SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Using Rare Tickets.

Using Rare Tickets.

Havent you guys noticed anything different about Jing? Wenling brought up. 

I havent noticed anything. Ears replied. 

Did she change her hair? 

Its probably that whip she pulled out. She didnt have that whip before. 

What whip? You can actually see her from up here?! 

You cant? Du Lin asked. 

I guess we found our next scout for when the Vice Commander kicks it. The bandits laughed. 

You little bastards really like pushing me huh? Ears stood up and cracked his fists. 

With a twitch of his leafy lotus, Ears swayed his head to side and avoided a speedy projectile from behind him. The bandits stood up with their weapons at the ready after seeing someone attempting to take their Vice Commanders life. Ears turned around feeling even more pissed than before.  

Which one of you sorry bastards had the balls to try and attack me? He asked with a dark look on his face. 

Wolfeng Gang. It looks like you are having trouble carrying all that expensive weight on yourselves. Let us lighten your loads for you. A well-dressed handsome white-haired young man spoke. 

Behind him were several other cultivators wielding sharp and dangerous weapons. There wasnt a single one of them that didnt have their eyes filled with greed. The Wolfeng Gang were surprised by these shameless assholes. They didnt even care about protecting their sides of the wall and came straight towards them!  

Quit pussy footing around it like a couple of bitches. Youre here to steal our shit, right? Ears bluntly spoke. 

As junior brothers and sisters, how could we dare think of stealing something from our fellow disciples? No, no, no. All we want is to help you. 

Yeah, you guys look pretty burdened by all those magical treasures on you. 

It would be a shame if you lost your lives in the upcoming beast wave and all those shiny accessories and weapons were lost in it. 

It would be better if you let us hold on to at least 75% of all your stuff. Just as a safety precaution. 

The Wolfeng Gang all looked at each other before bursting out laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. 

Ive never heard so much bullshit spill out of someones mouth. Ears stated. 

If I wasnt so handsome, Id be sure you all wanted to fondle my balls and kiss me on my cheek talking like that. Zian laughed. 

If youre going to try and rob us, at least dont try and lie so fucking obviously. Du Zihao chuckled. 

Pompous little pricks that cant help talking with that flowery tone. Your ancestry has had their head in their ass so far, it passed on down to you shit heads. 

Wolfeng Gangs insults sent the opposing group into a fury. As if theyve been thoroughly humiliated and are the victims of an unexpected aggravated assault. 

And here we were trying to be nice to you savages. The white-haired youth spat hatefully. 

Are you done speaking to my men anyway you want? Wenling stood up and flared her qi in their direction. 

The would-be robbers got chills when feeling that 9th stage Qi Gatherers aura. They were starting to have doubts about attacking them so bravely without a 9th stage of their own. Maybe they shouldve attacked during the beast swarm like they discussed before. A few magical treasures would be lost but there would at least be some left for those that survived till the end. Everyone was thinking that they would be the lucky cultivator to get most of the treasures. 

Are you trying to scare someone with that pathetic amount of qi? An 8th stage cultivator laughed. 

Wenling and Ears were interested in what he meant. It sounded like they had someone able to take her on. 

Gen, show her what youre made of. The 8th stage Qi Gatherer proudly spoke. 

The white-haired cultivator from before stepped up. He balled his fists once everyones attention was on him. His body began to suddenly bulk up along with an increase in potency with his qi. He looked at the Wolfeng Gang like how a Lion would look at a bunny. He was the predator and they were his prey. 

Your power isnt bad... Wenling complimented. But if fights were determined only by the size of ones qi, there wouldnt be a point to fighting at all! She said right after showing off her own supply of qi. 

Well said for a used whore. Now lets see how long your little bandit group can hold out! He rushed towards the Wolfeng Gang as if he was a furious buffalo. 

Both commanders of the Fearsome Garden and Huan clan watched the battle between the Wolfeng Gang and the unknown group of cultivators. They didnt have anything to do with the group but appreciated them nonetheless. It would be helpful for when they planned to launch their attack on the Wolfeng Gang. The two groups could analyze their strength and make a plan for anything that seems especially dangerous. 

