Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 75: Emergency Meeting

Chapter 75: Emergency Meeting

Hiruzen hands over Naruto to Sakumo.

"Take care of him. He is the hero of the village. His parents sacrificed their lives to protect the village. I don't want their legacy to suffer any harm."

"Don't worry, Hokage-Sama. He is the son of Fourth Hokage. Also, Minato was Kakashi's Sensei. I will protect him."

Sakumo carries a sleeping Naruto in his arms. Hiruzen nods to Sakumo and flickers away.

A few moments later, Hiruzen arrives at the destroyed, hidden room. He is stunned to see the present condition of the room.

"How come?...the barrier is still present. How did the enemy breach the barrier? Biwako Biwako"

Hiruzen had a bad feeling as he frantically shouts the name of his wife. There is no response. Hiruzen rushes inside the remains of the room and searches.

Soon, he spots the body of an old woman. He hugs the woman in his arms as tears trickled down from his eyes.

"My awful premonition came true. Biwako"

Hiruzen stayed still for a while and mourned in grief over the death of his wife.

"I have to look for that Uchiha kids for answers. He is the only alive witness of the entire incident."

Hiruzen carries away the dead body of Biwako.


Inside the Hidden leaf hospital,

Tsunade clicked her tongue as she looked at Izuna.

"His Chakra reserves are dry. He has suffered a tremendous loss in vitality, and there is a fist-size hole in his guts. I wonder how this kid survived this incident. It is a miracle he made it up to here."

Tsunade inspects the unconscious Izuna.

'Don't die, kid. I believe in you, your words gave me a new hope in my life. I don't want your flame to extinguish before it could shine brightly.'

Tsunade frantically uses her Healing Jutsu to heal Izuna. The wound around Izuna's stomach is healing at a very slow pace. Despite all of Tsunade's efforts, Izuna failed to gain consciousness.

'What things transpired for him to suffer such a wound? Earlier, nine tails appeared and attacked the village. This kid isn't reckless enough to engage in a fight with Nine-tails despite knowing the odds of the victory.'

Hiruzen arrives at Konoha's hospital and directly meets with Tsunade.

"Tsunade, how's that kid doing? Has he gained conscious?"

Tsunade shakes her head in denial and replies to Hiruzen,

"Sensei! He is still in a coma. His injury is very fatal. I don't know when he will retain his consciousness. Sensei, fill me on the details of the events which transpired in the village."

Sensing no harm in describing the situation to Tsunade, Hiruzen explains everything to Tsunade.

Tsunade sighs in grief and looks towards Izuna.

"I still can't believe both Minato and Kushina lost their lives in this incident. Even Izuna is in such terrible shape. The enemy must be insanely powerful for such a thing."

"Yes, earlier I sensed an enormous amount of Chakra on the periphery of Konoha. That Chakra outburst was on a different scale, even the chakra of Nine-tails couldn't compare to it. What kind of enemy is after Konoha?"

Hiruzen reveals this matter to Tsunade. Both of them contemplate on this matter.

An Anbu arrives in the room and bows down to Hiruzen.

"Lord Third! The village elders wish to start an emergency meeting. They request your presence in this meeting."

"I will be there shortly." Hiruzen nods to Anbu. The Anbu member flickers out.

"Sensei! Looks like your retirement days are over. You have to re-handle the affairs of the village." Tsunade remarks.

Hiruzen sighs again and leaves the hospital.

'The village comes before the family, I can't allow this incident to ruin the efforts of Hashirama and Tobirama Sensei.'


In a meeting hall,

Various village elders and clan leaders gathered to discuss the course of action required. Hiruzen arrives at the meeting hall and the discussion starts.

"Our village has lost its leader. We need to reinstate a new competent Hokage to look after the village. Otherwise, the power of Village will weaken and the enemy will use this opportunity to strike us down." Danzo raised this matter.

"I agree with Danzo, we have to reinstate a new Hokage to maintain stability in Village." Homura agrees with Danzo.

"It would be difficult to search for an ideal candidate for Hokage's position. Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Sakumo had already refused the position and there aren't any other capable shinobi present in the village." Koharu speaks the matter.

