SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapters 272-277: More of the Grand Tournament!

Chapters 272-277: More of the Grand Tournament!

Haha! Looks like it's your turn next, Xiucai. Lin Shu attempted to slam her palm on Xiucais back for support. Good luck! 

Xiucai vanished from where he was standing and appeared behind Lin Shu. ..! She wasnt holding back with that friendly gesture! Lin Shu took herself off balance with the amount of force she put into the motion. That was how Xiucai knew she wanted to hurt him. 

Hehehe... Cant I give a fellow disciple some encouragement? Whyre you so timid, junior brother? Lin Shu tried to play off her malicious attack disguised as encouragement. 

Youre the last one out of masters disciples, Xiucai. You have to make sure you win for masters sake! He Wenqing suddenly appeared behind him. 

A feat impossible for a simple farmers son to sneak up on a trained assassin since birth! Unless, he deliberately used Withering Willow to erase his presence! He Wenqing tried to grab him in a hold from behind but Xiucais clan didnt train him for years so that he could be caught off guard by two mortal-born cultivators who havent been trained anywhere near as hard as him. Xiucai loosened his joints, slipped in between Hes thick arms and dashed toward the stage to avoid any further complications with his senior brother and sister. 

Yes, Xiucai was younger than both He and Lin, surprisingly enough. A fact that he was rather surprised by once he got a decent grasp on their temperament. But then again, Xiucai was also shorter and thinner than both of them as well. Another fact that Lin Shu loved to boast about. You know, if you didnt have that mask, I think youd look more like a girl than I do. Lin Shu once commented. 

Xiucai ignored her as he and only his family knew how he really looked. He definitely didnt promise to make sure that Lin and He never saw his true appearance. That would be ridiculous. An assassin caring about judgment from others? If his mother or father found out, he would immediately be snatched back to the clan for additional training. Something that might last until he was 25 or 30 years old. 

Have you even been listening, kid?! Were going to need to work together if we want to win this, you know? Hello?! A rather tall girl with a personality somewhat similar to Lin appeared in front of him. 

Slim waist, beauty suitable for seduction, but a temperament that would scare most men away. Not suitable for assassinating. She waved her thin smooth hand in front of him back and forth to gain his attention but Xiucai was paying attention from the very beginning. Xiucai may have looked like he was staring off into space but an assassin-born cultivator like himself was always paying attention to his surroundings. Especially if he sensed killing intent like he did from one of his teammates. 

However, it wasnt from the loud girl still trying to gain his attention. 

You really dare to ignore me? Ive never seen someone so courageous, you know? She laughed with anger behind her laughter. 

It was from the servant of the loud girl. His eyes were filled with disbelief and hostility for some reason. Xiucai wasnt the most sensible of assassins as he never really had any friends he didnt have to kill growing up but killing intent was second nature for him. At first, he questioned how this noble managed to get on a team with her servant when all of Heavens Angels were split up. Perhaps it was luck or maybe the tournament was rigged.  

But then the match started and Xiucai could no longer afford to split his attention between his thoughts and his teammates. 

Follow. Was the only word Xiucai spoke to Chu Hua and Chu Bolin. 

Xiucai tossed two shining black capture beads into the air. Hua and Bolin looked up along with everyone else as another member of Heavens Angel revealed their attainment of a heaven-ranked spirit beast. It made people wonder if gathering heaven-ranked spirit beasts was really this easy! Even the Heavenly Collectors, the only spirit beast tamer faction in the Golden Serpent Sect, only had a single heaven-ranked spirit beast among their members! 

Should Heavens Angels be called the Heavenly Collectors? 

They really do have a lot of strong spirit beasts! Ive never seen a single one of them beside the Golden Panda one from earlier! 

Even that one looked different from a regular Golden Panda! Didnt you see those giant gauntlets around its fists!? 

During this time, Xiucai wasnt idly wasting his time admiring and questioning his spirit beasts like everyone else. As they were released from their capture beads, Xiucai immediately erased his presence and raced toward his opponents who were caught up in seeing what type of spirit beasts were being released. Many hoped it was a spirit beast as beautiful as the strange human-like one from before after hearing Xiucai was the junior brother of the cultivator with the human-fish spirit beast. 

It only took the time for one to blink for Xiucai to deal with his distracted opponents. His finger jabbed into the side of their necks one by one. Then they dropped like corpses, unable to control their bodies in the slightest. Xiucai was relieved his first match was so easy. He didnt have to show any of his martial arts or techniques. 

Xiucai was a bit worried about using this method to win though. He didnt include his teammates at all but at the same time he wasnt too worried. In matches where one person can decide the outcome in a 1v3, the elders usually decide for that team to win. Especially when it ends so quickly. 

As Xiucai waited for the elders to decide the outcome, two strange, silly, and enormous creatures slowly raced their way to him. Standing on four legs, mostly black but with white spots lightly plastered in certain places, and teeth that only a beast that ate meat would have. They were both happily clicking at the sight of Xiucai while running toward him. Like they were having their own conversation together in a different language. 

Xiucai wanted to embrace the two creatures that formed a large shadow over him when they arrived from their great size but he had a reputation to keep. So, he only patted their heads while continuing to wait for the elders decision of the match. Guang and Hei were more than happy with this simple petting as they finally took in their surroundings. 

