Return of the Runebound Professor

Chapter 446: A request

Chapter 446: A request

A number of other professors had already arrived by the time that they got to the advanced track meeting. Several students were sparring or eating and the hall was filled with conversation.

Noahs group made their way over to the table, led by Lee. She plopped herself down right beside Gero and waved to him. He didnt even mutter a word of greeting. He just took a large chicken drumstick off his plate and handed it to her.

It looks like Gero might understand Lee more than any of the other people in the advanced track. Thats interesting. Hes not at all talkative and Im not all that inclined to like him after he went after Alexandra, but hes clearly quite observant.

Then again, its not all that hard to tell that Lee likes food. It wasnt that crazy of a guess.

Noahs students all sat down on the table a short distance from Lee, pinning Emily and Isabel in the center of the group to stop anyone from sitting beside them. Moxie walked over to stand behind them, a vine extending from the sleeve of her shirt to pluck a bread roll from the table and bring it back over to herself. She ripped it in half and handed one of the chunks over to Noah.

Thanks, he said as he took a bite out of it and scanned the room. Jakob and his students had arrived before them but had set up in the corner of the room and were in avid conversation with another professor that Noah didnt recognize. There was no sign of Verrud yet.

I wonder if we overplayed our hand a bit too much last time. Did Verrud figure out I was onto him? Eh. I guess well see soon enough.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Ulya heading over from the right side of the room. She raised the glass of wine in her hand slightly in greeting.

I thought we were pretending not to know each other too well, Noah said as he gave her a nod. Is something wrong?

Theres nothing all that odd about coming to say hi to someone that just walked in. I was just coming to remind you of the other half of our deal, Ulya said. I want runes. If were working together, Id like if you could invest a bit more in me now. Im rebuilding my puppets, and if youve got something that can help me, I want it sooner rather than later.

Fair enough.

Theres a secret room in the side of the advanced track area. Go to it in about twenty minutes. Ill spare you five minutes, Noah said.

Ulya blinked, then inclined her head. If youre sure, then fine. Ill be there. Thank you.

Youre the one that asked me. Why are you asking if Im sure?

Ulya headed off before Noah could ask her what she was on about. He didnt want to draw any attention to their conversation, so he let her leave without saying anything else. Having someone in the advanced track that could feed him information when people didnt know they were working together was too useful of a tool to waste.

You heard that, right? Noah asked Moxie.

She nodded. Yeah. Ill keep an eye out on the kids when youre messing with her. Lee and I have it covered. It really isnt that much of a deviation from what we were already planning.

True, Noah allowed, letting his eyes drift over the room. More professors had arrived in the short time since hed last checked, and he spotted Silvertide and Tyler speaking with the kind, portly professor from the previous meeting and his student.

If Noah recalled correctly, the mans name was George and the girl was Fiona. She was strikingly unmemorable, but he didnt think that as an insult. Fiona was of average height and had straight brown hair that went down to just above her shoulders.

Her clothes and features alike were plain and she carried no weapons. Noah would have looked right past her in a crowd if it hadnt been for her eyes. They were sharp, like two diamonds glistening in milky seas.

Even from where he stood, he could see her gaze boring into Silvertide and absorbing every single word he said.

I wonder what her powers are. Shes supposedly the strongest student in the advanced track, but shes high Rank 3 at most. Alexandra has Body Runes, which should put her toward the peak of Rank 3. I wonder which of them would win in an actual fight.

It wouldnt be too long before hed get a chance to find out.

Silvertide caught Noah looking in their direction and raised a hand in greeting. Noahs cheeks reddened but he returned the gesture. George followed Silvertides eyes and smiled.

What are they, both part of the cool old dudes club? Not that Im complaining. They should extend honorary membership to Tim. Arbitage could use more cool old dudes moving in conjunction.

Noah continued to scan for Verrud, but the thin man was nowhere to be found. He wasnt sure if that was something to complain about or not. On one hand, it really did look like Jakob was keeping his distance.

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On the other, it was vastly preferrable to see both of his enemies and actually know what they were trying to do. It was a lot more nerve-wracking to try and figure out what their plans were than it was to actually deal with them.

There was only so long he could sit around with Moxie looming over his students. They were finishing their meals and it wouldnt be long before it would be appropriate for other students to start approaching to spar with them.

Lee, of course, was still mowing through food alongside Gero. The two were currently matched plate for plate. It was hard to tell if they were trying to have some sort of eating contest or if they were both just all-consuming voids.

A small frown passed over Noahs features as he watched Lee. Her Rune was a serious problem. All his words of support would mean nothing if they couldnt find some way to actually repair it.

