Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 617 Ambush!

The Guild War had begun.

The rules of the Guild war were fairly simple while also being complicated.

Unlike battles between individuals which were usually sorted out with battle royales or one-on-one battles, the Guild war was just like its name; It was war.

A group effort that would involve all capable members of a particular guild or even in some cases, they would involve all members.

Guilds will clash and it will all be fought in a group effort and there would always be officials present to oversee it all to prevent unnecessary and crippling injuries and also announce when a winner was clear.

There were more than enough officials to oversee all battles during the Guild war.

If there is no official present, not only is the battle considered void but the battling Guilds will be sanctioned accordingly.

When a Guild wins, the guild as a whole wins victory points and then every member will also be awarded points according to how impactful they had been during the battle.

Unlike during the entrance Exams, the Guild leader does not have to be a physical part of the battle and their leadership roles will be recognized and they would be awarded points accordingly.

They would be awarded even more if their leadership leads to a win.

Anyway, if a Guild loses, while they will not receive points as a whole, the members of the guild will still be awarded points according to how impactful their influence had been.

Of course, if it is a total beatdown or the losing members pull out of the fight, they either win no points or the points they win are very low.

Nighttime is a neutral time where Guilds get to plan their strategies and propose or accept alliances.

Against a common enemy, alliances are always an option.

The Guild war only just started yesterday and even today, Guilds were still working to fine-tune their strategies for the war that would go on for two weeks but the Golden Crow Guild could not wait.

Their leader, Gilbert had been embarrassed by the leader of the Sapphirine Guild, Melinda Dane and as he had been granted an avenue to take revenge with this guild war, he decided to take full advantage.

Ambush was possible and allowed by the rules of the Guild war but before an ambush is executed, an official must be informed and will come along with the ambushing party without informing the ones to be ambushed.

Apparently, this was to teach students of the Royal Academy to always be prepared.

And so the Golden Crow guild ambushed the Sapphirine guild and made sure to bring along every capable member of their guild so that they outnumbered the Sapphirine guild.

The purpose of the ambush, like any other, was to catch the guild by surprise and especially catch the leader of the guild, Melinda Dane, by surprise.

Chaos quickly ensued and the fight soon began in full swing.

As per the rules of the Guild war, during an ambush, the ambushed guild is required to participate and refusal to participate is regarded as surrender where the ambushing guild is then awarded Victory points.

But that was not a problem.

For the mere fact that that their headquarters had actually been attacked, all the ladies of the Sapphirine guild were pissed and they unleashed the might of their cultivation to face off against the much larger force of the Golden Crow guild.

If there was one advantage that even members of the Sapphirine guild knew and were not in denial about the Golden crow guild having over them, it was the larger numbers.

But they were not worried.

They had prepared for this sort of situation where they would be outnumbered and one of their strategies invoked taking down the leader of the guild and taking him down fast.

If he was down and other high-ranking members of the guild were down, it would be considered a victory for the Sapphirine guild.

However, getting to him was hardly easy.


Valerie wielded two Cosmic Armaments and quickly found herself battling with two cultivators who boasted strength at the mid-stage of the Cosmic Aurora realm.

She was holding her own for now but it looked like she would soon be overwhelmed.

She gritted her teeth and swung her hammer that was intercepted by her opponent's weapon while the other attempted to strike her side.

Valerie felt she was more than alert enough to not get hit but was still grateful when a green Rune (Bind) hit the one looking to take advantage and froze him in place.

While he was frozen, Valerie pushed back the one who had intercepted her hammer hit and then had more than enough time to face the frozen guild member and strike hum so hard, if sent him flying across the headquarter's courtyard.

"Thank you," Valerie said to Leila Crene who was the runemaster that projected the rune.

Leila acknowledged her gratitude with a nod before she turned her attention towards offering assistance to someone else.

Being the best runemaster in the Sapphirine guild, her assigned task for this particular ambush was to provide backup when needed and conserve her energy for much larger scaled Rune casting.

She was soon identified as a target to be taken down and members of the Golden crow guild wasted no time going after her... but even as a backup, Leila was not left on her own.

Nicole swung with her Warhammer cosmic armament and smacked any unfortunate fellow who made the mistake of actually getting in close proximity with Leila.

Suri yelled out in the thick of battle,

"Drive them back... NOW!"

As soon as she yelled, a good number of those in the Sapphirine guild stepped back and began forming seals for skills they had in their arsenal.

The skills used by all those members of the Sapphirine guild were the same but reg were far from being normal.

The skill circles all had gold mixed in with them and the gold was accompanied by a hint of divinity.

Melinda who remained in the headquarters building and had yet to step out even once since the start of the ambush looked at the skills being used and smiled.

She watched it all and when she saw the members of the Golden crow guild using defensive skills or even using Cosmic energy for defense, she could not help but chuckle.

"Well that's not going to help you" she said and she was right.

The skill circles produced golden beams of energy and the fact that this was seemingly all that they were good for had members of the Golden crow guild thinking these skills were some of the most uninspired skill designs.

Where were the weapons?

Where was the mountain?

Where were the shields?

The whole point of skills was for cultivators to be able to do things that they normally would not be capable of doing through Cosmic energy alone.

Skills were just an avenue to shape Cosmic energy however the cultivator wishes.

It allows them to create Consumable Armaments that, while not as lasting as actual armaments, were much more in large supply.

If a beam of energy, which was practically the go-to method of a skill-less cultivator, was all these skills would produce, then what was the point?

In the seconds it took for the beams of energy, which had trapped their targets in place, by the way, to hit, Melinda read all these in the expressions of these targets and it only served to make things even more funny to her.

A major advantage of skills was their ability to trap their targets in place and made it very difficult for them to move out of the way but the members of the Golden crow guild did not care about being stuck in place.

They had their defensive measures in place.

Those would be enough to protect them.

Alas, they were wrong.

When the beams of golden skill energy hit their defensive measures, they tore through them all.

And they tore through them with such aggressiveness that their impacting force did not reduce even when they were past the defensive measures and had struck their targets.

Melinda held her laughter when she saw the surprised and almost shocked faces of the Golden Crow guild members but she was incapable of stopping herself from laughing out loud when the rest realized that the attack did not stop there.

When the beams hit, they all divided into four smaller beams of energy that were sent in various directions to hit other members of the guild who had not been the main targets in the first place.



"Oh, Shit!!!"

Those were some, a small percentage really, of the sounds that were made by the affected members of the Golden crow guild.

And as their screams of agony sounded all about the courtyard of the Sapphirine guild headquarters and the members of the Sapphirine guild marveled at the might of the skill they had been given by their leader for this sort of situation, a laugh sounded out from within the headquarters building.


The voice was female, it had been magnified to a loud booming tone with Cosmic energy and it had been produced by none other than the leader of the Sapphirine Guild, Melinda Dane.

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