Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 659 Fierce-Looking Alina.

"Ahnn... Ohh... Mnghhh..." moans that leaked out of Myrtle's month but overall, her sounds were muffled by Hal pressing her down and consistently pounding his cock into her pussy while his pelvis continued to smack against her ass which rippled upon every contact.

They were in a bit of a peculiar position with Myrtle lying flat on the bed with her ass only being propped up a bit while Hal lay above her but still very well pounded into her relentlessly.

And so it began...

For the warped hours after that, Hal brought the woman constant pleasure that came out as multiple upon multiple orgasms to the point where she lacked coherence in both speech and thoughts.

Through it all though, Hal never held himself back and while he did not spew his seeds into her multiple times, before the end of the long session, he had already cummed inside her pussy twice.

And then, he decided he might as well tame her asshole and he spent a good bit of their time together fucking her ass as vigorously she could which resulted in Myrtle discovering that she actually liked getting fucked in that hole.

There were so many actions and gestures she made along with words she spoke all through getting fucked in the ass that had Blue-eyed Devil thinking that she just might have become addicted.

And then, of course, to complete the trifecta of hole fucking, Hal took her mouth next and fucked her there until he spewed large amounts of his cum directly into her stomach which Myrtle happily received and enjoyed.

Long before Hal even took her ass, she was already much too far gone and had already begun making pledges and vows to him in her mind while being fully aware of him branding her with a strange mark that she soon knew to be a Devil mark.

The fact that Hal marked her as his property seemed more like a formality to the Attendant head who believed she had long become his property over the hours he had completely revamped her mind and thoughts with his cock.

Oh, how good it felt!

Hal being balls deep inside any of her holes and delivering the incredibly mind-blowing pleasure was not just intercourse... It was religion and one which had her entire faith.

When the session came to an end, Myrtle freshened up and prepared to return to her residence just as though nothing had occurred between her and this Blue-eyed god within the space of an hour.

As she freshened up, Hal began to brief her on what he needed her to do,

"Create a new schedule?" Myrtle asked and Hal nodded.

"The one you drew up only has me with the Duchess in four days and considering I need as much contact with her as possible, that will not be acceptable.

Draft a new schedule that has me with her every day for the next four days" Hal told her while he put on his Eunuch robes.

He did not only need to start meeting the Duchess as early as possible, but he had to meet her more than once to make sure his seduction was truly a success.

Myrtle began to think and having access to her thoughts through the Devil mark, Hal could see what was going through her mind after he gave the instruction.

The thing was that Myrtle had worked as Attendant Head long enough and had enough power and stature in the Duchess' circle to pull this stunt and mostly go without raising too many eyebrows.

She was also the only one who could do it.

"Okay" she eventually said out loud but Hal already knew her compliance before she spoke out loud anyway.

"Now, what exactly happens behind these doors? What does the Duchess do to the Eunuchs" Hal asked Myrtle with a smile and the moment he asked, Myrtle began to review information in her mind and it was this that Hal focused on rather than the words she spoke.

She did not know much.

The most she knew, which was just like everyone else, was that it was sexual.

That said, she had gotten enough glimpse of the mannerisms of those exiting the room to know that it was not all fun and games.

Before Hal, Myrtle had been completely loyal to the Duchess but even then, she could not help but believe that there was a twisted side to the beautiful and smiling woman that the whole Duchy palace and everyone else in the Arkene Duchy could not see.

Also, even if the relationship between Attendants and Eunuchs was not as hostile as it now was, there was still no way anyone could get information out of the Eunuchs who were always tight-lipped about what they had experienced.

Myrtle also confirmed some theories that Hal had before with one of them being that some had died from the treatment received from the Duchess' hands (whatever that was) but they always had a perverted and almost grotesque smile on their faces even when their bodies were being disposed of.

It was also true that when the Eunuchs got older or in any way less desirable to the Duchess, they were chucked out of the Duchy palace or at least away from her residence and usually did not live long after that.

This was said to be because they were already nearing the end of their lifespan and the depression from not serving the duchess had been the final nail in the coffin... So to speak.

All in all, there was a lot of disturbing news surrounding the Duchess and her kink for young men with pretty faces.

Was Hal intrigued about getting to see what it was all about this next day? Sure.

Was he a tad worried? Yes.

And that was why he had his contingencies planned...

He thrust Myrtle out of the Harem space and then took his time to refine all the essence she had given him and was satisfied with the improvement he received.

Only after refining the essence did he exit the Harem space to return to his Eunuch quarters to continue the sham that he was a brown-haired and brown-eyed Eunuch.

Not needing sleep, Hal lay awake all night and spread his senses to be alerted by the waking of any of them so that he was not seen in his normal form as he would have time to reactivate the Glamor rune.

He did not have much of the stuff and he did not wish to waste any of it so he was quite frugal in his use.

Anyway, when it was morning, and the others who he shared a room with, woke up, a new schedule was announced before they could start any work.

On that schedule, Hal, as well as two others in his room were set to be with the Duchess that night.

Myrtle had added the other two to further camouflage the fact stay she had any contact with Hal/Allan and let it be seen more like a use/abuse of power by her.

And so, amidst the rejoicing of the other two, Hal worked the reduced chores that they were assigned on account of keeping their strength for the Duchess that night.

And then, Hal saw the Duchess, physically, for the first time...

He was assigned to serve drinks at a hut where the Duchess was relaxing with a few other ladies and discussing matters.

Even if he had not seen what she looked like on Myrtle's mind, Hal could not possibly miss the Duchess among the four women as she was the one most elaborately dressed and had a beautiful necklace hanging off her neck.

The piece attached to the necklace chain was, of course, the Orb piece that Hal was here to collect and he found himself staring closely at it for more than a few seconds which caught the attention and caused the interference of a fierce-looking lady who stood close to the Duchess.

"What do you think you are looking at?" the fierce lady asked Hal.

It was curious how she was capable of sounding so loud to Hal and yet somehow did not sound loud enough to disrupt the conversation between the Duchess and her visitors.

Hal looked up at the fierce-looking lady to say,


While the Orb piece he had been looking at was situated quite close and practically in the middle of the Duchess' breast, being the Eunuch that he was pretending to be, Hal doubted it should have been an issue even if he was to be staring directing at the high peaks on the Duchess' chest.

Of course, he would not do so as it would only hurt his pretense but the point still stood.

"How dare you blatantly stare at her ladyship like that? Have you not been properly taught enough etiquette to know that your head must always be bowed whenever you are in the presence of the Duchess of the Arkene Duchy?" the fierce lady said.

'Oh, so that's the problem' Hal thought before he bowed his head as low as he could.

"I apologize," he said.

"Alina, that's enough," The Duchess said and eyed Hal who still had the drink tray in hand.

"Look up, boy," the Duchess told Hal and he did.

The Duchess eyed him for a while before she then asked with a smile forming on her beautiful face,

"What exactly were you looking at?"

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