Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc VIII Chapter 1

Arc VIII Chapter 1



Arc VIII Chapter 1


Amegakure offered a truly majestic sight. The forces of nature cloaked the city in a veil of rain, a common sight in the case of Ame. The scenery pleased her senses. Dark spires, silent monuments of forged black steel and human will, ascended from earth. Their imposing height challenged heaven itself. Shrouded in shadow, their cold silhouettes hid secrets forever untold. They were spires of desolation, of sorrow, of lost hope, of tragedy. Their soul resonated with her. The black towers invited her, welcomed her, and she accepted their invitation. 

Accompanied by her umbrella, a lone girl crossed the misty bridge leading into the village. This was Ame. This was the village hidden by the rain. This was her new home. The place where she was supposed to meet Akatsuki's leader. Pain was his name, a self proclaimed god. How pretentious of him. Some nameless provincial upstart with delusions of grandeur declared himself a god in her presence. Such impertinence.

Pain led Akatsuki and his goal was nothing short of world domination. An ambitious project for an equally ambitious man. Whether he would achieve his goal was different altogether. So far, every great conqueror in history had ultimately failed. Would he be another one? Only time would tell.



“Eh ...” Takuya yawned. Sleepiness overcame his drowsy eyes. Guard duty was such a pain in the ass. The very definition of mind-numbing and boring.

“Tired, aren't we?” Shizue laughed about his predicament.

“Not really. Just the usual. Nothing makes you sleep better than guard duty.” Takuya was rubbing his eyes to fight his drowsiness, but to no avail. Serving Amegakure was an honour, but ... guard duty sucked big time. Standing watch day in day out was a tedious affair. Nothing ever happened. 

They guarded the village gate, checking merchants and other travelling folk, but he didn't complain. He had a family to feed and a wife waiting for him. His post was safe. Minimal risk ...

Footsteps resounded through the air. The rest of the checkpoint shared his reaction and snapped to attention, their drowsiness gone. Steps echoed across the empty bridge. They approached their position. The steps stopped and amidst the fog a lone girl appeard, armed with an umbrella.

“...” Takuya spotted her petite figure. Her black kimono bore a familiar pattern. Her pale skin granted the girl a ghostly appearance. Her sheer presence sufficed to intimidate him. A cold, chilling, dark aura surrounded her.

“...” Takuya gulped, resisting the creeping sensation of dread.

Her saccharine smile greeted them. “Salutations, friends, I was invited to visit the beautiful village of Amegakure. I have arrived and now seek permission to enter.”




“... ... ...” Silence followed, and the guards exchanged looks of disbelief. They didn't trust her. The girl exuded an otherworldly, a dangerous aura. Her smile didn't ease the tension.

“...” Takuya unholstered his kunai. He remained cautious. The girl was suspicious.

Shizue narrowed his eyes. “Who are you? What business do you have with Ame?”

The girl tilted her head and played with her umbrella. “As said, an old friend invited me.”

Shizue gritted his teeth. “Don't play with us. State your identity and purpose, or ...”

The girl giggled. “Or what? What are you going to do?”

Shizue's blood froze. A lightning bolt illuminated the bridge and revealed her figure. Her eyes glimmered purple in the dark, exuding a cold, demonic aura.

“...” Takuya held his breath, his hand gripping his kunai. The girl ... wasn't normal. “Don't move! Try anything funny, and we will attack!”

“I strongly advise against such rash actions, my friends.” The mysterious girl merely smiled. Toying with them filled her girlish heart with joy. Their fear, their angst, their raw emotions pleased her sadistic streak. Their misfortune and misery lifted her mood.

The girl gripped her umbrella and marched past them, advancing through the ghastly fog, hardly bothered by their presence. The incessant rain didn't stop. 

Shizue blocked her way. “Stop! I said stop! Not a step further!”

The girl ignored his orders, strolling past a petrified Shizue. He didn't dare to defy her in the slightest.

The girl giggled, amused. “Thought so. Listen, my friends, time is precious, so could you do me a little favour? I am new here, and I am searching for a friend of mine. Thus, I need your help.” Her gaze swept across the ranks until setting on him.

“...” Takuya  gulped. Her dark eyes ... were staring at him. “And who is this ... friend of yours?”

The girl tilted her head, grinning. “I am sure you know him. The entirety of Ame knows him. I am searching for Pain-sama.”


Guided by her newest underling, Asami reached her destination. Pain resided in the tallest tower. 

A woman with lavender hair awaited her arrival. Konan was her name. Her white angelic wings made her float in the air. Her expression betrayed no emotions. “You are late.”

Asami bowed in respect. “My apologies, but locating Kami-sama proved difficult. In his infinite wisdom, he provided me with no directions. I was thus forced to recruit locals for help.”




“We know.” Konan maintained her emotionless mask. “Your little show of force displeased Pain-sama.”

Asami responded with a smile. “Once again, my sincerest apologies, I never intended to offend Kami-sama. I didn't know that I was watched, but now I do. Of course, I will refrain from such unbecoming behaviour in the future.” Her stare met Konan's, neither of them prepared to yield. 




“...” Konan studyied her, scrutinising her. “Follow me. Pain-sama is already awaiting you.”


“What's up, Takuya? You look pale. Have you seen a ghost, or what?” Shuji joked the moment he entered his bar. His old friend sounded worried.

Takuya was completely soaked. His entire body shivered. Even his hands still trembled. It was obvious that he had clearly seen better days.

He took a chair and rested. “Shuji, give me a drink ... No, make it two ... No, better three ... Give me the strongest stuff you have got.” He needed alcohol. He needed to forget. Amegakure gained a new angel, and her wings were blacker than the night.




Check out my other novel and give it a try! =^.^=

Villainess, noble girl, princess.

Reincarnation is a fickle matter, unpredictable and capricious, uncaring and unforgiving in nature. Stranded in unknown lands, in a different time and age by the mysterious forces of magic, Aurora is reborn as the sole heiress of the ancient noble House von Schwarz, destined to enter the game of kings and queens, armed with pride, deceit, and an adorable doll.

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