SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 141: Lucky and Jun.

Chapter 141: Lucky and Jun.

It looks like Fu Kang suddenly stumbled upon some great fortune that greatly increased his strength from the Treasured Plains, Prince Jun. How exactly are you going to deal with the man that made you a cuckold and handle that unfaithful fiance you are engaged to? The masked man whimsically asked, almost giddy at the prospects of whats to come. 

I have never begged anyone for anything in my life. Gong Jun was wrapped up in bandages. His future was nearly severed in one battle. If it wasnt for the timely assistance by Tang Wuying, he wouldve lost his life on the doorsteps of Elder Mos mansion. 

Never asked anyone for anything I didnt believe I couldnt obtain myself. I never took someones gift that I knew I couldnt repay back. He continued on. But after what I experienced and saw today... I have no other option. 

Gong Jun forced himself out of his bed despite the massive injuries his body sustained in his fight with Fu Kang. His wounds reopened and blood seeped onto his bandages, coloring them dark red. Jun did not care at all for the state of his body and if he did, he surely didnt show it. The masked man kept a constant grin on his face as he saw what Gong Jun was doing. Jing almost couldnt help herself from getting wet. Everything was lining up so perfectly! She barely had to do anything and Prince Jun was already ready to come under her thumb. 

He bowed his cute handsome little head on his knees. 

Please give me the power I need to fulfil my goals. Jun asked with full sincerity. 

Ohohoho. What youre asking for my dear boy is not any small favor. Surely you know this, right? If Jings smile could stretch any wider, itd probably rearrange her entire face. 

I am willing to give anything. More than what Tang gave you for his weapon. Ill even give you my body and soul if need be. If I cannot pay back the shame thats been dealt to me, then I feel I will never be able to progress in my cultivation with a heart demon as terrible as this. The humiliation I've suffered is something that will follow me for my entire life if I dont do anything to solve it. 

Jing has thoroughly soaked her underwear at these words. There was simply no way that this situation could turn out better. 

You are willing to place yourself in debt to me? The joy in her voice couldnt be hidden. A man whose origins, power, and goals are all unknown to you. I could harbor negative feelings towards the people closest to you. My goal just might be the destruction of the Golden Serpent Sect from the inside. Would you still be willing to give yourself to me just for the sake of strength? Her eyes seemingly turned into a swirling vortex. One that promised a future that no one could possibly predict. Eyes that tempted Gong Jun into wanting some of that chaotic power hidden inside them for himself. 

In Gong Juns view, those eyes promised him something he could never gain on his own. Master Mo might be a Head Elder, but he was far too annoying to deal with. The things his disciples gained from him were things they had to work for. Ever since Tang got his strange weapon, Jung has worked his hardest to acquire a sky-ranked sword from Master Mo. Even now, he was no closer to attaining it than when the stubborn man first told him what he needed to accomplish. 

I am willing. He struggled to nod his head from his injuries. 

Then lets seal the deal with a contract that cant be broken by anyone! Probably not even the Sect Leader! The masked man happily announced. 

With a flashy twirl and a clap of his hands, a long white scroll appeared floating in the middle of his hands. Gong Jun watched as the scroll unrolled itself towards him. On it relayed a long text of words that explained exactly what Jun was getting himself into. It would probably take him a couple minutes to read it but he didnt even take a second! He scrawled his name in blood without hesitation and after signing it, felt a grip deep in his body. This grip tightened and nearly crushed him with its power if he considered going back on the deal he just made with the masked man. An innate primal fear within his soul shivered when it felt that grip. Jun knew that unless he wanted to suffer the worst fate imaginable, he shouldnt go back on this deal with the masked man. 

Hahahahaha! You crazy boy! Signing your soul away to some man you dont even know!? I cant even call you crazy at this point, can I? Youre down right insane! He laughed without restraint. And I love it! Dont you worry about a thing Jun my boy! That little fiance-stealing punk and two-timing woman of yours wont know what hit them! After you take some of my wares, youll be a whole new man! His laughter seemingly echoed throughout the entire mansion but there were no signs of anyone coming to his room even with all the noise. 

