Sanguine Paradise

Chapter 51: [Day 18] – “Embarrassed”

Chapter 51: [Day 18] – “Embarrassed”

Day 18

After dashing through a particularly dense region of undergrowth, I finally spot the light of bonfires which indicated the tribe's usual nightly feast. It had managed to reach dusk, as I had to run all the way back to the tribe.

I had also paid special attention to if any was following me. I was not sure if letting me go was just the devilishly beautiful woman's plan to follow me back to discover anything special like my tribe.

I especially remembered that tracking powder she mentioned. When I paid attention to my senses, I could distinctively pick it out from the many other scents I smelled on the two remaining adventures, Hennard and Yrmel. She had apparently not been lying.

But to my relief, after I departed I checked myself for any of the powder she might've sprinkled on me. I still find it hard to believe that she would just let me go like that...

But even though I couldn't find any on me, I didn't lower my guard even in the slightest. I made sure to take all kinds of detours and even went to rest of an hour or two.

With no sight of her anywhere, I could only pray for my good graces that she hadn't decided to follow me as I began on my way back to the tribe.

But the other reason as to why I would just be running across the rocky hills was due to me not being able to properly heal my wing. While healing surge was able to pretty much heal my body back in tip-top shape, the gland where the healing compound was stored couldn't easily reach the thin film of my wings.

While I had only ripped a small part of the wing, and I could still fly with a reasonable amount of stability. But if I flew too fast the wing would rip even more. So running was the go-to until my wing had patched itself up.

Moving closer towards the walls of the settlement, I'm a bit surprised at what I see. It would've seemed that the number of hobgoblins stationed outside the walls had severely reduced.

But it becomes obvious as to why as I approach.

The tribe had already begun expanding the settlement's size. I could see various hobgoblin taskmasters ordering goblins around. Loads of lumber, food, and various other things were being transported around.

They had even managed to set up a much larger amount of tents and areas for residential areas. This was most likely the reason as to why the size of hobgoblins stationed outside the settlement's walls had reduced.

What else had surprised me, was the sheer amount of food that had been stockpiled over by the storage areas. It would seem that a hunting party had returned recently.

But from what I had heard from some of the hobgoblins leaders that I had appointed, was that the amount of prey that they usually returned with was significantly lower than what was currently laying before me.

I have to ask someone about that I suppose...

I begin to walk through the parting streams of hobgoblins and goblins moving about. They all gave me wide birth out of respect for both my authority and strength.

Some of the more intelligent hobgoblins had even stopped whatever they were doing to respectfully put a fist to their chest in acknowledgment. This gesture was a universal way for greenskins to signal respect to those of higher strength.

I was rather tired as the day had been an arduous one, so I just bee-lined straight for my hut. While it was dusk, everybody was in a boastful mood as some ate, some were working, and some were simply sleeping as their shifts had already ended.

In a nod appreciation towards the hard-working tribe, as I move inside my hut.

To my surprise, I don't the sleeping form of Bob that I had expected as I didn't manage to spot him outside eating at the feasting ground. Instead, there was a Mia nervously standing over a newly made, and much larger, bed.

Looking around, I saw that the whole hut had essentially had been refurbished and patched up.

"B-Bob has gotten a n-new to stay..." - Mia

Seeing the very obvious blush on the very cute hobgoblin who was doing a very bad attempt of hiding it, I only grin with a feral look in my eyes.

When she noticed how I was eyeing her, her body shuddered in bated excitement. Moving the cloth covering the entrance fall back into place, I reevaluate if I was truly tired.

You know what? I think I just might have a bit more steam left in me...



After a vigorous night of indulging in my carnal desires, I get out of the heap of flesh that was me and Mia. Yet again we had both passed out cold after thoroughly enjoying ourselves. So I was quite well-rested.

Getting a good morning stretch going, I almost lose balance and fall over as the naked form of Mia sounders past me. Her pert little ass swaying back and forth as she moved over to the pile that was her clothes.

