Return of Salazar Slytherin

132- Lockhart: Suddenly I don’t want to go

132- Lockhart: Suddenly I don’t want to go

Facing Rhys' questioning, Lockhart suddenly fell silent.

He answered vaguely: "About ten years ago? At that time, I gave up my career in the UK-"

"Ten years? Are you sure?!" Rhys couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

A spell that prevented the werewolves from transforming for ten years. Even the inventor of the spell, Ravenclaw, was not as good as him.

This made Rhys strongly doubt the truth of Lockhart's words: No matter how strong you are, Lockhart, can you be stronger than Ravenclaw?

If you really have this level, what were you doing when Voldemort was rampant?

Why didn't you show up to stop him?

Voldemort's era has only been over for more than ten years!

Or, in other words, the Humanoid restoration Spell has made great progress in the thousand years that he has been sleeping?

Why does it seem that no one has ever tried to popularize this spell?

As long as the Humanoid restoration Spell is applied to the werewolves persistently, it will not be a matter of time before the werewolves are collectively transformed into wizards?

Gryffindor has proved that werewolves cannot be killed completely, but Ravenclaw's method may be able to.

But no wizard has taken any action so far. Do they not want to?

Rhys concluded that Ravenclaw's restoration spell was probably on the verge of being lost, and Lockhart's words were not credible - one of the two- Lockhart or the werewolf must be lying.

"The spell that can restore a werewolf to human form is incredible!" Rhys said deliberately, "Professor Lockhart, I happen to know a werewolf friend. Can you help her? Can you cast a spell to restore her human form? So that she can get rid of this desperate and miserable life?"

After hearing what Rhys said, Lockhart's expression froze, but being eloquent, he quickly found a perfect way to deal with it.

"No problem, but I have to focus on teaching from now on, so why don't you invite her to Hogwarts for treatment - of course, remember to make an appointment with me in advance. I really want to help her, but I'm really busy and can't spare the time." Lockhart agreed generously, but at the same time set a lot of conditions.

He had already thought about it.

If Rhys really asked his werewolf friend to seek treatment from him, he would try to delay the time. If he couldn't delay any longer, he would verbally agree to her, but actually add a few words in the letter to the fans, "accidentally" leaking the news that a werewolf was going to enter Hogwarts, and encourage the fans to send a letter to Dumbledore to oppose the werewolves entering. By then, he would not suffer any loss on both sides.

Rhys looked up at Lockhart.

In his opinion, Lockhart's calculations were written all over his face.

Lockhart's reaction also shows that he is most likely not able to cast the 'advance' Humanoid restoration spell he talked about, and the story in his book is likely to be fabricated based on hearsay.

Rhys's eyes were as dark as ink and as deep as the abyss, making Lockhart feel uncomfortable.

He forced a smile and then found a new topic to talk about. Fortunately, there were his loyal fans in the cabbinet, so it didn't become a dull moment.

But Rhys was not willing to let Lockhart off so easily, and he brought up a topic that was very upsetting to Lockhart.

"Professor Lockhart, I admire your courage."

Lockhart raised an eyebrow, not really understanding why he suddenly started talking about this, but since it was a compliment, he accepted it without hesitation.

He smiled what he thought was a charming smile, and said that courage was an indispensable factor in adventure and was the first piece of equipment an adventurer should pack in his backpack before setting off.

"Only a true warrior dares to sit on the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts!" Rhys's exclamation made Lockhart a little confused.

Daphne glanced at the two of them, and slowly told Lockhart about the feud between the Dark Lord and the Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship.

She not only told the legend, but also listed the fates of all the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professors she knew of: last year's Professor Quirrell was reduced to ashes under the trapdoor of the third floor's coridor, and the professor the year before was said to have had his back broken by a wild boar in the Forbidden Forest.

As for the other professors, some of them resigned voluntarily for personal reasons, and a considerable proportion of professors resigned passively due to various accidents.

In any case, no one has ever stayed for more than one academic year.

Lockhart: "..."  

By the time Daphne was halfway through her words, he was already sweating profusely.

The smile on his face was no longer bright, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth were tense.

"Maybe it's... a coincidence? I actually only plan to teach for one year. After all, my adventurous life has to continue." He tried hard to find an excuse, but he couldn't even fool himself.

"Yeah! An adventurer like you wouldn't be afraid of curses, right?" Rhys put Lockhart directly on the fire. "Right? Professor Lockhart?"

"Gulp!" Lockhart suddenly felt a little reluctant to be a professor.

He initially accepted Dumbledore's invitation mainly because of the popularity of the matter. Working at Hogwarts and being a teacher to the Boy Who Lived, this sentence would be the front page of the newspaper!

This was something that Lockhart, who loved to show off, could not refuse.

In his opinion, it was easy to fool the little wizards. He only needed to tell them about his heroic deeds. A year of lessons and then an explosion of popularity was a good deal.

But now the situation seems to have changed, and the professor's position has suddenly become dangerous, which makes Lockhart want to quit.

But considering that he had already boasted and the contract had been signed, it seemed that there was no way back. He had already put himself on the ladder, and it would not be easy to get down.

Lockhart couldn't help but regret the decision he had made.

Now, his mood became very bad.

Seeing that Rhys seemed to want to talk, Lockhart felt upset. He found an excuse and hurriedly left this miserable carriage.

Seeing Lockhart fleeing in panic, Rhys was a little shocked: What the hell!

Based on the conversation just now, he was 90% sure that this new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was a fake!

God knows how he wrote those adventure stories in his book, maybe they were just hearsay? !

Rhys felt that the future of Hogwarts students was bleak.

With the quality of Quirrell and Lockhart, what useful self-defense magic can they learn?!

This year was probably going to be wasted again - out of seven years, how many years were enough for them to waste?

What was the point of graduating from Hogwarts without being able to cast an Shield Charm?

Rhys had mixed feelings.

"He's quite talkative, isn't he?" Since Lockhart had written many books, Hermione had a good impression of him. Plus, her knowledge was not as broad as Rhys', so she didn't see any flaws in Lockhart.

"But a talkative person may not necessarily be a good professor. My intuition tells me that he can't seem to teach us real things." Daphne expressed a different opinion.

In her opinion, Lockhart was no match for Rhys.


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