Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate

Chapter 194 Strike Back

Chapter 194 Strike Back

[Present time. Klaus visits Vincent in prison.]

Silence enveloped the visiting booth. There was no sound except for the tapping of fingers on the table. Vincent stared at glass, thinking about something in his head. Apprehension was written all over his face.

Someone who always disrupted his plans suddenly came and squeezed him. At first, he was angry about it, but that emotion quickly vanished after he heard the details. Klaus not only came to threaten, but also gave him an advantage.

The clock was ticking. Before Vincent knew it, 10 minutes had passed. He was still carefully considering his decision.

"Mr. Vincent, your time is up," a guard entered the room, reminding the prisoner to return to his cell.

"Fuck off," Vincent snapped. "I'll go back when I'm done!"

"Alright." The guard swallowed his saliva as he left.

Seeing how Vincent intimidated the guard, Klaus chuckled.

"Well, this prison is really pathetic. How can they hold criminals?" Klaus said.

"I'm the biggest contributor to this shithole. They know who the boss is," Vincent replied.

Klaus nodded as he heard this fact. He wouldn't be surprised. Vincent was a mafia boss disguised as a guild master. Bribing a few officers and the prison warden wasn't a difficult thing.

This city wouldn't be free from corruption as long as people like Vincent existed.

Vincent took a deep breath. After thinking it through carefully, he had made his decision.

"Alright. I'll accept your offer."

Naturally, Klaus smiled.

The deal had been struck. Klaus stood up from his seat, as did Vincent.

"Glad to hear your decision. I had a feeling you wouldn't disappoint me," Klaus praised.

"It's quite the opposite for me. I didn't expect to work with my enemy."

Klaus laughed to lighten the mood. "There's no such thing as enemies. We all are friends. It depends on the situation." A sly grin spread across his face.

Vincent snorted. "Now, I know who you really are. You're nothing like what she says." He gave Klaus an intense look.

"Who's 'she'? Liliana?"

Hearing his lover's name mentioned, Vincent narrowed his eyes.

Klaus smirked.

"Goodbye, Mr. Vincent. I'll be waiting," he said.

Vincent squinted as he watched Klaus walk away. His fists clenched, indicating the emotions he felt now. He didn't expect Klaus to know about their relationship. He was very confident that no one knew besides the two of them. If there really was someone else, he would have killed that person already.

The iron door creaked, a sign that the guard was coming to remind Vincent again. The uniformed officer looked fearful when he was about to call the prisoner, but Vincent simply left without saying a word.


The sun rose with its golden light, illuminating a majestic building nestled among the towering skyscrapers. This building was a newly constructed gymnasium that had been completed just two weeks ago.

In front of the building, a shiny red carpet extended from the main entrance to the main stage. White tents adorned with fresh flowers had been set up along the red carpet path, creating a beautiful corridor for the inauguration. Hundreds of city residents and invited guests walked on this red carpet with pride and joy.

The main stage, with the iconic silhouettes of New York skyscrapers in the background, had been beautifully decorated. The stage backdrop featured the newly designed state emblem with a metropolitan touch, creating a futuristic atmosphere. In the center of the stage, a small table with shiny gold scissors and a long ribbon awaited a key moment.

Fresh flowers and ornamental plants surrounded the stage. Their vibrant colors and fragrance created a refreshing atmosphere amidst the concrete and asphalt of New York.

Before the event began, the invited guests, including city dignitaries, journalists, and ordinary citizens, had gathered inside the spacious gymnasium. The neatly arranged chairs with a perfect layout allowed every guest to have a clear view of the stage. Whispers and laughter among the guests filled the air with positive energy.

As the event drew nearer, everyone's attention turned to the main entrance. Someone informed them that the governor and his staff would be arriving soon, and the journalists quickly double-checked their note cards.

"Hey! Hey! The governor is coming!"

A thunderous applause filled the air as the governor, accompanied by a group of men in black suits, walked down the red carpet. Amidst the jubilation, some citizens whistled or shouted to call their leader, and journalists quickly grabbed their cameras to take pictures.

