Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc X Chapter 5

Arc X Chapter 5



Arc X Chapter 5


Yuki had a strange feeling, a very strange feeling that stubbornly refused to disappear despite numerous days passing. Her enigmatic feeling persisted as recent weeks unsettled her mind.

Something had changed. Her instincts told her that something was going on behind the scenes, unbeknownst to everyone, her included. The wheels of history were moving tirelessly, irresistible in their march.

Her days at the academy passed, flowing along like a peaceful mountain stream, yet a subtle breeze of change blew through Amegakure, all-encompassing and vigorous. Nothing remained the same.

The academy, her teachers, her fellow students, the curriculum had all changed. Not to the worse. Yuki harboured no sympathies for the past. All things considered, academy life had taken a turn for the better.

Much to Yuki's displeasure, operation friendship progressed little so far, but she still had nee-san. And nee-san was everything Yuki needed. Nee-san's sweet fragrance, her soft touch, her gentle kindness, her warm embrace, her well-shaped yet firm ...

Yuki shook her head, dispelling her frivolous thoughts.

Her days at the academy were pleasant. Her lessons insightful and educational.

Nee-san admonished her to study hard, and Yuki wouldn't disappoint her precious nee-san.

Yuki would give her best, studying hard and practising daily.

The teachers were forthcoming, treating her with particular care. Unlike with other classmates, they never raised their voice against her and rarely criticised her.

Almost as if they were afraid of her, but that was probably only her imagination. After all, why should the teachers be afraid of her? That made no sense.  

Instead, they lauded her progress, praising her diligence and hard work.

Yuki was the teachers' undisputed darling, much to the envy of her fellow students. Their envious glares didn't escape Yuki, but so far their jealousy proved inconsequential.

Her fellow students displayed no intention to antagonise her. Quite the contrary. Active opposition and open hostility had nearly ceased following the unfortunate bento incident. She proudly informed nee-san about her successful defence of her bento.

Nee-san summarily approved of her actions.

The nefarious perpetrator avoided her stare since then. The boy and his henchmen looked even scared of her and their faces visibly paled in her presence. They kept their distance.

It turned out nee-san was right all along. Her actions earned her the respect of her classmates. As nee-san said, it was better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.

The curriculum had also changed. The new modified curriculum was rather military focused. Something nee-san would certainly approve of. In fact, Yuki suspected it was nee-san that was behind the recent modifications, and she was determined to find out.

Yuki knocked and entered nee-san's room. Hopefully, nee-san wasn't busy with work.

They had recently moved out from their old apartment. Their new accommodations were far more spacious and luxurious.

“Nee-san, do you have any time to spare?“

Nee-san looked up from her desk and greeted her with a smile, a genuine smile filled with warmth and love. “Of course, my cute little Yuki-chan. Tell me, what do you need?

Yuki mustered her courage. “Nee-san, I need to ask you something.“

Nee-san beamed. “Such as?“

Yuki fidgeted. Her hands got nervous. Yuki avoided nee-sans gaze. Nee-san's beautiful luring eyes made her cheeks blush like cherries every time. A humiliating sight Yuki wasn't keen to share. “Ehm ... Well, it's nothing ... Nothing important.“

Nee-san chuckled, amused by her conflicted state. Nee-san was mean. “Are you sure? It sounded important.“

Yuki nodded.

Nee-san didn't press the matter further. “Anyway, I have a question for you, Yuki-chan, are you doing your training?“

Yuki nodded. “Yes, every day. Two hours in the morning. Two hours in the afternoon. Two hours before sleeping.“

“Excellent. Pack your things, Yuki. You are coming with me. We will participate in a diplomatic mission and accompany a delegation.“

Nee-san grinned with evil delight. “We are going to lighten the wallets of some daimyos.“


Located in a forest far away in the Land o Fire, Yuki proceeded with her ninja lessons, training under the strict and punishing supervision of her much caring yet undoubtedly sadistic and black-hearted nee-san. But nee-san only wanted the best for her. Assumedly ...

