Return of Salazar Slytherin

141- The Greengrass family discovered another treasure?

141- The Greengrass family discovered another treasure?

The text in the booklet was somewhat difficult to understand, but fortunately, it didn't disappear after appearing.

Daphne carefully copied the words onto a piece of parchment and, with the help of a dictionary, gradually translated them.

Detailed Explanation of Spatial Magic (Part 1) wasn't very long, only about a thousand words, but it introduced the concept of spatial magic to Daphne.

Like other forms of magic, spatial magic originated from the stars. However, unlike regular magic, even the four founders hadn't found a reasonable explanation for it.

While other types of magic could be traced back to corresponding elements on Earth, the element associated with space had never been discovered.

As a result, wizards had always been in a state of "knowing how but not why" when it came to spatial magic. They could use it, much like they could work with magical creatures, but they didn't truly understand it.

After discussing with her friend Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw proposed a hypothesis: just as every object has its shadow, so too might Earth have a "shadow." The power behind spatial magic, she speculated, came from this shadow. Spells like the Undetectable Extension Charm and Apparition, she suggested, borrowed a fragment of space from this shadow.

Those seemingly extra spaces actually existed within the shadow, and Apparition involved traveling through this shadow.

Of course, this was just a theory and had never been proven. Ravenclaw included it at the beginning of the Explanation (Part 1) to help readers better understand this wondrous form of magic.

The booklet then briefly introduced how to "borrow" a piece of space from the shadow. At the end of the chapter, it presented a simple task: to modify one's lunchbox, so that a palm-sized box could hold enough food to feed a knight.

Daphne read this with thoughtful consideration.

At that moment, Rhys appeared in front of Daphne's desk.

He noticed that she was deeply engrossed in studying the booklet that Ravenclaw had given her, and from the looks of it, she was making significant progress, which was a good thing.

However, today's focus wasn't on that. Rhys gently knocked on Daphne's desk, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"I need you to help me with something," he said.

"What is it?" Daphne set the booklet and her notes aside.

"I need you to hand this over to your father and have him release it publicly—tell him you found this hidden in the corner of the Greengrass family's warehouse," Rhys said, placing an ancient-looking scroll in front of Daphne.

"What is this?"

"A spell that can transform werewolves back into human form."

"This must be—" Daphne immediately recalled the spell mentioned by Lockhart in his book Wanderings with Werewolves.

"It has nothing to do with him," Rhys cut her off, clearly uninterested in hearing that name. "This is a sacred spell researched by the great Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff together."

Daphne obediently closed her mouth.

"If enough people master this spell, then one day werewolves will disappear from this planet. It will benefit not just the present, but generations to come. I need the Greengrass family to promote it quickly," Rhys explained.

He had actually thought about this plan over the summer, but had delayed taking action.

The reason was that he had been trying to simplify the spell—the original version was far too difficult and complicated. Even he struggled with it at times, and if someone with his skill had a high failure rate when unfamiliar with it, local wizards with mediocre abilities would fare much worse.

It was actually Damocles' Wolfsbane Potion that inspired him to modify the spell to restore human form.

The Wolfsbane Potion could calm the werewolf's venom, making it more docile. Rhys improved upon it slightly, pushing the effect further to induce sleep in the werewolf after transformation. In this state, the werewolf's venom would be easier to purge using the spell, thus reducing the difficulty of casting it.

After hearing Rhys' explanation, Daphne felt puzzled. "If this spell was so powerful, why hadn't the four founders promoted it back then?"

Rhys' face showed a hint of awkwardness upon hearing her question.

He coughed twice and admitted that he didn't know. "M-Maybe there was some other reason behind it!"

Although still a bit confused, Daphne was intrigued. She knew exactly what this spell represented.

At the very least, if they released the spell to the public, it could earn her father a Merlin Medal.

"This... this is just too valuable," Daphne shook her head repeatedly, though it was a bit like how a child would refuse red envelopes from elders during the Spring Festival.

"Do you think an ancient heritage from the Greengrass family is more believable, or a lost spell found by some unknown wizard in a letter from the Middle Ages?" Rhys asked.

Rhys had long since ceased caring about such so-called honors. To him, medals were no different from the mud pies children made when playing pretend.

What he carried in his heart was the entire magical world. The future of the wizarding world rested on the shoulders of people like them.

He was offering the Greengrass family this chance for glory, but in return, they needed to fully commit to spreading the spell as quickly as possible.

Rhys' words convinced Daphne, and her eyes welled up with emotion. She realized that the debt she owed Rhys was growing even harder to repay.

After handing Daphne the freshly forged "ancestral scroll," Rhys was about to leave when she stopped him.

"Wait a moment, I found this article from the booklet Lady Ravenclaw gave me." Daphne eagerly handed Rhys her carefully transcribed and translated notes.

She felt Rhys might not know these things, so she considered it a small repayment, a bit of interest on the debt she owed him.

Rhys took Daphne's notes and frowned.

After reading just three lines, he found five translation errors and two grammatical mistakes!

"Wait a moment," Rhys said, seriously examining Daphne's translation notes.

Seeing Rhys reviewing her notes so intently, Daphne felt a surge of joy in her heart: finally, she could be of help to him!

Wait... why was he picking up a quill?

The next second, Rhys dipped the quill into the ink and began quickly marking corrections on Daphne's translation.

In no time, the parchment was covered with circles, dots, and annotations.

"Here, this is the correct translation. I have something else to attend to, but study what's taught here carefully; it's very useful knowledge. If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask me anytime. By the way, I expect you to have a proper enchanted lunchbox ready by next Monday," Rhys said as he reached the door of the common room.

Turning back, he gave Daphne a small smile, "Also, you really need to work on your Latin. There are many good resources in the library. I've listed a few on the bottom of the parchment. Take a look when you have time."

Daphne: "..."

She was utterly stunned.


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