Noticing the I had completely forsaken the idea of stretching and was staring hungrily at her, she simply smirked knowingly at me. But it still didn't escape my notice the slight tinge of blushing coloring the tips of her pointy green ears and cheeks.

What I had discovered over the last few days was that under my attention she would go basically soft. While others can't even look at her for more than a few seconds before sporting a new ornamental dagger in their faces, she actually relished being under my gaze.

But she's not the only one who's been affected as such. Recently, I've begun to feel a kind of burning inside myself whenever I look at her. It wasn't just lust or love, it was something else...

I couldn't identify it. But it slowly grew deeper and more potent each passing second I spend around her. While it actually has been a very little amount of time since we first laid eyes upon each other, there was already a deep and special connection between us.

While I had been going through these deep thoughts, Mia had already started donning her clothes and leather armor. With her back turned to me, I give her a light slap on the ass as I walk by.

I can't help but let out a chuckle as a cute squeal of surprise sounds out behind me. I barely manage to avoid the swat of her own as I leave the hut. Standing right outside, I take in a deep breath of fresh air.

Hearing the cloth covering the entrance being pulled aside, I look behind me to see a very annoyed and blushing Mia emerging from the hut fully clothed and armored.

Before I was even about to call out for Darkan to give out some orders and information, I suddenly see him scurrying over to me with the two orcs and hobgoblin leaders in tow. He had apparently already spotted me.

Seeing that Mia was standing beside me with a pouting expression plastered on her cute face, I just scoff.

"What's wrong? You definitely liked it when I did last nigh-" - Me

I'm suddenly caught off as a very much embarrassed and blushing Mia covers my mouth with her hands.

Unsure how to react after seeing the petite hobgoblin vehemently covering my mouth with her dainty little hands, Darkan just paused hoping I would do something to start the conversation and break the awkward silence.

But seeing the awkward tension in the air, I simply did nothing. I just relished in the embarrassing situation for Mia. But by now she was beet red, and I finally took pity on her.

Slowly moving down the hands of the cute hobgoblin that was petrified in embarrassment, I speak.

"So..." - Me

Clearing my throat, I allow Mia to hide her blushing face behind me so the others couldn't see. She was staring at the ground while she very faintly muttered some rather vile obscenities at my teasing.

"-Uhm, Darkan. Mia and I will be going out on an excursion for some time. I'm unsure when we will be back. So the blood gifting ritual will first be held on the night of the day we've returned." - Me

"Yes master, I will relay the information to the tribe." - Darkan

Nodding, I look to the two orcs standing behind him. While I had only needed to speak with Darkan, seeing them here now I suddenly get some inspiration for an idea. While I'm away, I can't just let all the ones in positions of power do nothing. So I will be assigning something to each.

"Rena and Grul. For you two I have something that I want you to start on. I want each hobgoblin combatant here to begin taking fighting lessons. As you two are the most experienced fighters, I want you to start creating training regimes for them all. If you find any with special talents or abilities report them to me. Understood?" - Me

Finally being set do something, they both grin.

"Yes, master!" - Rena, Grul.

I wanted to increase the tribes fighting power. As they were now, they were all inexperienced and weak. If just a couple of orcs decided to visit my tribe whilst I was gone or Bob wasn't present, they could simply tear it to pieces with ease.

For the other hobgoblin leaders, I simply ordered them to do some miscellaneous work for the growth of the tribe such as food procurement and building. I also told them that they would soon accompany me out to hunt so they would grow stronger.

What I meant by that was essentially that I was soon going to see if I could get them all to evolve. They were all quite close to the threshold so it would be better the sooner I could get it done. Actually, that was one of the things on our agenda that Mia and I were going to do on this excursion right now.

Last night I had explained the plans to her. First, we were going to head out to where she had originally discovered the crimson core, so I could scout out any points of interest. Secondly, I was going to power level her so she could evolve.

She currently was very close as she was level 18, and only needed another two levels. So hopefully we would manage to get her the opportunity on this hunting trip.

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