Jing didnt believe any of those cultivators attacking the Wolfeng Gang could kill any of their members thanks to the lotuses but just to be safe she sent Li Li on up while she finished forming these arrays in front of their wall. She told him to make sure none of them die. Li Li took this request in his own special way. Instead of actively stopping harm from coming their way, he only made sure to intervene when certain death was imminent. So, if someone happened to get a deep slash in their gut or chest, Li Li wouldnt do anything. However, if a sword was about to pierce through their heart or brain, that was when he would step in. Li Li didnt care too much about these people and only acted for them when his mother requested. 

Okay 10 rare tickets. Lets see what youll bring me. Jing muttered to herself. 

She placed her tickets in the gacha wheel one by one instead of using all 10 at once. She was sure it didnt make a difference but she preferred it this way. 

[Host has received Jade Sword] 

Not a good first spin... It was utterly useless as a reward. It wasnt even a spirit weapon or spirit tool. Just a sword made out of jade ore. She could snap this thing apart just by hitting it against a rock softly. Jing doubted it was even made for combat. Most likely a decorative sword for appearance or status. 

Well, on to the next one. Jings spirits werent dampened by pulling this garbage. She still had 9 tickets left. 

[Host has received Spirit Grass] 

This wasnt too good either but at least it was better than the jade sword. Spirit Grass was useful for feeding spirit beasts that lived on high-quality grass. They were easily growable if planted in good soil with decent spiritual qi in the surroundings. Jing had neither of these things though, so it was just as useless as the first reward but just a little less useless. 

[Host has received Low-Quality Spirit Stone] 

Jing didnt even bother complaining about this type of trash. She just put in another ticket and saw the giant wheel spinning inside her mind. 

[Host has received Low-Quality Spirit Stone] 

Are you messing with me? Jing eyes twitched. Her luck could not be this bad. 

[Host has received Low-Quality Spirit Stone] 

Jing lashed out with her whip and carved a giant gash into the grass in front of her. She couldnt believe this crap! Out of all the things the system could summon, it gave her these three things in a row?! The system is playing a prank on her. It has to be. 

[Host has received Mysterious Marshmallows] 

At least it wasnt another spirit stone... It turns out that these marshmallows were a part of the anomalous items grouping. This meant that the item wasn't important enough to gain an SCP listing like SCP-914, SCP-222, or SCP-353. But it still had strange abilities just like them. Most of the time it was really unimpressive but there were certain times when this wasnt the case. These mysterious marshmallows ignited the head of any individual that consumes them with a blue flame that reaches up to 100 degrees Celsius. Now these were the best so far. She could find a few uses for these sugary sweets in the future as the person that eats one of these will be immune to the blue fire coating their head. 

[Host has received Perfect Recovery Pill] 

Worthless. Jing could create recovery pills that were capable of healing someone submerged in lava. 

A perfect recovery pill would be able to treat almost any life-threatening injury. Missing limb, ruptured organs, severe blood loss, it could recover it all back to a perfect state. This type of recovery pill was priceless and would empty out a large cultivation familys treasury if they wanted to pay just for one pellet. It wasnt until recently that Jing learned of this fact. She had hundreds of pills that were better than perfect grade recovery pills just piled up in one of her storage rings.  

Sitting on such a large capital stumped her on what she should do with the money. Suddenly being gifted with a massive amount of money would befuddle anyone. Shell have to think hard on how she would even be able to convert this into real funds, precautions to protect her identity, and like she said before, what to do with the money. Jing actually laughed a little once she realized that she was fretting over having too much money. She chose to think about this at a later time. 

[Host has received Low-Quality Spirit Stone] 

Jing had no words to express how quickly her good mood vanished when she saw the wheels pointer land on that damn prize again. Now that she noticed it, that stupid prize was spread all over the gacha wheel! There wasnt anywhere on the wheel that she couldnt spot a low-quality spirit stone prize lurking nearby. What kind of crap was this?! Jing normally wasnt one to lose control over her emotions but there were so many things in this world that she could pull from her system. Why did these worthless spirit stones have to be the favored prize for the system?! Are rare tickets really worth only this much? 

[Host has received Jelly Skull] 

Jing actually didnt know how to react to this reward. A jelly skull? What use would this hold to anyone? Perhaps a child would find some fun out of this thing but she couldnt find any real use for it. Just a tasty treat in the form of a skull. Still useless. 

[Host has received SCP-106] 

Jings eyes flashed with surprise, Now this is something... 

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