Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 80: First Encounter with Pain

Chapter 80: First Encounter with Pain

Izuna slowly walks through the pipes of the Ame sewage system. He notices some Ame jounins on his trail, but he ignores them and continues to walk further along the pipes.

The Ame jounins continues to follow Izuna in the pipes. They soon reach a dead end, but the intruder is nowhere to be seen.

Before they could turn around, large rock hands bind them to the ground as Izuna appears out of nowhere. The Ame ninja struggles to get free, but he seals their Chakra.

"Searching for someone? Perhaps me!" Izuna slowly walks in front of them and interrogates them.

"I will ask questions and you will answer them. Now my first question, Where is Hanzo? If you dare lie to me, then the consequences won't be to your liking." Izuna threatens them.

"You can try anything you want, even our ghosts won't answer your questions. We... We have a God behind us. Go... God is constantly watching over us. He won't allow his subordinates to suffer." One of the Ame ninja gulps his saliva.

"If you want salvation, then submit to our God and follow us. Or else God's retribution will fall upon you." Another Ame ninja haughtily reply.

"I will deal with your God later. But first, you will suffer my retribution."

'Genjutsu: Sharingan'

"Say hello to Mil-tan." Izuna has an evil grin on his face.

"No!...Somebody help! Help me. Save me from this monstrosity. Nooo.. let me go! No Not there. No" The Ame ninja struggles desperately.

Izuna turns to another ninja and smiles at him,

"If you won't answer my questions. Then it will be your turn next. Trust me, you don't want to know what kind of suffering your friend is facing right now."

The Ame ninja continues to scream for help. The other ninja gulps his saliva, his back drenches in a cold sweat.

"I know nothing. Angel-sama ordered us to intercept the intruder. That's that's all." The Ame ninja stutters.

"I don't want to know about your God or Angel. Tell me about Hanzo. Where is Hanzo? Give me the location of Hanzo's residence." Izuna questions him.

"I I know nothing about it. Please spare me. I won't bother you again. I won't even report this to Angel-sama." The Ame ninja pleads.

Many Origami butterflies surround Izuna. The paper butterflies open up to reveal many paper bombs.


The paper bombs explode before the Ame ninja could react. The smoke clears to reveal Izuna, who is completely fine.

Izuna cracks his neck and looks at the newcomer. The Origami papers surround him again and bind his body. The remaining papers turn into the upper body of a woman who held a paper spear in her hand and stab it toward Izuna.

"You know! You are underestimating me." A streak of purple lightning flashes and crumbles all the papers.

'Lightning Release: Purple Lightning'

The Origami papers float and shape into a woman.

"Angel-sama! Angel-sama! Save me, Angel-sama. He held me hostage and interrogated me. But Angel-sama, I have revealed nothing to him." The Ame ninja pleads to Konan.

"Get out of the way. You are being a nuisance. I will personally deal with him." Konan replies in a cold tone.

The Origami papers turn into many shurikens and kunais and shoot towards Izuna.

'Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu'

Izuna spews out a giant fireball without making any hand signs. The fireball burns the paper kunais and shurikens.

'Dance of the Shikigami: Paper Chakram'

Konan raises her hands and shapes many Origami papers into a large paper Chakram which spins rapidly. She launches the Paper Chakram towards Izuna.

The paper Chakram turns into multiple Chakram mid-air, Konan manipulates them.

'Lightning Release: Raikiri blade'

Izuna stretches his right hand and forms a large lightning blade. He slashes the paper Chakram into halves and cuts Konan's chakra from them.

Konan infuses more chakra and turns it into multiple Origami papers. The Origami paper shapes into large wings behind her, which she directs towards Izuna.

"So, you are the Angel. The Messenger of God. That's a fancy appearance right there. Impersonating or I would say cosplaying as an Angel." Izuna taunts Konan.

Konan ignores Izuna's taunts and points a finger towards him.

'Dance of the Shikigami: Paper Rain'

The paper wings shoot the paper's projectiles at a very high velocity.

'Inferno Release: Blazing Destruction'

Izuna spews out a concentrated red fire beam from his mouth, which collides with the paper. The highly concentrated flames incinerate the papers and travel towards Konan.