The Chus were less than thrilled about this type of outcome. They glared at Xiucai with hatred for taking attention away from them but consoled themselves by saying it was only the first match. There were still more fights to be had and they could show off their clans strength during those rounds. Hopefully, Xiucai would have a sudden heart attack or something, they hoped. 

Unsurprisingly, Xiucais team was declared the winners but to no joy of any of the elders. Like they said before, this tournament was not to find individual geniuses but to find those capable of working with others. Although, many of the elders still took note of a few talented individuals. What elder wouldnt want to take on a genius student untaught by others? 

This isnt over masked boy! Chu Hua reminded him. 

... Xiucai nodded in agreement. They still had matches to participate in. 

Xiucai returned to Heavens Angels with Guang and Hei by his side, clicking up a storm. They couldnt stop talking about something and from time to time would start giggling as if one of them said a really funny joke. It was times like this that Xiucai wished he could speak spirit beast. He wanted to know what his beasts were talking about since they kept chatting. 

Hmph. Hmph! You did well. Lin Shu congratulated him with a nod but he could see she was upset about something. 

Didnt expect anything less from you Junior Brother. He Wenqing nodded as well but didnt look to be upset like Lin. 

... Xiucai gave his thanks. 

Well done, Xiucai. Targeting that qi point was an excellent non-lethal way of taking someone unaware down. If they were on guard in any way, you wouldve had a much more difficult task in paralyzing them from the neck down. Your method in distracting them with Guang and Hei before attacking by erasing your presence was really great. A black capture bead is something that no cultivator can ignore. However, all of you, dont forget that Withering Willow does not allow you to erase yourself as youre attacking. Lei Zhi lectured. 

Yes, master! Lin Shu and He Wenqing responded loudly. Xiucai nodded along. All of them taking his words to heart.  

Guang and Hei rubbed their large heads against Xiucais body before walking over to the other spirit beasts in Heavens Angels, this being Li Li and Plinky. All the other spirit beasts were put back in their capture bead for the time being. Li Li had no issue with the two coming over. Plinky was more interested in eating any fallen spirit cakes on the ground than interacting with the two.  

Would you two like to become one of my Heavenly Demons? Li Li cawed, speaking in his original voice. 

Hmm? You are a strange creature... Guang clicked. 

I dont like being called strange. Call me unique. Li Li hood. 

Strange or unique, you are very strong. I dont think even if we fought you together, wed stand a chance. Hei noted. 

Youre not wrong. If you wish, you two can gain strength similar to mine. All you need to do is become my friends and follow me. Lei offered. 

Sounds like a good deal to me, brother. Kekekekekeke. Guang couldn't help but laugh. 

As long as theres fun to be had, I dont see why not. Hei responded. 

This is a gift from me for joining me. Li Li initially wanted to split a single drop of his blood between the two brothers but decided against it. Instead, he reached into the storage ring given to him by his mother around his leg and pulled out two seeds.  

Li Li flicked the seeds at the black and white brothers and it pierced their flesh but didnt hurt at all for them. In a matter of seconds after being coated in their blood, the seeds began to sprout! 

These seeds were from Cerulean! She made them like birds made eggs or women made babies. Li Li didnt know exactly how Cerulean made babies just that she did. One day, when he went out to the front yard, there were these seeds and by communicating with Ceruleans soul, he found out that these were her babies! Kind of.  

His mother explained that some creatures could create babies without a mate of the opposite sex. This was a normal way of making children for most plants. Li Li and Jing needed mates to make babies with but Cerulean didnt. After hearing that, Li Li was still mostly confused about the whole thing but understood that the seeds were Ceruleans children. 

Guang and Hei felt something wriggling and rooting inside their bodies as the seeds grew at a visible rate right in front of them. They sprouted after coming in contact with the orcas blood. Two mini copies of Cerulean revealed themselves to the world on top of the fins of the spirit beasts. Leafy teeth, a head bigger than its green stem body, and a mischievous smirk permanently plastered on their carnivorous looks. 

I feel strange... Guang grumbled. 

Unique is the word I think youre looking for brother. Hei chuckled. 

Hahah! Unique! We are unique now too brother! Guang loudly giggled. 

I am Li Li, your leader, and friend. Li Li introduced himself to his new demons. 

My contractor calls me Guang! Guang replied. 

I was named Hei. Hei responded. 

Guang, Hei, as long as you stay by my side you will have nothing to worry about in the future. Li Li promised. 

Sounds good to me, Leader! Guang was more than happy to hear that. His plant was attempting to gobble one of the fallen spirit cakes on the floor but couldnt stretch that far from Guangs back. 


Im next. Shang heard his number being called. 

Should be a piece of cake for a spellmaster like you. Ying thought. 

Mhm. Shang didnt refute her claim. This tournament seemed like it favored anyone but simple martial artists over anything else. 

Good luck. Jing gave him a simple smile. 

Jing didnt realize just how much of an encouragement that simple smile gave Shang. If before he was planning to just win, now he was planning to win with everything he had to look good for Jing. His eyes lingered on Jings smile for a bit too long before being kicked in the back by a certain child into the ring. 

I cant even look at my woman... Shang helplessly lamented as he got up from the ground. 

I HOPE YOU LOSE!!! Li Li made sure to cheer him on. 

Ill do my best. Shang waved back as he saw the other angels giggling and smirking. 

