Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc XI Chapter 13

Arc XI Chapter 13



Arc XI Chapter 13


It was morning when the alliance of cute and fluffy animals, at least Yuki called them such, reassembled for a new war council in the command tent. Every clan was determined to fight the enemy, and though the snake clan didn’t scare them, they all knew that they had to fight. A tough battle awaited them. There was no escape. It was now a matter of standing together or falling together. Their situation strengthened their alliance, although doubt and uncertainty plagued everyone’s mind. There was fear and anxiety in everyone’s eyes.

The upcoming battle wouldn’t be an easy one. The forces of the snake clan were infamous for their mercilessness and brutality. It would take more than just courage and foolhardy bravery to defeat them. Luckily, Yuki had a plan. It was time to capitalise on her lessons in strategy and tactics. Nee-san would be certainly proud of her. She would put Nee-san's classes to good use.

The red panda raised his voice, him being the representative of his clan and improptu commander of the allied forces. “I am glad that everyone here is resolved to fight. Today, we will stand and fight together as comrades. Nevertheless, we must now discuss how to confront the enemy. Our scouts report that the enemy significantly outnumbers us. We will receive reinforcements soon, but even then our numbers are far from favourable. The enemy is strong, yet we cannot allow the enemy to take the mountain pass without a fight. The pass is a strategically important. It would allow our enemy to invade our lands unopposed. That is why we must defend the pass no matter the cost. That is why we have no choice, we must stand our ground.”

Everyone in the tent nodded. So did Yuki. The pass was important. That much is clear.

The red panda continued, “Fortunately, the mountains stand with us in the coming battle. The terrain will favour us and provide us a with a strong defensive position. We will have the high ground, which will allow us to counter the enemy numbers.”

“...” The other clans said nothing. Their representatives appeared to agree with the proposed strategy. After all, it was a sensible one. Still ...

Yuki stepped forwards, entering the middle of the tent. She was a girl with a purpose.

Katsuki watched her from the sides, confused. “Yuki, what are you doing?”

Yuki responded with a motivated smile. “Watch and learn. I have an idea.”

Yuki raised her hand, calling for attention. “Excuse me! I know that it is not my place to speak, but I want to propose a different strategy.”

The red panda narrowed his eyes at her, scrutinising her. “Human, you are with the neko clan, unless I am mistaken.”

Yuki nodded. “Correct. I act as a representative of the neko clan.”

The red panda crossed his arms. “I see. You may speak then. Tell us, what strategy do you propose instead?”

Yuki beamed positively. “Listen, what if we ...”


An open plain stretched out before the mountain pass. It was afternoon. Two armies stood assembled on the vast plain, forming rows and formations, closing ranks and battle lines. Armed to the teeth with weapons of war, clad in armour and steel, the two alliances prepared to meet each other in battle. The day of battle had arrived. The two forces would face each other now on the fields of glory.

“Ssssss, how foolisssh of them”, the snake general hissed, amused by the utter foolishness of their enemy. “To forsssake their defensssive position only to meet us on open ground. Are they tired of living? Thisss battle will be easssy. We will crusssh thisss feeble alliance under the weight of our superior forces.”

“Indeed, General”, the snake emissary seconded his opinion. “Our attempt to bribe the neko clan might have failed, but the fate of the allaince isss sssealed regardlesss. The moment we break their morale, their forcesss will flee and ssshatter. Their landsss will then be oursss for the taking. They will be unable to oppossse usss.”

“Exactly”, the general flicked his tongue with glee before addressing a nearby officer. “Soldier, give our troops the orders to advance and engage the enemy. The time has come to annihilate our enemy.”

“Underssstood, General.” The officer slithered off to transmit the orders. The battle was about to begin.


A red panda officer gulped at the sight of the enemy numerical superiority, his nerves getting the better of him. Their superiority was considerable, to say the least, “Do you think that was a good idea, General, to follow her plan?”

“Don’t waver, soldier”, the red panda general replied, his voice firm. “The girl's plan was a sound plan, and I support it. Now that we stand here, we must be ready to face the enemy.”

The officer remained unsure. “Still ...”

A stern glare from the general silenced his complaint, his paw raised. “We need to steel our hearts and show courage ...” 

The general paused, all of his attention now focused on the enemy. The snake troops began to move. “The enemy is advancing. Order the troops to prepare and receive the enemy. Everyone shall act as planned.”

“Understood, General.” The officer hurried off to alert the troops, his heart pounding with anticipation.


Meanwhile, Yuki and Katsuki were lying in wait, hiding among the woods together with a detachment of fearsome, nimble neko warriors and other alliance soldiers. They had taken a little detour and taken the long route around the mountain, all for the sake of one goal. They were biding their time, preparing for a sneak attack on the enemy camp. They would ambush the camp after the snake main force was successfully lured into the mountain pass. The plan was to stage a feigned retreat before the armies clash. The alliance army would abandon their positions and withdraw, inviting the enemy to pursue them. Once lured in, the alliance troops would block the pass behind them with rocks and stone and that way trap the entirety of the enemy forces. Unable to escape, the enemy would be then be exposed to attacks from all sides. Arrows, javelins, rocks will rain down on the enemy from above without mercy.

“Are you sure your plan will work, Yuki?” Katsuki asked, her voice laced with doubt.

Yuki nodded, supremely convinced. How could she? “Quite sure. My confidence in Nee-san is unshakeable. After all, this is one of Nee-san’s brilliant stratagems. We discussed this manoeuvre in our mountain warfare class!”

“If you think so ...” Katsuki trailed off, still unsure but willing to trust Yuki.



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