"I think I will"

"Why not allow Lord Third to retain the position of Hokage? He had done a fine job leading the village in the past, and all of us are aware of his abilities. He can continue his reign until we groom a successor for the position." Shikaku cuts off Danzo and presents his opinion.

"Hmm that's a wonderful idea." Many other elders and clan leaders chimes in.

"It's decided then, Lord Third will retain the position of Hokage until we find a new successor." Koharu and Homura pass the final verdict.

"I don't agree with your decision. Hiruzen isn't competent enough, all of us have seen this during the Third Ninja War." Danzo stands up in disagreement.

"I don't quite agree with your opinion, Danzo-Sama. Lord third did a good job of handling the peace treaty. Konoha would have suffered more losses if the war continued. So, I support Lord Third." Shikaku interrupts Danzo again.

"Shikaku has a point. The wits of Lord Third prevented heavy losses to the village." Many other elders chimed in.

"Very well, the meeting is officially over with Hiruzen Sarutobi reinstated as the Hokage. He will still be the Third Hokage of Leaf Village." Koharu and Homura end the meeting.


A few moments later,

Hiruzen, Homura, Koharu, and Danzo sit around a table in a private room near Hokage's Office.

"I still don't agree with your decision." Danzo slams his hand on the table.

"Danzo, Hiruzen is the most powerful shinobi in the village. Also, all other potential candidates are not interested in the position or they aren't fit for it." Koharu tone down Danzo.

"Anyway, we have gathered here to discuss the cause of the Nine-tails attack. Hiruzen, you were in charge of the matters of Jinchuruki. How things escalated to this extent?" Homura questions Hiruzen.

"The enemy could breach the barrier, and he even killed Biwako and rest of the anbus guarding the Jinchuruki. Minato had sealed the nine-tails in his newborn son, Naruto Namikaze.

Also, an Uchiha kid close to Minato and Kushina fought with them. The kid is in serious condition. I hospitalize him in the leaf Hospital. He has the answers to all of our questions." Hiruzen explains things to his friends.

"Hiruzen hand over the nine-tails and that Uchiha kid to Root. Nine-tails will turn into a weapon that will protect the Konoha. Our Konoha has weakened in these past few years. If we can control Nine-tails, then our power will increase drastically.

Also, I will interrogate that Uchiha kid and gather all intel of the incident." Danzo demands.

"No, that won't do. Naruto is the son of Minato Namikaze. His father sacrificed his life to save the village. Naruto is a hero of the Village. I won't allow you to turn Minato's legacy in a mindless weapon.

As for the Uchiha kid, I don't have any say in that matter. He is the disciple of Tsunade, Sakumo, Minato, and Kushina. I don't think Sakumo and Tsunade will allow you to interrogate him in Root.

I will question the kid and get answers from him. Now, if you have any other intel on this matter, then present it." Hiruzen denies all the requests of Danzo.


Danzo clicks his tongue and scoffs.

"I do have information regarding the Nine-Tails. Someone summoned the Nine-tails inside the village. It appeared in a puff of smoke similar to a summoning.

Also, it appeared near Uchiha compounds. While fighting against Nine-tails, I noticed it was under a strong Genjutsu.

This only leads to one conclusion. Uchihas controlled the Nine-tails. They released the Nine-tails on Village and caused this massacre."

"Danzo, the Uchiha police force helped a lot during the Nine-tails attack. They were the ones who were the first to take action and evacuate civilians.

Also, Fugaku with many other Uchiha clan elders fought against Nine-tails. I don't think your claim makes any sense. It can be a coincidence or a setup against Uchihas." Hiruzen disagrees with Danzo.

"Nave, you are too nave, Hiruzen. A normal Sharingan can't control the Nine-tails, but what about the Mangekyo Sharingan? I am sure you are aware of the prowess of Mangekyo Sharingan. Madara Uchiha was a prime example of this. He attacked the village with Nine-tails." Danzo states the fact.

"This makes sense. But we still can't blame the Uchihas with no solid proof. Their contribution and merits are undeniable. Let us leave it for now and focus on the stability of Village."

Hiruzen ends the discussion as he walks out of the room. Koharu and Homura follow him along.

Danzo looks at their departing back and clutches his fist.

'I am still weak compared to Hiruzen. Orochimaru, I hope your research is fruitful otherwise I would have to get rid of you.'

Danzo looks at his right hand.

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