He really made a powerful enemy by following his heart... With a sigh filled with happiness and tiredness at the same time, Shang looked over to his teammates. They seemed to know him and that made things easier for him. Both of them introduced themselves as martial artists. 

How confident are you two in your martial arts? Shang asked. 

Neither responded with anything resembling confidence or pride. 

Just stick by me and attack when you have the chance. Shang commanded before signaling to the elder that they were ready. 

The other team didnt take long to prepare either. Soon, the match started and in only a second, Shang tossed four talismans to each corner of the ring. From his storage ring, a golden sword came from out of it only to be tossed into the center of the ring with a talisman wrapped around the hilt. The other team immediately dashed toward them together but it still wasnt anywhere as fast as Shangs formation placement. 

A bright blue light flashed within the ring that strengthened Shangs team. Floating blue dust fell all around the ring, passing through the bodies of Shangs opponents but slowly covering Shang and his teammates bodies. Once the two martial artists felt the increase in their physique, they rushed toward the confused enemies, not willing to waste this chance given to them by Array Prodigy Shang. 

Shang stayed where he was as he watched the two. If they were capable of handling the three on their own, he didnt need to do much more. But Jing was watching... Did he do well enough? Did he show off enough with his formation casting speed or using a sky-ranked supportive array with an earth-ranked spirit weapon as a base for the formation? This earth-ranked spirit weapon is a spirit weapon known for its durability rather than its offensive utility. 

Try harder! Stop losing! Li Li cheered for the other team very loudly. Work like a team! Stop fighting one by one like idiots! The young child angrily shouted. 

Shang couldnt help but softly smile. He wasnt the only one smiling either, the other angels were also amused by Li Lis opposition to Shang. Everyone understood that he thought that Shang was trying to take his mother from him. A childs jealousy. 

Surprisingly enough, the other team actually listened to the child and got their act together. The two martial artists on Shangs team were now more evenly matched against the trio on the other side. However, as time went on their advantage began to dwindle despite more and more blue dust covering their bodies. It wasnt as if the formation strengthening their bodies were wearing off but the fact that the two of them were fighting three people at once now with Li Lis advice continually coming in. 

Isnt it against the rules to help people in a match? 

Hes just saying how it is. I dont see how that kid would be breaking the rules. 

I never heard any rules that said we werent allowed to speak during a match. 

But look! Because of that kid, theyre winning now! 

So what? Strength is what matters in the end. If you were fighting someone and they were getting advice on how to beat you, are you just supposed to lose? No! Youd keep fighting until theyre dead. 

Thats right. It doesnt matter if they listen to the advice or not, teamwork is what matters in the end. 

The elders initially thought to silence the childs incessant chattering but paused after seeing the benefits of his talking. That team began to perform more smoothly and cohesively after taking the advice of that child. They even got the upper hand now and were pushing the two martial artists back despite their advantage with the supportive array. This allowed the elders to judge the teamwork of both teams more deeply. So, they allowed it. 

Li Li smirked as he continued to advise the three weaklings.  

Dont let up even if youre tired, stupid!  

If that dumb dumb in the back moves, make sure to retreat! 

Sloppy Girl! The dumb dumb left his base unattended! Why arent you trying to grab it and destroy it?! 

Seeing the shift in the battle, Shang no longer could sit back and watch. While he didnt think he would lose, how could he make himself look good if he didnt win effortlessly? Shang rushed forward with his long wooden staff in hand, ready to take on the trio by himself if need be. At the exact moment he moved, so did the other team at the command of Li Li. 

Sloppy Girl! Rip off that Conduit Spell and fall back. Li Li ordered. 

Messy Hair and Shorty! Meet up with Sloppy Girl and get ready to defend!  

No longer was there any hesitation in listening to the childs words. They moved seamlessly like they were trained to listen to all their lives. All three readied themselves to take on the Array Prodigy together as one. The one referred to as Sloppy Girl took the first strike with the golden sword in her hand that she guessed was better than her regular sword. Now that the supportive array was down, things would be a bit easier for them. 

Shangs staff slammed against earth-ranked spirit weapon but Sloppy Girl didnt seem as if she felt any of the force Shang struck with. She gave a cute smile as the other two attacked immediately after he clashed with her on Li Lis orders. 

Dont forget hes a spellmaster! Close combat isnt his forte! Dont give him the chance to use any spells and you will win! 

A ray of hope appeared in the eyes of the three that didnt think they stood a chance of winning at all. With the little boys help, they were actually giving one of the sects Rising Prodigies an actual challenge! Could they actually win?! No, they had to win! His strength didnt matter but how well they worked together! 

Continuous attacks from all sides badgered Shang Zhai. His skill with the staff was admirable and easily above the other teams individually but didnt have the killing power it usually had combined with his talismans. It was enough to keep them away but not put them down. He was genuinely surprised as the match went on. These three werent bad! It looks like even trash can be decent with a good enough teacher. 

Dont get too excited stupid! Know when to advance and know when to retreat! And dont fall for obvious feints. Dont forget who he is! Li Li continued to teach. 

Be stronger! Plinky shouted in encouragement despite only spirit beasts being able to understand him. 

To think I actually have to use some of my real strength against people like this. Shang sighed. 