The flames incinerate her paper body into ashes.

"Paper Clone."

Izuna frowns. The ground turns into many papers which engulf Izuna. Many paper bombs appear amidst the papers and detonate.


The explosion engulfs Izuna. After a few seconds, the smoke clears out to reveal Izuna shrouded in a silver Chakra skeletal ribs. He is perfectly fine with no damage to his body. Even the skeletal construct is unharmed.

That was a pretty nice trick. But Playtime is over, I will have to capture you to get my answers."

A large skeletal hand grabs the paper body of Konan.

"You are my hostage now. Now answer my questions, where is Hanzo of the Salamander? What happened to him? " Izuna questions Konan.

'It was during this time when Pain killed Hanzo. But I want to confirm it from her.'

"Answer my questions within the next ten seconds or else I won't mind turning you into a corpse." Izuna threatened Konan.

"You are overestimating yourself, 'Silent Shinigami'. You are in the territory of God if this is the extent of your power, then forget about getting alive out of here." Konan remarks confidently, with no change in her expression.

"Then summon your God here. I will also like to taste the true power of your so-called God." The Susanoo arm squeezes paper Konan tightly.

'Shinra Tensei'

A powerful repulsive force acts upon Izuna and throws him out of the pipe. The powerful force flung Izuna out of Amegakure through many metal buildings and towers.

'Metal Release: Adamantine Skin'

Izuna coats his body in Metal Chakra and prevents damage from the collision. Konan turns her body into various paper butterflies and avoids harm.

At the outskirts of Amegakure,

Izuna stands up from the rocks and debris. He dusts up his clothes and cracks his knuckles.

"I am fired off for this fight. It has been a while since I had time to go all out. I hope Pain will give me a decent fight."

'I can feel my blood boiling when thinking of a fight against Pain. Is this the side-effect of being Madara's descendant? I knew grandpa Madara was famous for his lust for battle. Maybe I have inherited some of his characters?'

Izuna stands up and floats out of the crater on an Iron pipe.

"So, you are the leader of Akatsuki? The so-called God. Have you dealt with Hanzo already? Or are you manipulating him and ruling Amegakure from shadows?" Izuna questions the newcomer.

The newcomer has large orange hairs tied into a ponytail. He had many black rods as piercing all over his body. The newcomer wore a black robe with red clouds pattern.

'Summoning Jutsu'

The newcomer summons a large red and white crab summon. The crab spits out a white corrosive foam from his mouth. The foam surrounds Izuna and corrodes everything in its way.

'Scorch Release: Extreme Steaming Murder'

Izuna makes some hand signs and throws out a large yellow orb towards the crab. The yellow orb evaporates the white corrosive foam and collides with the Crab summons.

Steam rises from the crab's body as the crab gets cooked. The body of the crab shrivels and all the water in its body evaporates. A meaty aroma rises in the surrounding and the crab summons disappears in a puff of smoke.

"That was a well-done crab. Too bad, I don't have any salt, pepper, and sauce to enjoy the dish." Izuna jokes at Pain.

Pain looks at Izuna with a blank expression,

"Shinigami or not, you are still a man. But through infinite pain and suffering, I have transcended humanity. Yes, from a man to God; I have attained Godhood.

Now watch the power of a God with your eyes." Pain opens his arms widely. A large summoning seal appears beside him.

'Summoning Jutsu'


Inside an underground hideout,

Black Zetsu opens his eyes and walks up to a masked Obito.

"Obito! An unexpected situation had arisen. The Uchiha boy with the moniker of 'Silent Shinigami' is facing against Pain. The boy infiltrated the Amegakure earlier and now he is engaged in a fight against Pain.

He easily defeated the Konan, which forced Pain to show his hands. It is hard to decide a winner between the Boy and Pain. We can't allow our chess piece to fall so easily. We have to intercept their fight. We can't allow things to fall apart so easily even before we put our 'Eye of the Moon' Plan in motion. Help Pain deal with the nuisance.

You don't have to defeat the kid, just separate both of them from each other. Also, summon rest of our members."

Obito stands up and disappears into a swirling portal while remarking.

"The plan won't fall apart. I will handle the situation."

Black Zetsu enters the grounds and disappears from the hideout.

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