Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc IV Chapter 7

Arc IV Chapter 7



Arc IV Chapter 7


Orochimaru smirked, his sinister laughter echoing through the hall. “Ah, it is you, the intriguing girl from before. Asami was your name, wasn't it?”

“...” Asami ignored him and readied her blade. Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake. Time was on her side.

Orochimaru grinned. “I congratulate you on your victory, girl. Your performance was certainly impressive for your age. I didn't expect Konoha to possess such a promising kunoichi. So much talent. So young. You are a rare and precious gem. Unfortunately, you lack something important. What a shame.” Insatiable possessiveness and carnal desire lingered in his words. Orochimaru licked his tongue.

“...”  Asami remained unfazed. Danger permeated the air. A sense of danger that would have paralysed lesser men, but not Asami. She was made from sterner stuff. “And that would be? What do I lack that Sasuke doesn't? Might it be the sharingan?”

Orochimaru answered with an ambiguous smile. “You eavesdropped, didn't you? How impolite of you. Good girls don't do that.”

Asami smiled back. “Orochimaru, I sincerely doubt that I require advice on etiquette and politeness from a known traitor and psychopath.”

“True.” Orochimaru smirked, unperturbed by her presence. “While I might enjoy exchanging pleasantries with you both, my time is sadly limited. Asami, Kakashi, if you would excuse me, I must take my leave ...”

Her sword blocked his path. She wouldn't yield. She wouldn't move. “Where do you think you are going?”

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes. “Are you stupid? Do you want to die; girl? I might be in a good mood, but get out of my sight or I will kill you.” Gone was any pretence of friendliness.

“No ...” Asami reciprocated with a stare. Orochimaru overestimated himself, and he would pay the price.

Orochimaru repeated his threat, “I said, get out of my sight, or I will kill you, stupid girl.”

Tension rose. Asami readied her blade in an act of defiance. Coated in purple plasma, the vengeful light of the stars shone in the dark. “Stupid? You call me stupid? You should better watch your words, Orochimaru. You are here alone, all on your own and without support. The Hokage, his ANBU guards, and some of Konoha's most powerful jonin are right around the corner, just mere seconds away, and ready to bring you down. And whom do you have, Orochimaru? Nobody. You are not only outnumbered, but also severely outclassed, Orochimaru. And yet you chose to reveal yourself to us. That is what I would call true stupidity, o esteemed Sannin.”

Orochimaru's sardonic smirk faltered. Her words struck a nerve, creating a breach in his defence. A single moment of distraction was everything she needed to close the distance. This was her chance. This was the moment she had been waiting for.

In the blink of an eye, Asami accelerated, attacking from point blank. Orochimaru would regret having ever met her. Luminous plasma enveloped her body. Like armour, her chakra protected, shielded her.

Asami charged and a bright stream of fire shot across the hall. Orochimaru never saw the strike coming. His eyes widened, blinded by the flash.

He dodged, albeit barely. But he dodged. His instincts, his experience saved Orochimaru. Asami shot right past him. No contact was made. She missed him from point blank, what a disappointment. Her failure displeased her.

Asami crashed through a series of columns in her path before slowing down. The brittle granite yielded, offering no resistance. Sheer kinetic force shattered the pillars, transforming them into piles of ruptured stone.

She forced an abrupt halt by thrusting her sword downwards, making her blade bite into the hard ground. Asami decelerated while sliding across the hall, nearly stumbling.

The massive columns collapsed beneath their own weight, leaving behind a thick cloud of dust.

“Eh ... Eh ... Eh ...” Asami coughed, dispersing the dust with her hands. Her world spun. Everything was blurred. Her head suffered from disorientation. The dust settled down, and her victory was revealed.

Asami giggled with a slight maniac glee, enjoying her triumph to the fullest. Apparently, her attack wasn't a complete failure. She succeeded. She got him. Orochimaru was gone, dead. He died just like that.

Asami picked up his severed left hand that was lying on the ground. She inspected the charred hand, marvelling at her beautiful work. The sweet smell of victory and burned human flesh filled her nostrils. Orochimaru was turned into a smouldering corpse, roasted alive by the heat of her fire. Her attack didn't connect, but she grazed him. He evaded her plasma lance, but her fire claimed his left arm and shoulder. The intense heat evaporated his entire left flank, carbonising his body. 

“So easily the mighty fall. How utterly disappointing.” Asami sheathed her blade after cutting off the snake's head to be sure. His lifeless head rolled across the floor, and yet his body still leaked minuscule traces of treacherous chakra even after his death. 



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