Li Li really wanted him to lose. Shang wondered if Jing was as stubborn as this and he got that trait from her. He could definitely see Jing as the silent stubborn type. Not willing to back down but also looks as beautiful and graceful as she always does. Shes really an amazing girl... And shes his woman! 

Ah. Shang was suddenly struck on the forehead by the girl Li Li kept calling sloppy. A judgment he wouldnt say was wrong. I got distracted... Shang was sent sliding to the edge of the ring with a red welt on his forehead. 

I landed a hit! Sloppy Girl cheered. An uncontrollable amount of pride and energy welled up inside her from landing a hit on the Rising Prodigy. 

Dont get distracted, stupid! Li Li admonished. 

Yes! Sorry! She immediately ran to follow up on her successful hit. 

Ahead of her, both of her teammates were already doing what she shouldve been doing a few seconds ago. The two of them engaged with Shang first, their swords constantly slashing and slicing at his body. Shang held his staff with one hand as he defended against the two while mentally reaching into his storage ring for a few spells. They immediately went into overdrive as the warnings of the kid flowed into their heads. 

Do not let him use his spells! 

All three cultivators focused all their attacks on Shang with crazed determination to prevent him from pulling anything out. They no longer gave any care for defense and focused all their attacks on pure offense. Something that Shang couldnt take advantage of while searching for the right spells inside his storage ring. Their crazed attacks forced Shang into retreating off the stage but even then they didnt let him go alone. 

Hehehehe... Lose! Lose! Li Li giggled to himself, seeing Shang in a rough spot. 

Ive never been so humiliated... Shang's lips turned up. Of course, it would be Li Li that makes him feel that for the first time. 

It really was the first time hes ever been pushed this far by someone he considers below him. The fact that trash like this needed to work together to give him a solid fight would be something to mock and ridicule. But in this strange tournament, it was something to praise! Even now, the crowd was cheering on the three trashes forcing him to reveal his weaknesses and strengths. 

Fine. Ill lose but Ill lose with pride, damn it. You win this time, Li Li. Shang admitted. 

Shang slammed his staff vertically into the ground as he reached into his robe and activated a spell. An explosion of darkness expanded as the talisman burnt to ash. A small black dome captured Shang and the three cultivators. Those outside of it could not see inside and those inside could not see outside or inside. 

It was complete darkness inside the spell but Shang had no problem navigating inside. Amusing enough, the trash stuck to each other with their backs facing each other. That kid taught them too well. But, nonetheless, they were doomed to fall here and now. Shang attacked under the veil of darkness as his ally. 

His staff struck the throat of Messy Hair before coming back around and smashing him across the face into the distance. Shangs staff then tripped Shorty off his feet as he spun it around and slammed it on top of his stomach, burying him into the ground. For Sloppy Girl, she was crazily attacking the air around her as she heard the sounds of her companions falling. Shang smacked her on the back of her head and easily knocked her out. 

With a tired sigh, he destroyed the spell with another and revealed to everyone that the match was over. As expected, Shangs team lost and he had to walk back to Heavens Angels with his head hung high. He may have lost but he didnt completely lose. Unfortunately, a certain little birdy thought otherwise. 

Li Li hopped around the defeated Shang without saying a word. He just happily hummed while jumping around him with a gloating look on his face. Li Li knew he didnt have to say a thing. Everyone knew what he was saying though. 

I won! You lose. I win! You lost! You really think you can take my mom when you can only amount to this?! Hmph! Hmph! Hmph! The nerve! 

I lost face for us. I apologize. Shang bowed to Jing but also gave a slight bow to everyone else. 

Train some more. Your skills arent bad. Wan Qing advised. 

I will take your words to heart. Shang nodded. 

Dont be too down. He is Jings son after all. Although I didnt expect Li Li to be such a great teacher even though it was done out of pure spite. Lei Zhi noted. 

I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Li Li confidently boasted. 

Can you turn into a girl? Lin Shu joked, not knowing the true strength of the child. 

If I wanted to. Li Li remembered how Wan Qing turned into a real female. 

What about a cow? He Wenqing joined in. 

Of course. Li Li manipulated his souls shape and transformed from a human child to that of a cow calf. 

He actually did it! Lin Shu shook He Wenqing wide shoulders back and forth. 

He wasnt kidding... He Wenqing was completely shocked looking at the somehow ordinary but at the same time not ordinary cow. 

Li Li had long white flowing hair on top of his head, his cowhide was black with white spots, and his tail was unusually long but that was it. Nothing more than that. 

Hmph! I told you. Li Li spoke to their souls while in cow form. 

Soon after, he transformed back to his human form that greatly resembled Jing. Both Lin Shu and He Wenqing bowed in reverence to the great spirit beast. Li Li was more than happy to receive such praise for something he considered quite mediocre for him now. If it was before the Endless Plains of Yin, he would still have to rely on communicating with peoples souls to talk to them and stay in his original form. 

All hail the Great Li Li! The two chanted. 

Hail Li Li! Plinky innocently praised. 

A smile too wide couldnt be hidden on Li Lis young face. Li Li nodded in acknowledgment. He really was great. After all, he was his mothers son. 

Jie? Isnt that Hu Taos woman? 

Hu Taos woman??? She willingly gave herself to Hu Tao? 

I dont know. I just know that shes in a relationship with Hu Tao. 

Is she crazy too? 

I guess well see. 

