Return of Mount Hua Sect

Chapter 688

Chapter 688



The face of a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe gradually contorted. The young man sitting in front of him flinched and shrugged his shoulders.

It wasn’t a strange sight.

It was common for an older person to be angry at a younger person.

However, the story was a bit different when the one receiving the scolding was Chung Myung of the Mount Hua sect, to whom even the leader and elders of the sect raised their hands.

The uncontrollable idiot.

It was said that people of the same sect would normally distance themselves by more than thirty feet if they made eye contact with him. It was such a rare sight to see the worst person in Mount Hua’s history shrug his shoulders like that.

“But who knows that I am here…”

“Why? If I tell you who it is, will you go hit them?”

“Hehe… I cannot believe that. You know how I feel.”

“Holding back? You?”


Chung Myung gritted his teeth.

‘If I catch whoever is scheming, I will not leave them alone.’

When other people came to scold him, he would simply run away. But even if he was Chung Myung, there was nothing he could do about Chung Mun.


“… Yes, sahyung.”

Chung Myung glanced at Chung Mun as he spoke.

‘Ah, fuck.’

There were deep furrows in his eyes, which always held a gentle look. This meant that he had to listen to the nagging for a while now.

“G-get that from… that…”

“Euk! Asking for a cane? Sahyung! I am getting older now…!”

“… water. Bring water.”


Chung Myung, who sighed in relief, stood up and took the water bottle left in front of the door.

“Here you go.”

“Sit down.”


As Chung Myung sat down again, Chung Mun quenched his thirst and then sighed deeply.

“Chung Myung.”

“Yes, Chung Mun.”

“… was it a big mistake for the sajae to ask you about sword techniques?”


“Is it wrong for a sajae who wanted to get strong to muster up some courage and ask you about the sword?”

“… No.”

Chung Mun’s face contorted.

“Then why did you hit them?”


“Why did you hit them! Why! If a kid doesn’t know something, of course, they will ask! Beating a kid because of that? Are you calling yourself a Taoist!? Huh?”

“S-sahyung! Be consistent in your words and actions! Put down the fist first!”

“I lost my temper; I did!”

Chung Mun.

The great disciple of Mount Hua, who knew benevolence, understood the Tao and whose wisdom calmed the hearts of those who looked at him. He was the one who would take the position of Mount Hua’s sect leader next and made even followers of Mount Hua hope for his fortune.

A swordsman and Taoist, well known throughout the world.

Even a great swordsman like Chung Mun had no reason left in front of this man.

“You hit a kid and made him be taken to the physician hall! All for asking a question? Do we have to put you in the repentance hall? Why! Tell me why I shouldn’t put you in the cave right now?”

“Huh? You know how much I hate the repentance cave! If I stay in that place which has no light even for a week, it is just…”


“…I am so determined to kill the guy who is making all this happen the moment I leave…”

“Hit me too then, you bastard! Come on!”

In the end, Chung Mun couldn’t handle it anymore and threw the stick in his hand at Chung Myung. But Chung Myung, who managed to catch it, smiled.

“Ehh. You have to at least say something that makes sense. How can I do that to sahyung?”

“… Then hitting the sajae is alright?”

“Sajae needs to be hit.”


“If sasuk talks shit, then it can also be done.”


Taking advantage of the silence, Chung Myung put the stick back in its place and smiled. Chung Mun sighed.

“Why did you hit him?”

“Sahyung, I think you misunderstood something. I didn’t hit him because he asked me to teach him.”

“Then why?”

“You know I listen to sahyung. I listened so well that my ears were pounding with passion, but do you think I must fight so hard?”

“So, why did you hit him?”

Chung Myung, who seemed to be getting angry remembering the past, said with a huff.

“Eh, I explained in detail and even showed it to him.”

“…And then?”

“Even after I told him three times, he got nothing! And he kept asking me!”


“Who doesn’t understand even after explaining so well! It’s not like I was messing with him!”

Chung Mun, feeling dumbfounded, looked at Chung Myung and sighed.

“Chung Myung.”




Chung Myung pouted, pushing his lips in and out.

He liked this aspect of listening. If it were other people, they would have gotten angry and asked if this even made sense. But before getting angry, he tried to think it through once again.

“It isn’t frustrating…”

Chung Myung mumbled softly.

“It’s not like it can be learned so easily.”


“There are things that work if you train hard, and there are things that won’t work, even if you work hard. But I don’t know what to do if they are inferior.”

Chung Mun just looked at him without saying anything. Chung Myung felt annoyed and lowered his head.

“Chung Myung, they are your sajaes.”


“Of course, it will be frustrating from your point of view. But won’t you someday encounter something that cannot be handled on your own?”


“Then what will we do?”

“Shouldn’t I just get stronger?”

“And what if that doesn’t work?”

“Get even stronger.”


Chung Mun looked at him, puzzled, and Chung Myung just shook his head.

“I know this sounds frustrating. But, sahyung.”


“It is said that the speed at which Mount Hua grows through training alone is faster than the speed at which Mount Hua grows through teaching.”


“Don’t hold onto my ankles. I will handle everything. Shaolin or Wudang, I will defeat them all. Sahyung, you can just watch and have rice cakes.”


“Hehe. If possible, it would be nice if you could share at least one piece of rice cake.”

Chung Mun let out a long sigh through his nose. Chung Myung flinched as if he had been stabbed, but it was actually the pitiful gaze from Chung Mun.

To others, Chung Myung’s words might sound like an excuse to avoid punishment. But to Chung Mun, they felt pitiful.

