Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 657 Contrasting...

,m Myrtle shook off any enrapturing feelings that were building up within her at the sight of the stranger's face and she was on her feet in barely a second while glaring at Hal,

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked with hostility heavy in her voice which was expected seeing as Hal was trespassing.

As she questioned him, she sniffed and perceived a sweet scent spreading all about the room that was not just pleasurable to perceive but also made her body feel good.

The scent was almost erasing any thought of n alteration from her mind while also making her sluggish and she shook her head to brush off any of the enticing fog that was flowing over her thoughts and making her sloppy.

She needed to be focused on the intruder that she was sure was the cause of the scent that was now taking over the entire room.

Thing was, despite being alert to the scent and having the good sense to be wary of perceiving it, Myrtle could not bring herself to not get lost or stop breathing it in.

And the more of it she breathed in, the more aroused became and the more poignant her sexual frustrations became.

The moment Hal made himself visible, he had his pheromones spread all about the room. and had his enticing scent even more aggressively spread because he knew that if he wished to take advantage of the Attendant Head's frustrations, he needed to be preemptive.

The fact that she had already breathed in a good amount of the scent despite being alert to its possible danger was evidence Myrtle could not possibly stop herself from breathing any more of it in.

The pheromones served to make Myrtle much more relaxed and were the reason she had not yet burst out attacks of her Cosmic Semi-saint realm.

Anyway, after asking the question, Myrtle furrowed her brows and was more focused on her observation of Hal as though she were taking in more of his features and it was familiar to her.

Hal, who knew they had never met before, guessed he was noting more of his Doxon features and identifying him as such.

Myrtle looked down from his face and to the clothes which she quickly noted were Eunuch robes. Specifically, Eunuch robes that are worn by those who serve the Duchess... It was worn by those who were under her management.

This caused her to be confused, even more, than she already was.

There was no Eunuch that she did not know and she was damn sure that none of them looked like Hal.

It all led back to the question that she has already asked; Who was he and why was he here?

Although, she would now add another one which was; How did he get here?

"My name is Hal. As for why I am here..." Hal began and stepped away from the door he had been leaning against to walk closer to Myrtle who, despite tensing, did not make to attack.

"I'm here to help you. You are living with a condition that no only should be living with."

Myrtle knew that she had the chance to strike him right now and she was puzzled that for some reason, she just didn't want to.

In a bid to provide herself with an explanation in regards to this peculiar attitude of hers, she decided that the only reason that she had not attacked him yet was that she did not have all the facts.

Why was he wearing a Eunuch robe?

How had he so efficiently been invisible to her senses to the point that even when he opened her door had stepped inside, she still could not see or sense him? In any possible way.

Were there others? Maybe he had not come alone...

If he was capable of erasing his presence and being invisible to all her senses, then just how powerful was he?

If she were to attack him now, would she not be putting herself at risk as she knew nothing about him or his capabilities?

These were some of the 'reasonable' questions that Myrtle asked herself and decided were more than valid enough to account for her inability to attack so far despite knowing that there was danger if Hal was to attack first.

As Hal stepped closer to her, he looked at her with a light smile on his face while knowing that the only thing tho lady used to surpass him was cultivation and cultivation alone.

She had no powerful bloodline to speak of...

No Ordinance in her Arsenal...

No self-assurance and self-knowledge that was resultant of one who had discovered and comprehended their Dao...

If this were to turn into an all-out battle and Hal were to use his Devil bloodline to bolster his strength along with his Dao, then he would win for sure.

One of the reasons his slow infiltration of Myrtle's mind with his pheromones was going so well right now was because of all this.

He walked around the desk and soon, he and Myrtle to were face to face with only a few inches separating them.

He stared into her eyes with his blue orbs and that along with the confident smile on his face was all Myrtle could focus on and she did not notice when Hal placed a hand on her waist.

When she did jerk to the feeling though, she struggled to not be sucked into the feel of such a firm hand on her body,

"What do you...?" she began to say with indignation but Hal placed a finger on her lips to shush her while charging both his hands with [Erogenous Touch] which worked just as it could on a lady who had let her guard down.

Myrtle found herself moaning at the touch even though, at the back of her mind, she was mightily aware that what was about to happen was not allowed.

She was aware that she was about to break a rule that she was supposed to enforce but her mind might have known that but her body did not seem to care.

She clamped her thighs together as though to stop the juices that had now begun to moisten her pussy.

Even though Hal shushed her, he did not actually do anything and only rubbed his hands all about her body, specifically her ass.

Pulling Myrtle even deeper into the taste of what she could receive at his hands.

With her eyes closed and her attention focussed on pleasuring sensations, Ha leaned closer to her to speak into her ear,

"If we do anything in here right now, will the Duchess find out?" Hal asked.

With her eyes still closed, and her arms grabbing onto Hal's hair, she spoke as though she were in a trance, which in a sense she was as she had been hypnotized by Hal,


"If I take you away from here for about an hour, will your absence be noted?" Hal asked her.

"For an hour, No. Mngghh... oh Yesss... I don't have fixed working hours but I doubt I will be summoned anytime soon" once again, Myrtle answered as though she were in trance and this time she spoke while rotating her hips with Hal's hand still on her ass

Hal's other hand was now on one of her breasts which he squeezed through her robes.

Once she answered, Hal opened a portal behind them and pulled them both through it into a room in the Harem space.

Myrtle's eyes opened wide when her back was pressed against a wall whose stability actually had her feeling good... As though anything that happened to her right now with this young man named Hal, was going to feel good.

She looked up at the brilliant ceiling that capped this strange room whose beauty she believed paled to the beauty of the man now staring at her with a predatory grin.

'This is an intruder... I know nothing about him... The only thing I can clearly see that he wants is my body and I can't bring myself to say no!

The very idea of saying no to this absolute god of a man is silly to think about...

Ohhh, his touches just make me feel soooo good'

While Myrtle was lost in her thoughts, Hal stepped away from her and said a word with a smile and a commanding tone that she heard and could not possibly disobey even if she wanted to,


If Myrtle had known that Hal had been one of the Eunuchs she had inspected earlier that day, she would have seen how the turnaround caused Hal to chuckle mildly.

The chuckle did not take anything away from the command though and Myrtle began to take off her clothes but she did it with a sort of medium speed even though Hal had not specified such.

She did not take it off too slowly that it dragged on and she did not take it off too fast that Hal did not get the chance to enjoy every bit of it.

There was no denying that seeing Myrtle bare herself to his sights and seeing how her current needy and longing look contrasted with her previous authoritative and confident look was quite interesting for Hal to see...

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