Jie said nothing as she made her way up to the stage. Long black hair, generic Golden Serpent Sect robes, and a beautiful appearance. It was quite strange that someone this beautiful wasnt known already! A 7th stage Qi Consolidator as well. This woman was a complete mystery to everyone in the sect! No one could recall her before the identities of those in the Heavens Angels faction started spreading. 

She held a yellow umbrella in her hand and many assumed that this was also a strange spirit tool or weapon! It was a trademark of Heavens Angels to own a strange weapon by now. So many were excited to see the prowess of this umbrella in battle! No one dared to look down on their weapons after seeing an old man toss around a cultivator with a fishing rod! 

Maybe shell use it like a spear! The tip is pointed and looks sharp. 

Or she could use it like a club. 

What if its a trick and her real weapon isnt the umbrella at all!? Maybe she hasnt revealed her real weapon at all yet. 

I wonder if Hu Taos woman is just as much of a Fighting Maniac as he is.  

Speaking of which, where is Hu Tao!? If Hu Taos woman is in Heavens Angels, doesnt that mean hes involved with them too? 

I havent heard anything about Hu Tao the week before the finale... Do you think hes dead? 

There would be a celebration in the Inner Court if that was true but it is strange there has been no news of him. 

Hu Tao loves causing trouble. 

Do you think his woman knows? 

She doesnt look like shes distraught or in mourning. Either shes stronger than she looks or Hu Tao is completely fine. 

The sect would be better off without a crazy fighting genius like that. He would only ruin the reputation of our sect if he was let loose to represent us in the Evergreen continent. 

When the match started, a strange fog suddenly appeared over the stage. Whiteness filled the vision of those inside and outside the ring. Those inside the ring couldnt see anything within reaching distance. Despite standing right next to their teammates, five of the six competitors couldnt see anything but white fog. 

The fog will lead you. Jies voice whispered into her teammates ears. 

The two female cultivators were startled at the voice so close to their ears but listened to the directions. They felt a pulling on their clothes and skin that directed them in a certain direction. In their eyes, they could only see whiteness but they didnt doubt the voice of their teammate. What would be the point of sabotaging someone on your team? Didnt they all want to win and move on to the next round? 

Strike now. Jies voice flowed into their minds again. 

Simultaneously, three cries rang out from within the fog. Just as soon as those screams cried out, the fog quickly dispersed to reveal Jie and her teammates standing over the defeated bodies of their opponents. Silence filled the crowd. Whether it was awe or just the fact that they were simply stunned, it was no doubt that this was one of the fastest matches of the entire finale! 

I couldnt see a thing... 

I couldnt fucking see anything! How strong is she!? 

She hid her strength like a coward! Fighting Maniacs Woman is a coward! 

Idiots... Of course, she hid her strength. There are still more matches after this one. 

Only someone lacking a brain or a genius wouldnt care about hiding their skills. 

Isnt it strange that an idiot is comparable to a genius in that scenario though? 

Dont mention it and it wont be! 

Jie smiled as she returned to the others. 

It looks like your training with Jing turned out well. Wan Qing commented. 

Ive certainly gained a lot... Thinking back on her training with Jings water clone caused her to shiver at the memory. 

Did you get that umbrella for completing your training? Ying asked. 

Mhmm. Jie nodded. I still have a lot more training to do before I feel confident in catching up with Hu Tao. She added. 

If youre lucky, his strength may not change at all from the time he disappeared. Like if he was sealed. Wan Qing shared. 

Knowing Hu Tao, hell probably find a way to get stronger even while hes sealed. Bing chuckled. 

I wouldnt be surprised. Lei agreed. 

Well even if he does, I'll just do what I can. Cant really do much than that. Jie shrugged. 

This Hu Tao guy must be pretty strong... Lin Shu muttered. She sometimes practiced those strange poses with Jie the week before the tournament. It was hell to go through but felt heavenly afterward with such a great boost to her physique. To think that Jie still needed to get even stronger to compete with this Hu Tao guy was absurd to Shu. 

Hes the second strongest in the group, of course he is. He Wenqing commented. 

... Xiucai knew he wouldnt be a match for this Hu Tao but he was certainly interested in how he compared to Jing in terms of danger.  

Xiucais instincts screamed at him to stay as far away from Jing as he could if he was planning to attack her. The best way to deal with Jing according to his assassins instinct was to run as far away as he could while completely erasing his presence. However, he had a feeling that even if he mastered Withering Willow, she would still be able to sense him somehow. She didnt make any sense to him. Not even the Patriarch of his clan made him feel this way. 

Boss did ask me to keep an eye on Shang and Jie. Shang to measure his strength and what the hell made Jing accept him as her man over Hu Tao. Jie to check if she cheated on him with some other man. Runt wasnt oblivious to the fact that the boss regularly played around with other men and women during his relationship with Jie. 

It only strengthened his worldview more that the strong could do anything they pleased. As a beggar, Runt knew exactly how the world worked. Even those with flaws and terrible traits could be seen as heroes and people to look up to if theyre strong enough. How they treat people doesnt matter, how they act doesnt matter, all that matters is if theyre strong and not enemies with you personally. Things like compassion for the weak, helping those in need, and all that was worthless if there was no personal benefit to ones self. 

Whatre you thinking about Little Bro? Jue curiously asked. 

Nothing. Just that I need to train some more as well. Runt responded. 