‘To not fit in…’

The world Chung Myung saw was different from the world others saw.

When someone noticed one thing in front of them, Chung Myung saw ten to twenty things at once. Could those two ever talk and understand each other?

To Chung Myung, even Chung Mun might be a frustrating person. And yet, the person who talked to him as a sahyung and remained untouched was him alone.

“Chung Myung.”


“How far do you want to go alone?”


“Right. I understand how you feel. I also know that becoming stronger on your own is several times more beneficial to Mount Hua than dragging the others with you.”

“Yes, right.”

“But then how much more strongly will you have to live?”

Chung Mun quietly shook his head and continued speaking.

“It may seem like you are leaving everything and going alone, but in reality, it is the other way around; you are carrying everything on your back. Can you handle the fate of Mount Hua on your own?”


“I know, it might be possible. But that is no different from climbing a steep cliff with both hands. Didn’t someone who climbed the cliff too many times fall into the distance because of a moment’s mistake? Can you live your whole life with such a burden on you?”

Chung Myung couldn’t say anything. This was because the voice held a sincerity that couldn’t be expressed.

“Even if it were possible, I don’t want you to live like that.”


Chung Mun smiled.

“I know they aren’t slow, but you are too fast.”


If one ran blindly, you wouldn’t be able to see anyone following you. You could look back once or twice at first, but if there was no one in sight every time you turned back, you would end up running without looking back again.

Chung Myung looked at Chung Mun in silence.

He sometimes found it hard to understand what Chung Mun meant. This was because it wasn’t something that could be understood with reason and logic.

“Chung Myung.”

“Yes, sahyung.”

“You don’t live alone in this world.”


“No one can live alone. If you don’t have those frustrating kids you are speaking about, you are the one who will get most irritated. Do you get what I mean?”

“Yes, sahyung, I know, I know, but…”

“Endure a little.”

Chung Myung sighed in frustration.

“I understand what you are trying to say. That… yes. Honestly, it makes no sense. No matter how much I endure, if one doesn’t intend to follow, then in the end…”

“Do you think your sajaes don’t want to follow you?”


“Isn’t it because of this thorn you raised that they cannot be honest?”


Chung Mun eventually smiled with a slightly sad face.

‘Seriously, this guy.’

He knew.

Even if others didn’t, he knew.

The person who was waiting the most for someone to stand next to him was Chung Myung. If not, there would be no way for Chung Myung to listen to him this obediently.

It has been a long time since he had overtaken the sect. Even the elders of the sect could do nothing against Chung Myung with a sword. And Chung Myung knew that fact best, and he didn’t make a fuss about it.

There was no way this simple-minded guy would strictly follow Chung Mun’s words because he raised Chung Myung.

Chung Myung knew this, too.

If his ties with Chung Myung were severed, he would end up alone, so he must have noticed that.

‘It is different from us.’

For Chung Myung, Mount Hua was the world.

They were different from those who climbed Mount Hua after deciding to become Taoists. From the time Chung Myung could see alone, he stayed on Mount Hua.

How could Chung Mun not understand how he treated Mount Hua?

Chung Myung.

“Yes, sahyung.”

“I am asking you to watch the sajaes for the sake of Mount Hua.”


“See for yourself. For you. The day will come when you, too, will realize the importance of having those behind you.”

Then Chung Myung looked at Chung Mun with serious eyes. Chung Mun smiled happily at the serious look.

“Fine, I get it…”

“No, that only makes sense if it is for minimal use! If those things support my back when I am done! Then they should just put their swords down!”


“You have to at least say something that makes sense! Yes? What are they? Eheh! Unless I die and get reborn, that won’t happen!”

Chung Mun laughed loudly at that.

“Chung Myung.”


“Bring the whip.”



“Ha. Hahah…. Hahahah.”

Chung Myung smiled awkwardly and jumped up from his seat.



“I will engrave the words sahyung said onto my bones. I understood what you said about taking care of the sajaes. We will reform ourselves.”


“Then, I will leave!”

He kicked open the door and left without looking back.

“You! That guy! Why are you not standing there! You have to go see Mount Hua! Where are you running to now!”

“To practice!”

Chung Mun sighed as he heard a voice coming from afar.

‘You are asking too much.’

People could not be perfect.

People who had amazing talent in one field were often lacking in other areas. Although Chung Myung was born with unparalleled talent in martial arts, because of that, he didn’t know how to get along with people and embrace them.

And that was what made Chung Myung more isolated.

Being strong was a good thing.

But what was the point of becoming strong alone when you had no one to enjoy it with?

The names of Chung Mun and Mount Hua still supported Chung Myung, but there was no telling when those ties would break. Chung Mun always felt sad and upset, wondering if the day would come when Chung Myung’s eyes would tear up.

Chung Mun, who was closing the door that Chung Myung had kicked, stopped when something caught his eye.

There was something that looked like grass lying where Chung Myung had been sitting a moment ago.

“… ginseng?”

Wild Ginseng.

It seemed like he had gone deep into the mountain for training and found it.

“… brat.”

As he looked at the ginseng that Chung Myung had left behind, his sorrow grew even more. On the one hand, he felt the kindness of Chung Myung for leaving it there, and on the other hand, it felt nice to see Chung Myung leave for training happily.

When he thought of that child, his heart ached.

“One day…”

One day, that child will be able to meet people who will give him their hearts, too.

If he could see Chung Myung smile without concern, just once, around so many people, he would wish for nothing more.

“Still a long way off.”

And yet, the day would come when Mount Hua could fully embrace the child.

It was Chung Mun who firmly wanted to believe that.

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