Now lets see. Lets see. Get up for a second. The man flicked a pill down his throat that instantly melted on his tongue into a delicious flavor that made him think of cooked chicken for some reason.  

Like it? Its a new recipe. I plan on showing the book to one of my other customers. He smiled. 

Gong Jun rose from the ground and could feel that his body was completely healed! What kind of miraculous pill could bring someone back from a state like that? Jun knew that the cost of such a pill would probably be enough to buy a medium-sized sect or a declining large-sized sect! He may have let his emotions get the better of him by signing away his life but seeing that the masked man was able to produce a pill like that and give it away so easily. Maybe it wasnt such a bad choice to ally himself with someone like this... 

What should I call you? Jun asked. 

You can call me Lucky, Prince Jun. Now I heard you were a swordsman but how would you feel if I gave you something that wasnt a sword? Lucky asked. 

My talent lies solely in the way of the sword. Is it impossible to have it be a sword? 

Now now, dont start doubting me already. My wares run deep. I have treasures that you couldnt even imagine in a thousand years. Lucky confidently boasted. 

What do you think about this? Lucky revealed a human-sized green skull made of jelly on top of his palm. 

??? Was Juns only response. 

Oops. That wasnt supposed to happen. Uh.. Give me a second. Lucky turned around and looked to be doing something to the skull that Jun wasnt allowed to see. 

Tada! How about this? In his hands now gripped an oddly shaped jelly sword.  

?????? His confusion intensified. 

Now, I know what youre thinking but have you forgotten who I am? Lucky asked with a grin. 

I do not doubt the prowess of your wares.. He told hold of the Jelly Sword and instantly felt a connection with the sword. 

Its power went straight to his dantian and made itself home inside. Bringing with it a new type of qi that took over his old qi. Jun understood that he now held a unique qi just like Little Tang. His capabilities with this new sword of his was probably just as great. He just had to find out exactly what it could do. 

Dont get too excited boy! Im not done just yet! Even with that very fine sword of yours, you still wouldnt be able to win against that boy. But with this little book right here that fits perfectly with your sword! Youll stand more than a chance. A book floated above his palm. 

Infinite Jelly Style? Jun read the title of the book. 

It fits perfectly with your current sword style, dont you think? Lucky tossed the book on Juns bed. 

And with this, I'll be able to rid the humiliation I feel in my heart? 

If it isnt, I'll erase our deal and you can keep the sword and its sword art. Sounds fair enough right?  

Let me go prepare myself to get my revenge. I must learn this sword and how to properly use it. 

Have fun Prince Jun! Well be in touch... Luckys voice got deeper at the end of his sentence as he disappeared from Juns room as if he was never there in the first place. 

Jing reappeared in her home and took off her mask. If it wasnt for the message she just received from Ying, she wouldve immediately called Ju Ju to her home. The joy she felt seeing everything turn out exactly how she wanted? It was too incredible to describe. But Jing wasnt too far gone just yet. She knew that everything wouldnt be done until Fu Kang was killed by Gong Jun. His life may be in her hands now but that didnt mean his heart was.  

The boost Jing gave Fu Kang was incredibly powerful. His qi, physique, bloodline, and everything was enhanced by at least 3 times with the support-type array she placed on him. However, its effects werent permanent. The qi required to activate the transformation was massive. So, Jing was quite surprised that he managed to hold it so long in his fight with Jun. He must practice a good cultivation or auxiliary martial art that gives him a lot more qi than others. But regardless, Jing was confident that Jun could deal with him. A sword and a sword art refined on very fine? As long as Jun took the time to learn how to use his new sword, he wouldnt have a single issue in their fight. 

Lets see how well youve done Ying. Jing walked out her home towards the Immortal Forest. 

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