I could help! If theres one thing I'm good at, it's training! Jue happily offered her services. 

Im fine. Runt denied her offer. Boss was enough as a training partner. 

Awh... Jue hung her head in sorrow. 


So, what do you think of Hu Taos woman? Do you think shell be a threat to us? Meili asked her team. 

If tricks are her only method of fighting, I can deal with her easily. Hong replied. 

Mhmm. Bo Fai agreed with Yanyu standing somewhat distantly from him. 

Is he still looking...? She hesitantly asked, nearly unable to control herself anymore. 

Yes, hes still looking. Meili answered her. 

Yanyus brother was closely watching her throughout the tournament. Forcing her to restrain herself from outwardly expressing her overwhelming love for Bo Fai. A new torturous experience that she rarely ever had to do because of how often they were outside of the sect adventuring or looking for treasure. Outside of the sect, there was no need to restrain herself but inside the sect was a different story... 

Ugh!!! Yanyu cutely cried out in anguish. 

Yanyu released her frustration through the valuable treasures given to her by Bo Fai on her opponents. Bo Fai didnt mind the situation as much as Yanyu did. Having her constantly clinging to him was rather annoying from time to time. There was a time and a place for everything. She didnt need to express her love for him by attaching herself to him at the hip. 

I believe you can survive this. Xiao Hong tried to lift her spirits. 

I dont. I think I'm going to die because of it. Yanyu whined. 

Dont try to support her. Shes just overreacting. Bo Fai spoke up. 

How could you say something like this...? Tears welled up in Yanyus eyes. Isnt it killing you having me separated from your side?! 

Youre not separated from me. Youre just not clinging on to me like a baby monkey anymore. 

You just called me a baby monkey! She yelled at him. 

I said youre acting like a baby monkey, not that you were a baby monkey. He corrected. 

Thats the same thing! 

No, it isnt. But if you feel that way, there isnt much I can do about it. Bo Fai closed his eyes as Yanyu whined even louder. 

After several more matches, it was finally time for the sects Little Monster to go up and show her stuff. It was the moment nearly everyone was waiting for. Since individual prowess wasnt as strongly focused in this tournament, how was the sects Little Monster going to bring her team to victory? Was she going to completely decimate the other team before they could show their stuff or somehow help out her team to win? 

No one knew what was going to happen as the dark-skinned girl got up from her watery throne and walked up to the stage with a small child following behind her. Anticipation and excitement filled their bones and made the audience restless, elders included. So many rumors spread about the Little Monster that no one really knew which ones were true and which ones were false. Many were confused on why her little brother was following her up to the stage before it was explained to them by others what that child really was. 

Do you really think shes as powerful as they say? 

It's hard for me to believe that a Qi Gatherer could survive against a spirit beast in the Core Realm. It has to be an exaggeration. 

What about her helping the Supreme Commander breakthrough in his cultivation!? If anything, thats the craziest rumor I'd ever heard! How could someone so far below another in cultivation help someone higher? It doesnt make any sense at all! 

No, no, no what I find craziest about the Little Monster is her followers. Only one of them was known at all before the Little Monster arrived. I refuse to believe that all of those people over there were just biding their time to show their insane talent and potential. The Little Monster had to have a hand in making them stronger somehow. Perhaps she has a hidden bloodline that no one knows about that could drastically improve ones martial talent! 

Do you even hear yourself? You sound crazier than these rumors. 

I wouldnt dismiss him so quickly. That big-breasted girl with the large sword. I knew her before she got that evil sword. Shes a fallen noble but long ago I remember she used to be bullied. The strength and talent she had now was intentionally hidden or didnt surface until she got that blade. 

You really think she could improve ones talent for cultivation...? 

Do you hear all the other things being said about it?! Who knows whats true and whats false! 

Jing was happy to hear all the enthusiastic gossiping about her. Having her identity a mystery to those in her own sect will be helpful later on once news about her spreads to the other two big sects. No one will know her true capabilities and even if they do, itll be more difficult to have them actually believe it. All of it sounds completely absurd and it's all focused around one girl. A young girl at the 9th stage of the Qi Consolidation Realm, unknown background, and no master. Unless the person was deeply paranoid and/or insane, no one should believe any of the rumors surrounding her. Only a number of elders knew that she had a hidden bloodline and of her match against the ape. 

As Jing arrived on stage, thousands of ways of winning this match surfaced in her mind. Considering her future position within the sect, only those that would bring an overwhelming result seemed to work best for this situation. Along with her declaration of her faction a week ago, it would only benefit to show how shes fit to be the future sect leader. Not that Jing cared much at all if people thought she was suited for the position or not, but it would be more beneficial and less of a hassle if people thought she was meant for the position. 

None of her teammates or opponents were people she recognized. With a friendly smile, Jing pulled out a talisman and declared that she was a spellmaster. Much to the screaming of the crowd who were surprised by this statement. They didnt know if it was true or if she was just bluffing. So some boldly asked a few Angels in hopes of getting an answer. 

Just watch and find out for yourself. Ying shooed them away. 

She did tutor underneath an array elder for a short time... Bing muttered. But I dont know anything about them. 

Before the crowd could go deep in their search for this mysterious elder, the match started and forcefully grabbed their attention. They couldnt possibly miss the Little Monsters first match! It might be over as soon as it started just like the Fighting Maniacs Womans match! Luckily enough, the Little Monster didnt start off strong in her match and pulled out dozens of talismans from within her storage ring. 

