Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 572: Rebel

Chapter 572: Rebel

572. Rebel


Kacey kept pestering him. Even though Daniel tried to shrug her off, she didnt stop asking him the question. It was a simple question, really. However, it wasnt one he wanted to answer.

Why are you leaving the battlefield?

She asked again, and he sighed. He turned around to face her. She had followed him all the out to the front gates of the fortress. But he didnt want her to follow him any longer. The only reason why he had allowed 

Ill be back, alright? So stop bothering me. There are just things I need to do at Soros.


Kacey started, but he spun around and left her there. The [Crusader] could only watch as he left the fort city of Taritos.

It was a fortress but it was also a city at the same time. It was both, and yet it wasnt its own sovereign nation either. Many of the countries in the Eastern Kingdom Alliance were city states. However, there were some like Soros for example which had plenty of territory beyond just their main city. 

That was the main difference between the Eastern Kingdom Alliance and the other collections of city states in the Human lands like the Helbir League and the Alterian League that the Eastern Kingdom Alliance was composed of nation states that expanded beyond a single city.

However, that was not the only distinguishing factor between them. While the Helbir League regularly waged war internally within themselves, the Eastern Kingdom Alliance was a true alliance. That meant that none of the countries in the Eastern Kingdom alliance were allowed to engage in armed conflict against each other. 

In a sense, they functioned like an empire except without an emperor. They did have a council in charge of the Eastern Kingdom Alliance, but that was to ensure that they were all united in their goals, rather than under a single banner.

In any case, Daniel had chosen to be here in Soros and not the front lines for a reason. He could do this because he operated alone he had the autonomy to do whatever he wanted after snubbing the Council of Cremont a few months back. Honestly, it had been incredibly gratifying. Especially after they




This is absolutely ridiculous!

[Archbishop] Ulric Magnus exclaimed, pointing a finger down at the [Hero] atop a high table.

How dare you defy us? We are the Council of Cremont! We are the heads of the temples that legitimize your summoning!

He was not alone. He was joined by two other [Archbishops]. One of them was a wizened figure that Daniel recognized Thorsten Siegfrid of the Den of Souls. Ulric Magnus himself was from the Sanctum of Elements. And the last figure was an elderly woman who went by the name of Diana Ashlin. She was the [Archbishop] of the Sanctuary of Elements.

And she was the only one who wasnt outraged by Daniels defiance. She just silently sat there as the other two [Archbishops] stared at the [Hero] in shock. 

Ulric Magnus shook his head in anger.

If you refuse to listen to us, we will 

Last I checked, Im the [Hero] here.

Daniel replied simply, cutting off the [Archbishop] from the Sanctum of Elements. He placed a hand on the hilt of his sword as he calmly held the gazes of the three [Archbishops].

You have no control over me. You cannot tell me what to do.

It was a rebellious display one which appalled the Council of Cremont. They exchanged a confused glance, and Thorsten Siegfrid cleared his throat. He took the stand as he faced Daniel placatingly.

We understand that we ask much of you, [Hero] Daniel Song. However, this is a matter of great import we cannot possibly ignore it. So please, we implore you you must condemn Salvos the Primeval Demon.

Daniels eyes flickered. He stared at Thorsten Siegfrid. He glanced towards the glowering Ulric Magnus. Finally, he looked at the tired Diana Ashlin. She didnt rise to her feet, but she leant forward in her chair and cupped her hairs together. 

For the safety and stability of the Human lands. You must do this.

She spoke softly. Daniel closed his eyes. He took in a deep breath, collecting his thoughts. And he replied simply.


Daniel shrugged as he took a step back. 

I will never condemn Salvos for what she is for what she takes pride in being. So go fuck yourselves.

You! How dare you?

Ulric Magnus snarled, turning to the two [Crusaders] guarding the large double doors at the end of the hall. He opened his mouth.


Try it.

Daniel drew the Sword of Alexander with a determined look on his face.

I dare you to try that.

He spoke softly steadfast, even in the face of the Council of Cremont. Ulric Magnus paled, and Thorsten Siegfrid cleared his throat. The pair of [Crusaders] exchanged a glance. Finally, Diana Ashlin waved a hand dismissively.

Let him go




Daniel shook his head. It was suffice to say that the Council of Cremont didnt quite like him the only reason he had [Crusaders] following him around the Eastern Kingdoms was because they were there to monitor him. But he didnt care. 

He didnt like Kacey or the other [Crusaders] and he was certain they didnt give a shit about him either. However, they were useful. Theyd help provide him support in battle while also dealing with much of the logistics that came from fighting in a war.

Not that he was fighting at the front lines. Before that meeting with the Council of Cremont, he certainly had been playing his part. He had been fighting alongside Scarlet Vermillion, Laux Lionfist, and the combined forces of the Remembered Order Company and the Forsaken Company at the very start of the Elven invasion of the Human lands. 

They had been supporting the Eastern Kingdoms in repelling the armies pouring out of the Elven forests. However, it was pretty evident that their Matriarch had been planning for this invasion for quite some time. They struck the Human lands from both the sea and from land. They flanked the Eastern Kingdoms, using the bordering valleys between the Dwarven mountains and the Human lands to split the defending Human forces.

And that was when Daniel decided to leave the front lines. Instead, he acted like a [Hero], traveling to cities and towns that needed his help where he would work alongside them to lift the sieges and repel the attacking Elven forces. 

