Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 702 You Have Done Enough!

Creten had rough mental stability to consider a diplomatic approach but in all honesty, he did not see how this could not be as bad as he was already building it up to be in his head.

There was no way that this individual, whoever he was, didn't have bad intentions.

Plus, a quick look around made it clear that he(Creten) had the advantage as he had several Haron scions who had his back.

Hal was not looking to pacify anyone...

He had wanted to give the Dystopians he had contracted enough time to leave the border and make it deeper into the Dystopian Continent and while he waited, he decided to indulge in any altercations that came his way.

He expected some people to have enough sense to be cautious of a mask-wearing snake-draped sketchy individual with mysterious black hair but if that did not make them weary enough to not engage in a battle with him, he and Sassy could use the experiment and fairly casual battle.

Al's Hal stared at everyone still at the border, who had not yet made their way back to their various homes, he could very clearly detect their Ordinances (if they had one) and was not to be taken by surprise.

Creten took steps forward and with his hands holding his Halberd Cosmic Armament tightly and as he stepped forward, Tanya furrowed her brows as she looked between the masked individual and her brother.

She had this weird feeling of familiarity with the masked man with a serpent on his shoulder and was of the mind that it was, in fact, Hal.

The battle started fast as Creten started his attacks with a Cosmic attack imbued with the absolute might of his Late-stage Semi-saint realm cultivation.

Not many had stayed behind even a second after their exit of the Monument of Ordinances and even when Creten had called to Hal, who had put on a mask, they were making their way out of the border with Portable Teleportation circles.

None of Hal's women stayed behind even though they knew the masked individual was Hal.

They decided to remove themselves from whatever situation was about to unfold and whatever experiment Hal was about to perform and Hal approved of that decision while still feeling a lot of Pride that all of them had comprehended an Ordinance with three of them even gaining insight into Abstract Ordinances.

The three who had gained insight into Abstract Ordinances were Melinda, Emily, and Rita.

Anyway, some of Hal's women used Portable Teleportation Circles while others made use of the Harem space to get to wherever they wished to go.

Among the Haronians leaving was Cirk who had a wide smile of accomplishment on his face. He had of course not come alone but had been left to return on his own as the others had matters to attend to and also did not wish to be seen by their opposition which was mainly Tanya.

Creten Haron himself was about to make his way back to the Imperial City when he spotted the Masked individual with a serpent on his shoulder.

Hal found it almost comical how pitiful the attack seemed to him and he was smiling widely behind his mask without an ounce of worry.

He waved his hand before the attack could make contact and his exertion of Sovereign dominance not only slowed the attack's speed but also reduced its impact to the point where a simple swat was enough to cancel it out.

Creten was not disheartened though as he began the use of his Earthen Ordinance to restrict his opponent's movement and make him a sitting duck ready to receive his planned halberd strike.

Hal had known this was coming as he already knew what Ordinance Creten was making use of and the only reason he did not try to stop its effect on him was that he had never planned to move out of the way of the Halberd anyway.

Sassy sprung from Hal's shoulders and charged at one of the Haron scions that were on Creten's side and were looking for an opening through which to assist their Prince.

She twisted and smacked her tail against the Haron scion's face and so strong was the force of that smack that the scion was knocked unconscious before he even hit the ground more than twenty feet away.

Sassy dropped to the ground after the successful smack and she immediately increased her size and released a terrifying hiss that chilled everyone present to their very core.

From that moment, every Haron scion that was still around and not necessarily the ones that had come with Creten, excluding Tanya, considered Sassy enough of a threat that they summoned their Cosmic Armaments.

In fact, it was not only the rest of the Harons who got involved... Anyone that was still present at the border and had not left when the battle broke out wanted to be a part of the action.

It had started with an Imperial Prince but now seemed to have turned into a general event that involved their unanimous hatred for Dystopians.

Sassy more than held her own against the multiple attackers and so far, nig one of them had been able to inflict any damage on her... And how could they?

The most powerful of the bunch was at the Semi-Saint realm and no one in that realm was powerful enough to puncture her skin following the twenty-year evolution of her bloodline.

She was outnumbered but had a gigantic size and nigh-impenetrable skin with which she could contend with their combined might.

The more she fought with hardly any use of her toxins, the more she thinned their numbers.

She had Hal's orders of course... The was an exhibition for them both to know just what level they were at battle-wise before their sojourn to the Dystopian continent.

So embroiled in the battle did the mob become that no one spared the Monument Of Ordinances a look when it glowed with bright multicolored lights and finally made its way out of the Nexus World with a prompt disappearance.

Anyway, when Creten's halberd hit, Hal caught it and held it in place with ease while the Imperial Prince strained to pull it out of his hand.

Hal chuckled as he pulled Creten closer and the Prince's green eyes widened in surprise as his use of his Earthen Ordinance did not give him the stability he needed to resist that pull.


When he got close enough to peer through the slits of Hal's mask to view a pair of sapphire blue eyes with infinite pull, Hal punched him in the face.

The blow sent Creten to the ground with strong impact and as Hal made to follow up with a stomp of his face, the Imperial Prince dispersed his Cosmic Armament that was still in Hal's hand and used his Earthen Ordinance to twist the ground so that he was taken away from Hal in barely a second.

When he came to a stop, Creten leaped back to his feet and he was shocked to find Hal in front of him,

"Too slow," Hal said in a voice thick with Sovereignty.

The sound of that voice alone was sapping Creten of his strength and while he tried to resist whatever effect this Masked Man was having on him, a knee was sunk into his midsection...


"Ngh" Creten groaned as the hit remained painful despite his attempt to use his Earthen Ordinance to boost his resilience but even as he was knocked back by the Masked Man's hit, the Imperial Prince was smiling...

... The reason for his smile was made to clear a second later when a cosmic attack, imbued with Semi-Saint energy, that he had placed on Hal's body exploded.


'It doesn't get more close contact than that' Creten thought with joy while he resummoned his Cosmic Armament and prepared to follow up with attacks meant to lead to a conclusion in which he won.

Imagine his surprise when the phenomenon caused by his exploding attack froze eerily in place before vanishing instantly.

The masked man remained standing in a picture of stability and dominance that Creten was beginning to think himself incapable of contending with.

Such disregard for his attack that seemed ineffective caused Creten to take a step back but then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Creten's eyes widened and while he would never admit it or let anyone know, at that moment, he felt fear.

The image of dominance that had caused him to take a step back waved at him as it fizzled out just as the deep authoritative voice of the masked man sounded in his ear,


There was such disdain in that tone that Creten felt triggered... He felt annoyed... And yet, he felt powerless.

From the moment that hand was placed on his shoulder, the Imperial Prince found it hard to make a move.

"Who are You?" was all he found himself capable of saying but before Hal could answer, Creten's form

shimmered in red light.

In the space of a nanosecond, Hal was no longer holding Creten's shoulder...

Reality had been warped... Hal was now grabbing onto empty air and Creten was behind his Sister.

"That is enough," Tanya said with her hand stretched towards Hal...

"You have done enough!"

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