She tossed them high into the air and just watched as they slowly floated down. No one could understand what was going on inside her head right now but her opponents didnt waste time carefully trying to analyze her every move. If she really was as powerful as the rumors suggested, they needed to work quickly and not hold anything back. All three of them downed pills that turned their skin red like it was being steamed. 

Teammate A and Teammate B felt a powerful impact land on their backs. Two of the talismans floating in the air suddenly crashed into their backs and attached themselves to the two of them. The effects of the talisman happened immediately. In their eyes, the world around them slowed to a crawl as they felt unexplainable ease in moving their bodies. 

It was as if the world was coming to a stop while they were excluded from the world. The two of them didnt know each other, what was going on, but they knew that it was because of the talisman. They nodded toward Jing and immediately moved forward to attack the three red opponents not even aware of the changes going on. During this time, Jing raised her index finger in preparation of something unexpected happening. The talismans continued to very slowly float down from the sky. 

Teammate A and Teammate B ripped through the three opponents with their swords. Their blades effortlessly sliced through the muscles and tendons of the drugged-up cultivators. With the spell active on their bodies, they were moving at speeds barely perspective to the naked eye. However, this talisman only worked for as long as the wielder could withstand the drain on their body and qi. But in a battle, even a second was more than enough to turn the tides. 

Teammate A and Teammate B could only last 3 seconds before they dropped but Jing complimented them as they passed out from the pain wracking their bodies. They effectively immobilized the three opponents before they fainted, giving Jing free reign to do this. Multiple water droplets formed in the sky that accurately pelted several talismans. The talismans fell all around the incapacitated opponents. Jing couldnt help but smile as she tossed a larger-than-average cherry into the air with a talisman wrapped around it. 

The talismans around the opponents lit up with a bright light as three individual trapping formations activated. The first one sparked with lightning. The second one began to fill with water. The last one ignited with bright lights. 

Electrocution, drowning, and death by pelting. All very enjoyable ways of watching one die but Jing hasnt forgotten the no-killing rule given by the elders. So, she only slightly tortured them. The one being electrocuted only passed out with blackened skin after screaming for about 10 seconds without stopping. With the drowning one, Jing had to be more careful since a person could drown in less than a minute. She watched him carefully as the last opponent was beaten severely by the bright particles of qi slamming into his body over and over again. 

All in all, they suffered horribly before the match was forcefully called by the elder before anyone died. Jing was the last one standing if you didnt include Li Li proudly standing by her side. Li Li dragged the bodies of Teammate A and Teammate B out of the ring as they made their way back to the Angels. Jing requested that Lei Zhi treat the two and paid him using the method he was comfortable with. She made a deal with him to complete ten good deeds within two days as payment for the complete healing of Teammate A and Teammate B. 

Pleasure doing business with you. Lei Zhi smiled. 

Same. Jing created two water clones that walked out of the tournament area to the nearby towns and villages near the sect. 

Does that count as a good deed if clones do it...? Bing muttered. 

I guess well see. Jing answered him directly. If not, I might have to suffer a bit in the near future. Jing laughed at the thought. 

Dont worry! Ill help you, mom! Li Li spoke up. 

Thanks, Li Li. But mom has to do this on her own. She signed the contract, not you. Jing played with his hair. 

Hey make a contract with me too! Just like my mom! Li Li demanded. 

Thats not how you ask someone for something. Jing corrected him with a slight sharpness to her voice. 

..! Li Lis body shook when he heard that strange tone in his moms voice. She never spoke to him like that before! Im sorry... Please let me do good deeds too with a contract. Li Li bowed to Lei Zhi. 

Hmm... Lei Zhi thought long and hard, leaving Li Li very anxious about what he was about to say. 

Why isnt he just saying yes!? Li Li cursed. 

Im sorry Li Li, I'll have to refuse your request. You dont need to make a contract with me to do good deeds like your mom. All you need is the intent to help those less fortunate than you. You can do good deeds just like your mom without a contract at all. You can even help her accomplish her contract faster by helping her out by doing good deeds with her. Lei Zhi tried to reason with the young bird. 

Fine. Come on, mom. Lets go do some good deeds. Li Li grabbed Jings hand and started leading her toward the Outer Court. 

I guess I'm leaving. Jing chuckled. If anything comes up, just let me know. Jing waved goodbye to her Angels. 

The first round for the Qi Consolidators ended and a small break was to be held before starting the quarter-finals. Food, drinks, alcohol, mortal women, and young men from nearby settlements under the protection of the Golden Serpent Sect. It was the Supreme Commander who got the idea of this from the Little Monsters celebration for the Qi Gatherers. Smiles, cheers, and laughter were present all around. 

Selling medical services for anyone injured! Come and get fixed up at the Clinic of Peace! Lin Shu shouted. 

If you got hidden internal injuries and cant afford expensive treatment, we take other forms of currency besides spirit stones! He Wenqing shouted alongside her. 

... Xiucai held up a sign that said, Treating those with internal and external injuries! Money not required! 