There was the option of having her balance it out with other, normal, Rank 4 Runes, but that didnt quite seem to align with what Azel had said. Hed implied that Lee was holding herself back by not using Demon Runes.

Im not so sure hes an entirely reliable source, but with how closely runes are tied to Demons, it feels likely that Lee may actually need each of her runes to have some form of demonic connection.

The runes are literally her body. And, like it or not, shes a demon. If she starts getting really high-level non-Demon Runes, they could actually start hurting her. In the end, it sounds like Azel actually cared about Lee. Considering hes the only other demon we know, I think his advice may be the only thing weve got to go on.

Noah let his eyes drift over the room as he thought. It wasnt like he could just find Demon Runes lying around for Lee to use. Right now, the most important thing they could do would be finding a way to control her existing Rank 4 and stop it from trying to overpower her personality.

That was easier said than done. He just didnt have the understanding of demons or how their runes worked that would let him make an intelligent decision but that didnt mean he was out of options.

There were two people that had a chance of knowing something. The first was Father. He had a good chance of knowing something, but the idea of having to bargain with him filled Noah with distaste.

The second was Otto. Noah doubted he knew even the slightest bit about Demon Runes if Monster Runes as a concept were new to him, but Otto had been researching the runes that Noah had sold him.

If hes figured anything out, then I might be able to use that as a springboard to try and fix Lees rune.

Unfortunately, when Noah glanced over to the spot that Otto had been standing in the previous meeting to see if he was there, there was no sign of the man. He did, however, lock eyes with Bird.

Bird spotted him looking at her with startling speed and immediately started to head in his direction. Noah suppressed a groan.

Oh, goddamn it. The absolute last thing I need right now is to speak with her and have someone overhear our conversation. I dont think Ive had a single interaction with Bird in recent times that hasnt somehow gone wrong.

Then again, I do have a reputation to upkeep.

Bird came to a stop before Noah. She cleared her throat, then fiddled with the lapel of her jacket. Noah stared at her, waiting for the woman to say something, but she seemed to be at a loss for words.

You approached me! You cant just walk up and say nothing!

Is Otto here? Noah asked awkwardly.

Otto? No. He cant make every meeting, Bird said with a shake of her head. She looked over her shoulder before lowering her voice. I came to speak with you.

Damn it.

You dont have to look like youre dealing drugs while youre at it, Noah grumbled. What is it? Does Otto want another rune?

No, its not to do with that. Its about your fighting style.

An image of dozens of squirming octopi flashed through Noahs mind and it took a supreme force of will to keep from slapping a palm into his forehead.

Ah. Yes, Noah forced out. My fighting style. What about it?

Do you use a Shield?

Noah hid a relieved sigh and his shoulders slumped.

Oooh. Bird isnt talking about the stupid naked bullshit I made up. She overheard that I dont use a Shield and encourage my students to do the same when theyre training. That makes more sense.

No. I think theyre crutches. The best way to train is by handling every fight completely naturally, Noah said. If youre relying on something to protect you, then youll never be able to truly fight on your own. Its better to toss the extra shit on after youve already figured out what youre doing so its an addition rather than an integral part of your identity.

Birds brow furrowed and she nodded thoughtfully. I think I see what youre saying. How did you even figure that out?

I got to test it out very extensively with a bunch of monkeys in the Scorched Acres, Noah replied with a grimace. It was not a pleasant experience, but Ive learned a lot since then. My students use the same techniques and barely even need Shields.

Your students too? Bird asked, her eyes going wide.

Oh, yeah. Theyve gotten quite good at it. Youll probably see during one of the exams at some point.

Bird looked over her shoulder at the students, then back at Noah. Youre serious?

Yeah. Why wouldnt I be?

I never mind. Thanks for answering my questions, Bird said. She massaged the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh. I spent some time studying this technique and I have to admit that its freeing.

He gave her a knowing nod. Dont go spreading it around, please. Feel free to ask me if youve got more questions, though. I dont mind helping out a friend of Ottos.

Bird coughed into a fist and looked away. Ill uh, keep that in mind. Thank you for the tips.

She started to turn and Noah raised a hand. Oh, hold on. Ive got a request.

What is it? Bird winced but stopped to hear him out.

Could you ask Otto if hed be willing to share what he found about the Rune I gave him? Noah asked. Im interested in the results.

Birds shoulders relaxed and she nodded. Ill pass it along.


She nodded and headed off, slipping into the crowd. Noah watched her leave, his brow furrowed.

I wonder what her deal was.

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