Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc VIII Chapter 8

Arc VIII Chapter 8



Arc VIII Chapter 8


Senpai smiled. Her mood was superb. Every day was a good day. Every day was a happy day with her cute little radiant sunshine at her side. Asami was less gloomy, less grumpy, and less abusive than usual, which Tobi approved of.

His mistress stopped hitting him as she had found a new victim for her affection, a new victim for her bottomless love, her cuddles, her huggles. It wasn't Tobi.

Tobi witnessed a friendlier Asami, less tyrannical, less despotic. Asami was a cruel mistress. She ruled with an iron fist over common peasants like him, but her treatment of him improved. She even mumbled 'thank you' when ordering him around, a definite improvement.

Yesterday, senpai even praised Tobi. His princess promoted his morning coffee from a hideous attempt on her life to barely potable.

Her lips smiled, and her smile was warm, dazzling, radiant. The ice in her heart finally thawed as the dawn of spring arrived. Her world turned bright again and sparse memories, fragments of her past returned.

Yuki had changed senpai. Asami doted on the girl. Their appearance was similar. Their behaviour was similar. Their way of speaking was similar. As if Yuki was her long lost little sister, the sister she never had.

Asami hugged her plenty when asleep. Her arms enveloped the helpless girl and resistance proved futile, but the girl still refused to cooperate. Yuki continued to play the little obstinate princess. The girl sulked, puffed her cheeks, and crossed her arms indignantly.

The girl insisted that she was taken hostage against her will by lawless brigands like them, but she never tried to escape. Yuki obediently followed Asami, stalking senpai like a newborn kitten her mother.

The girl jumped, smiled, took senpai's hand whenever possible. The girl even reciprocated senpai's hugs. Curious.


Together they were marched across the snowy plains. The scenery changed little for days. Snow, snow, and more snow awaited them with no end in sight. The Land of Iron was a truly ghastly experience.

Asami led the way, accompanied by a certain girl. Yuki was wrapped in a fluffy woolen scarf to keep her warm. Tobi already complained that she never shared her scarf with him.

“...” Yuki tugged at her sleeves.

Asami smiled. “Yes?”

Yuki asked, “Where are we going?”

Asami looked hurt. Her smile diminished. “Yuki-chan, what did I tell you that you should call me?”

Yuki realised her mistake and sighed in defeat. “Where are we going, ... Nee-san?”

Asami's smile returned. Her hands pinched Yuki's cheeks with childish glee. “Good girl.”

Yuki didn't fight back. It was useless. “Nee-schan, that hurtsh! Ssstop it.”

“...” Asami didn't listen. Her smile broadened. Yuki was such an adorable child. Her cheeks were simply too soft and fluffy.


Eventually, they arrived at their destination. Yuki slowed them down, but the loss of time was negligible.  A castle of ice and stone rose at the horizon, situated on a hill above Shibayama, surrounded by icy wastelands.  They passed the gates and entered Shibayama.

The entire city was dead. The streets were empty and daily life had ceased. Winter reigned supreme and maintained an iron grip on the Land of Iron. No sane person challenged the frigid cold.

The castle was nothing spectacular, quite modest even for a local Daimyo, but the lands were never known for their prosperity and wealth. 

Yuki masked her growing anxiety, but her unease didn't escape Asami. The ominous presence of the castle unsettled her. The black walls terrified her. The girl gripped her hand. Her pulse raced.

Asami looked concerned. “Yuki-chan, is something bothering you?”

Yuki lowered her head, ignoring her innocuous question. “Nothing, nee-san. I just don't feel well. That's all.” Yuki lied, but Asami didn't press matters further.

“Are you sure, Yuki-chan? Because Nee-san is worried about her cute little sister.”

“Don't worry, I am fine”, Yuki reassured her, but her grip tightened. Yuki clenched her hand.

Asami accepted her lie. “If you say so ...”

“Halt!” A guard halted them, pointing his spear in their direction. “Who are you? And what are you doing?”

The guard gave her an icy stare, a common occurrence in the cold north. Her friend wasn't alone. More guards joined, more samurai. Trained warriors, the Land of Iron's finest, they honed their skills, their spirits for years,

Asami removed the spear from her face and deflected with a gentle smile. “No need to act rashly. Our intentions are peaceful. We don't want to hurt anyone.”

The guard didn't budge, his eyes narrowed. “You didn't answer my question, who are you? What do you want?”

Asami inspected her nails and feigned disinterest. “Your gracious lord and master requested our presence. He summoned us and here we are.”

The guard expression softened, but doubts lingered. “So you are these elite ninja?”

Asami nodded. “Correct.”

The guard didn't look convinced. “I find that hard to believe. One guy and two little girls ... I expected more when I heard elite.”

Asami deployed her charming smile. “Indeed, but appearances and age can be deceptive in this line of work. I assure you, we are the real deal, and we have work awaiting us.”

The guard grumbled, “True.” Her words didn't convince him, but her words persuaded him.

He stepped aside, and the guards allowed her to pass. “You may pass.”

“Excellent, I appreciate your cooperation.” Asami was delighted and took Yuki's hand. “Come, Yuki-chan. We don't want to make our client wait.”


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