If Leis reputation as one of Heavens Angel wasnt legitimate, 90% of the cultivators present would believe that the Clinic of Peace was nothing but a scam. Everything they were hearing sounded too good to be true. Which was natural, as there was no clinic that refused to accept money for their services! So, instead of running straight toward the suspicious clinic, everyone kept their eye on the area where Lei and his apprentices set up shop. If it really was as it said, theyd go but they definitely wouldnt be the first one to find out. What if it was a sham and they were actually signing up to be to test subjects for the blind old man who wanted to play doctor? Wasnt he just a Qi Gatherer? How could he treat anyone? 

I told you this wouldnt work. Lin Shu glared at the cowards in the distance. 

I agree with Lin. It feels like were selling a lie even though I know we arent. He Wenqing nodded in agreement. 

??? Xiucai didnt understand why everyone wasnt jumping at the chance for free treatment. 

Well, just give them time. Eventually, someone will come over. For the time being, try and enjoy the festivities. Its going to get real busy soon once people do start lining up. Lei Zhi sat down and enjoyed a plate of spirit beast meat and water. 

I couldnt be happier to hear that, Master! Lin Shu grabbed a large plate of food from out of one of the servants hands and brought it over to the others. 

Haha! Those cakes earlier were fantastic but nothing can beat the texture and flavor of properly cooked meat! He Wenqing snatched a thick cooked thigh of some beast and tore into it with no hesitation. 

What would a farmer boy like you know about good meat? Lin Shu raised her eyebrows. 

We raised livestock and grew crops! He proudly claimed. 

Your family wasnt just any farmers family then, huh? Lin cheekily chuckled. 

We were one of the best!  

Look at this country bumpkin being proud of something like this. Youre embarrassing! Lin Shu couldnt help but laugh at him. 

We all have to start somewhere! It's not like becoming a cultivator made me any less of a farm boy than I was before becoming one. I havent changed that much.  

I hated my life back home! I never ever want to return back to my life as a mortal. Im more than willing to throw away my history as mortal Lin Shu and give everything for future immortal Lin Shu.  

Hm... Xiucai thought the conversation topic was interesting... 

What do you all think is the major difference between cultivators and mortals? Lei Zhi smiled. 

Power. Lin immediately replied. 

Lifespan. He thought for a few seconds. 

Way of living... Xiucai answered. 

Lei Zhi took a bite of his meal, drank some watered-down wine, and then wiped his mouth clean before replying to his students answers. 

None of you are wrong in your answers. That question has no single answer because the answer is based on ones own experiences. Both Lin and He came from mortal backgrounds but have different attitudes regarding mortals and the mortal world. Xiucai was raised since birth around cultivators and also has a different outlook from the both of you. The reason I asked was that I was simply curious and wanted to know more about you all. Lei responded. 

Hmph! I have nothing to hide about myself. I am neither a coward nor embarrassed about where I came from. I will become someone great and take charge of my own life. Lin Shu declared. 

Becoming someone great, huh...? I dont think I'll be able to avoid something like that now that I'm a part of this insane group. He chuckled. I just want to make sure my family back home can live a good life before focusing on what I want to accomplish with my life.  

Well, you have more than enough time to figure it out. Dont feel rushed, cultivators, have very long lifespans after all. Lei reassured him. 

... Assassins werent supposed to share information about themselves, not even to their masters. 

However, Xiucai thought that Lei was quite different from the average cultivator. While Xiucai wasnt confident in killing him, he was confident in reading others. A skill that most assassins in his clan didnt focus on in favor of assassination techniques. For some reason, Xiucai trusted this old man, and that wasnt supposed to be the case for an assassin. Xiucai was taught that assassins werent even supposed to trust themselves, much less people theyve known for less than a month. 

Lei Zhi noticed the minute hesitation in Xiucais body language but didnt comment on it. The boy would talk when he was ready. There was no need to rush him or any of them. His job right now was to properly get to know them, teach them and set them on the right path in life as best as he could. Lei was interested in seeing just how much he could reform a child raised by assassins but beyond that, he hoped to impart some humanity within him as well. 

I think were going to get our first batch of patients soon. Lei suddenly spoke in the midst of their eating. 

Hmm? Lin Shu looked over at him in confusion with food in her mouth. 

Over dere! He Wenqing was also eating at the moment but pointed in a certain direction with his finger. 

..! Xiucai smelled blood in the air. There must be a fight happening nearby. 

Lei Zhi stood up. This was probably the best moment for him to attract customers. When opportunity strikes, you need to stand up straight and grab ahold of it as tight as you can. He planned to advertise his clinic when he showed up on the scene and showed off a little. 

You all can continue eating and drinking. Ill be back soon. Lei told the trio as he started to walk away. 

Be safe, Master! Lin Shu waved. 

The smell of alcohol and wine happily floated through the air among the disciples and elders of the Golden Serpent Sect. Along with the happiness and drunken mood, eventually, there would be conflicts. Especially in a wicked sect like the Golden Serpent Sect who prided themselves on their survival of the fittest teaching style and those with the strongest fist are always right ideology. When Lei Zhi arrived on the scene, it wasnt as bad as he thought it would be. 

At best, it was just a brawl. No one pulled out their weapons to kill each other. The most severe injuries at the site of the fight were broken arms. Thankfully, no one was on the verge of dying or suffering an internal injury. Performing surgery in an atmosphere like this would be rather difficult but thankfully Jing left him the perfect place to bring in patients. The strange shack she pulled out from her storage ring!

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