors! Your names and numbers are dwindling by the day. Once upon a time, your ways were practised across the land, but in the end the way of the ninja prevailed. Samurai were replaced by ninja, and gradually the ways of the sword disappeared. The past glory of the samurai is fading, Lord Mifune. The era of the samurai is ending. Slowly but surely, your names will be forgotten, and your existence erased from history. You are the last samurai. You are the last true warriors of your creed.

But it is not too late, Lord Mifune. The day has not come yet for the legacy of the samurai to end. It is not too late for you to reverse your fate. March alongside us, Lord Mifune, lead your samurai once again into battle. Two hundred years ago, the era of daimyo ended in the fires of civil war. The clans and their ninja rose up in pursuit of greater power, overthrowing the regime of the daimyo. The samurai, however, remained loyal to the oath they had sworn and paid the price. It is time for the samurai to return to the world, to restore your honour, to reclaim your rightful place. Join our cause, and the ways of the samurai will prosper once again.”

The court exploded in open debate. Vassal, retainers and samurai alike converse among their peers. The noise of voices filled the halls. Her words had left an impression on them.

“... ... ...” Mifune mustered his voice and spoke, his stare falling upon her. “Lady Miyumi, we will take your words into consideration. I will consult with my retainers before making a decision ... Okisuke!”

A samurai with a scar running across his face approached his liege, his sword sheathed. “Yes, Lord Mifune.”

“Okisuke, guide our esteemed guests to their lodgings. I am sure, Lady Miyumi, that you are your companions must be tired from the long journey.”

Okisuke nodded.

Asami offered a polite bow in return before taking her leave. “We thank you for your time, Lord Mifune. We will await your response.”



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