It was dangerous. It was even foolish, considering he was only accompanied by a small retinue of [Crusaders]. But they were decently high-leveled, and he did have the Sword of Alexander on him.

Well, not right now. But that was why he was here that was why he was heading off to the city of Soros. 

Also, it was partially because of


[Advancement Available]


Daniel closed his eyes as he trudged down the gravel street. He needed some time to think he recalled the advancement options that he had been given, and he knew he could not make a choice quite so easily. Not when he was still Level 147. 

It was strange. This was the first time he had received an early advancement. He was given it back when he was still Level 145, so he had quite a lot of time to sit and think about it. But he had been busy fighting. He had been hoping a better option would have been given to him at this point so that it was easier for him to make a decision.

But the options hadnt changed. And they might not change, even if he reached Level 150. Because of that, Daniel was going to be taking a leave from the battlefield to mull over his choices. And he continued treading down the path that led him to a mountain in the distance.

At its base lay a city one that belonged to the Dwarves, long ago. Its structure was built by Dwarven hands long ago. Its architecture was brutalist in style. There was almost no decoration. Almost like a fortress. 

But now, it was a part of the Human lands. It was Soros. It was known as the city of [Blacksmiths]. It was where Hekhi the Blacksmith Warrior hailed from.

And while Daniel needed some time to think, he had another reason for being here. The real reason he had left the front lines of the war. It was simple, really.

He strode through the tall arched gateways of the city, nodding at the two city guards as they stared at him with wide eyes. He no longer hid his Class from the world everyone knew what he was at this point. And he didnt care.

That was a [Hero]?

I heard rumors about him, but what is he doing here in Soros?

Do you think hes here to save us from the Elves?

They whispered. Not just the city guards. But anyone who was capable of using [Identification] on him. They pointed his way, and rumors began to spread throughout Soros. However, Daniel didnt care. He ignored them as he arrived at his destination.

He stood right before a tall building a large building. Smoke billowed out of its rooftop, painting the sky black. It was a massive furnace, and he was searching for the [Blacksmith] waiting inside. He took in a deep breath and pushed the large wooden door open.

It was a typical trait of Soros. That the buildings and houses here had houses twice the size of a normal house, and doorways that stood over fifteen feet tall. Everything here was made of stone and brickwork. And while there was a shadow cast over the city from the mountain, blotting out the sun in the afternoon, the various smitheries and furnaces in the city lit up the streets.

But that was simply because of the Dwarven architecture of the city. Most of the people living here could easily fit into the doorways and the large rooms of the various buildings here. However, the smithery Daniel stood before needed the massive entryway for a reason. And that was because the [Blacksmith] he was searching for was a Dwarf.


A hulking figure looked up from the furnace. Daniel came to a halt right before the Dwarf. He looked up as he shifted back uncomfortably, noting the size difference between the two of them. 

Back on Earth, Daniel had heard of Dwarves in stories. They were meant to be these short, stout creatures with big bushy beards and carried around oversized hammers. But the Dwarves here in the Nexeus were different.

Sure, they did have big bushy beards or at least, this Dwarf had a beard that was at least as long as Daniel was tall. But unlike on Earth, Dwarves here werent short. In fact, they were massive. Daniel stared at the looming figure as he approached, and the ground almost seemed to shake.

The [Hero] was certain that the Dwarf was at least thirteen feet tall. However, it was entirely possible that the Dwarf was even taller. And it wasn't like he was thin or slender. He was muscular. Not stout, but he was like a wall of flesh. As if he was a strongman back on Earth. 

He hefted a hammer that would have been wielded as a warhammer by most Humans, but it looked like an ordinary hammer in his hands. He smiled as he greeted Daniel.

Welcome! I am [Forgemaster] Nozag! What can I do for you, Sir [Hero]?

Daniel nodded in return as he unsheathed a sword at his side. The gray steel blade was battered worn down from overuse. It didnt have any enchantment. It looked like a Medium Grade Weapon suited for a Platinum Ranked adventurer. Not for someone like him.

Greetings, [Forgemaster] Nozag. I am here to seek your master craftsmanship. I need your Skills to repair this blade. Ive brought it to dozens of [Blacksmiths] across the Human lands, but none have been able to repair this weapon.

Hrm, interesting. I have never seen metal like this before.

Nozag grinned as he took the gray sword from Daniel. He inspected it curiously, and Daniel shook his head. 

What do you think?


The Dwarven [Forgemaster] started, but a voice piped up from the side. Daniel narrowed his eyes as a figure emerged from one of the side rooms, wearing a green silken gown with an emerald necklace adorned around her neck. She was a young woman a Human woman.  And she spoke softly but commandingly, even amidst the chaos of the forge.

I think a [Hero] like you should wield a better weapon.

Daniel frowned as he stared at her. He didnt recognize her, but Nozag did.

Ah, Ivonne Vigil. I apologize for making you wait, I will get your order to you shortly.

There is no need to worry about that, Nozag. You should tend to your esteemed customer. I should be the one apologizing for interrupting. But I was drawn by my curiosity

She nodded at Daniel who just eyed her suspiciously. He could feel her piercing gaze landing on him, and he almost wanted to draw his blade. But he did not. Instead, he held her gaze, and she tilted her head back at him.

After all, why are you wielding such a weak blade, when you have the Sword of Alexander on you?

Ivonne Vigil asked simply, and Daniel blinked. He shifted back, hiding his Bag of Holding from her.

How did you?

And she just smiled kindly in return.

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