Yuki got punished with a swift hand strike, punished for her lack of concentration. The chakra sphere she worked so hard to maintain dissipated as her focus wavered.

Yuki rubbed her head. “Ouch, what was this for?“

Nee-san narrowed her eyes, dissatisfied with her performance. “You know what was this for. Less thinking. More focus.“

Nee-san crossed her arms. “I am excepting utmost dedication from you, Yuki. Don't get distracted by measly thoughts and daydreaming.

Maintain your focus. Sharpen your mind. The battlefield is a dangerous place.  Concentration and situational awareness must be maintained at any moment. You are not at the level yet to neglect both. Pay attention to your chakra. Pay attention to your surroundings.“

Yuki nodded. “I understand.“

Nee-san eyed her with undiminished suspicion. “Then answer me, what is chakra?“

Yuki remembered her lessons and recited, “Chakra is the energy of our soul, a product of either Yin, or Yang. Chakra is the extension of our will, the instrument of our very being.“

Nee-san was pleased. “Correct. Ninja fail to comprehend the true nature of chakra. Like naive children, they rely on their natural talent and the abundance of their reserves. Blind faith and ignorance have replaced understanding and intellect. They mistake ignorance for strength. They are wrong.

Chakra is not some sort of distinct entity, not some sort of weapon, or tool. Chakra is you, and you are chakra. It's the burning energy of our soul, the radiance of our very being and intellect. Chakra is our will imposed on reality, given shape and form.“

Yuki listened. Nee-san was right, chakra was the reflection of oneself.

Yuki's chakra was timid, shy, weak. Unlike hers, nee-san's chakra stood proud in defiance, potent, elegant, pure like crystalline water, pristine like the air.

It was the reason why nee-san demanded nothing short of perfection. Nee-san was the paragon of perfection. Of course, nee-san would demand nothing less of her. Nothing less was acceptable by her standards.

Nee-san clenched her fist. “As such, chakra in its passive state is an energy that must be directed, guided.

Chakra without guidance is powerless. Only control turns enables you to access your chakra.

Do you understand, Yuki? Your resolve must remain firm. Your purpose unwavering. Your path clear. Chakra is, more than anything else, the unity of body and spirit.

This is why control is indispensable. Control is the essential to ninjutsu. Without it, your chakra is directionless, purposeless, wasted, weak. Easily disrupted and tempered with. The strength of your chakra depends much on your conviction.“

“...“ Nee-san's sermon finally ended. Not that Yuki wasn't used to them by now. Nee-san was a strict teacher, and she clearly loved to hear herself speak.

“Now proceed.“ Nee-san's scrutinising gaze fell on her.

Yuki followed nee-san inst instructions and mobilised her chakra just as she was taught. Establish a connection. Imagine. Visualise. Internalise.

Once again, Yuki summoned her chakra, creating a tiny sphere of chakra.

Nee-san appeared satisfied so far. Her gaze approved. “Now modulation. Manipulation. Density first.“

Yuki acted. Chakra density increased and decreased. Her sphere contracted and expanded.

“Now shape and form.“

Yuki listened. Her sphere morphed into an ovoid, then into a quadratic, hexagonal, octagonal cube. It was difficult and a painful affair, but Yuki succeeded despite enormous pressure. Weeks of hard training finally paid off.

Nee-san mused. “Now the last part. Let's see how far you got this time.“

Nee-san called forth her purple chakra around her index finger and poke Yuki's innocent sphere. But her sphere resisted nee-san's invasive chakra. Unlike countless times before, her sphere didn't shatter immediately upon contact. Her chakra repelled nee-san, standing fast.

Nee-san blinked in complete surprise, not believing her eyes. “You ... hardened ... your chakra ...“

Yuki smiled, squealing inside. She did it. She finally did it.

Nee-san was quick to regain her composure. “Mild fluctuation and dispersion, but still within acceptable levels. I guess you pass, for today, at least.“

Yuki jumped in joy. For the first,time she passed nee-san's scrutiny. This was a glorious moment.


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