Governor Richard smiled as he waved to his people.

"Wow, look at that, Sir. You've won their hearts," Max whispered. He walked beside the governor.

"That only happens if you become a beloved leader. Take note of that," Richard replied, whispering.

"Got it."

A woman in formal attire ushered Richard onto the stage, while his staff took their seats along with the others.

The atmosphere fell silent as Richard stood in the middle of the stage. Taking the microphone from the host, he began his speech.

"My fellow New Yorkers, thank you for being here at this inauguration ceremony. As we know, from year to year, the number of awakeners continues to increase. However, our facilities to support their training are still inadequate. With the construction of this new gymnasium, we can accommodate more talented individuals to protect our city."

With a loud voice, Richard conveyed his message to the audience. His voice touched the hearts of the listeners.

"And now, without further ado, let us proceed to the ceremonial ribbon-cutting, which marks the official opening of this gymnasium. Together, as we cut this ribbon, we symbolize the beginning of a healthier, stronger, and more united New York City!"

With these words, the governor, accompanied by honored guests and community leaders, took the golden scissors.

However, as they were about to cut the ribbon, the atmosphere changed.

The air, which should have been filled with anticipation, was suddenly filled with whispers. It started with the journalists, and it didn't take long for the citizens to follow suit. They appeared surprised, looking at their phones as if they had just got shocking news.

Of course, Governor Richard noticed the odd situation but stayed focused on the event. When the ribbon was cut, there was no applause at all.

"What's happening?" he wondered. A sense of foreboding started to fill his mind.

And it was true.

The citizens suddenly booed him. Some of them raised their middle fingers or thumbs down. Various curses and insults were hurled at Richard. The governor could not help but furrow his brow in wonder.

"Beat the liar!" a man shouted.

That remark provoked the audience. They began to surge onto the stage. Naturally, the staff quickly tried to block them.

"Protect the governor!" Max shouted.

The restrained audience members became furious. Some of them picked up chairs and threw them onto the stage.

"You bastard! Get the fucking down here!"

"You liar!"

"Come here, you son of a bitch!"

Richard froze, witnessing the riot unfolding before his eyes. Just a few minutes ago, the atmosphere had been solemn and full of enthusiasm, but suddenly, everything had turned into chaos like this. As he was shaken, Max shook his body.

"Governor! Governor! We need to get out of here!"

Richard finally snapped out of it. He then followed Max off the stage while the staff held back the raging audience. Community leaders and honored guests also left with them.

As they sneaked behind the stage, Richard grabbed Max's shoulder.

"Max! Max! Stop! I said stop!"

Instantly, the man stopped. He was panting heavily.

"What's happening?" Governor Richard asked.

Max's face darkened. "There's bad news about you. It just came out a few hours ago and is trending."

Naturally, Richard furrowed his brow. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a smartphone. As he opened the news portal, his eyes opened wide. He found his face on the front page.

["Governor Richard implicated in election fraud. Suspected collaboration with alleged mafia and criminal syndicate, Vincent Thomsen."]


Sheila gasped for breath as she ran through the long and noisy office corridor. Her fast-paced steps reverberated through the floor, and her uniform looked slightly disheveled. She carried significant news that had to be delivered to her boss. Without knocking, she pushed the office door.

"Boss! I've got big news!"

In the spacious and luxurious office, Klaus sat behind a large mahogany desk. He appeared composed in his neatly tailored black suit and maroon-red tie. A glass of cold water sat on the corner of the desk, emitting condensation at the glass's rim. His calm, almost immobile face conveyed a deep sense of confidence.

Sheila stared at Klaus, gasping for breath. "Boss," she said urgently, "You won't believe what I've heard. There's a massive scandal involving the Governor. He's allegedly involved in rigging the gubernatorial election."

Klaus smiled faintly, and that smile seemed like a long-held secret finally revealed. "Sheila, I already know."

Naturally, Sheila was taken aback. "You already know?" she murmured, puzzled.

Klaus raised an eyebrow and replied, "Yes, because I orchestrated it."


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