Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 71: Nine-Tails Attack Part-1

Chapter 71: Nine-Tails Attack Part-1


A large tailed beast bomb appears directly in front of Izuna after his teleportation to the village.

Wasting no moment, Izuna immediately activates his Mangekyo Sharingan and uses the new ability of his Mangekyo Sharingan.

'Swift Release: God Speed'

He gets out of the way of the Tailed beast bomb.


Izuna covers his body with his Susanoo. The Tailed beast bomb collides with the nearby hill and explodes. The Susanoo protects him from the shockwaves of the explosion.

He dissipates his Susanoo as various questions flooded his brain.

'How? Why? What happened? I only left the village for a few days. It is too soon for the Nine-Tails attack. How is all of this happening?'


A few moments earlier in Konoha, in a secret underground room,

Kushina lies on a large operation table as she moans in pain. Minato walks to and from outside the room with a tense expression.


Cries of a newborn baby echoed in the room. Minato hurriedly pushes opens the door and enters the room.

He is perplexed and stares at Kushina.

"You did it."

Tears trickle from his eyes as he wipes them and laughs in happiness.

"I am a father now."

Biwako picks up the baby and carries him for a checkup.

"It's a healthy baby boy!"

Biwako carries the baby to Kushina. Minato interrupts Biwako and tries to snatch him from Biwako's arms.


"No touching! The first face he should see is his mother's!"

Biwako ignores Minato and carries baby Naruto to Kushina and lays him beside her.

Kushina opens her eyes and lovingly stares at the baby.

"Naruto It is nice to meet you."

"You need some rest now." Biwako lefts the room.

She takes Naruto in her arms and lovingly strokes Naruto's head.

"There there Mamma is with you. Don't cry, baby."

Minato walks up to Kushina and held her hand.

"Kushina, are you feeling okay?"


Minato tears up a little. "Thank you"

He helps Kushina to sit and embraces her back. Minato tickles Naruto's cheeks.

"Look at our Naruto, he has yellow hairs and blue eyes just like me."

"He will be a great Shinobi just like you, Minato. I really hope for Izuna to be present on this occasion. He wanted to be present at the birth of Naruto. I don't know where he is at the moment." Kushina remarks and feeds milk to Naruto.

"I am sure he will be safe wherever he is. He has grown fairly strong in the past few years. Both of us have seen his growth personally. I believe he will return soon to the village." Minato convinces Kushina.

Minato held the baby Naruto in his arms and passes him to Biwako.

"Biwako-san, please take care of Naruto for a while. I have to suppress the seal and reinforce it to prevent Nine-tails from overpowering the seal."

He turns to Kushina and bumps his fists together.

"Alright! It'll be hard since you just gave birth. But I will do my best to completely suppress the Nine-tails."

Minato places his hand over Kushina's seal and enforces it.

A swirling portal opens inside the hidden room. A masked man in a black cloak appears in the room. He immediately stabs Biwako and the nearby doctor and snatches Naruto from Biwako.


A scream startles Minato. He turns around and spots the masked man. The masked man places his hand over Naruto and threatens Minato.

"Fourth Hokage, Minato. Step away from the jinchuruki. Otherwise, this boy's life will last not more than a minute."

Minato steps back and cautiously stare at the intruder.

'How did he get past the barrier? Who the hell is he?'


Kushina screams in pain as the Nine-tails seals weaken even further and crawl all over her body. A blob of Chakra tries to escape from the seal.


'The Nine-tails seal is still weak?'

"I told you to step away from the Jinchuruki." The masked man forks out a kunai from his sleeves and held it against Naruto's neck.

"Don't you care about the life of your child?"

"Wait! Just calm down a little." Minato shouts frantically.

"Heed your own words, Minato. I am as calm as can be."

The masked man throws the baby in the air and tries to stab the baby.

"Naruto!" Kushina yells in panic.


Minato disappears from his place and reappears on the nearby wall with Naruto in his arms.

"You really are the Yellow Flash. But what about this?" The masked man made a hand seal.


The paper bombs attached to Naruto's blanket triggers.

"Naruto!" Kushina yells.

Minato hurriedly jumps from the wall and removes the blanket and jumps out of the room.


An enormous explosion destroys the entire room. Minato skids out of the explosion and protects Naruto.

Inside the remains of the room, the masked man places a hand on Kushina and sucks her in a swirling portal. He disappears from the place with another swirling portal.

"Good! Naruto isn't hurt."


Minato pulls out a wooden splinter from his leg.

"I have to resort to 'Flying Thunder God Jutsu' already. He is after Kushina. He succeeded in separating us. I have to hurry."

Minato flicks away the splinter and teleports away from the site. He reappears inside a room.

In a place on the outskirts of Konoha,

The masked man places Kushina on a stone pedestal. He makes some hand signs and slams his hand on Kushina's seal.

A complex Fuinjutsu seal binds Kushina to nearby stone pillars and holds her in one place. Kushina pants heavily and questions the masked man.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I am going to extract the nine-tails from you and destroy the Konoha." The masked man replies to her.

"What?" Kushina stares at the masked man with wide-eyes.

"Minato's body flicker technique allows him to teleport between locations where he had placed technique markers. It appears that he also place one of that marking on your seal.

He is constantly protecting you, but I have separated you two now. Moreover, the Kyubi's seal has weakened after you gave birth. I have long awaited this moment."

The masked man activates his Mangekyo Sharingan.


Inside a room, Minato gently places the baby in a cradle and covers the baby in a blanket.

"You will be safe here. I'll be back soon, Naruto. I have to go save your mother now."


The masked man enters inside Kushina's mindscape and faces the Nine-tails.


The Nine-tails growl at the intruder.

"You are"

Before Nine-tails could continue, the masked man put the Nine-tails inside a genjutsu. The eyes of Nine-tails turns into Sharingan and it successfully fell in a Genjutsu.

The volatile chakra of Nine-tails leaks around the seal. The sealing chains around Nine-tails shatters.


Nine tails growl again and pull off the remaining chains. The volatile chakra of nine-tails leaks outside of the seal and cloaks Kushina in the Version 1 Tail beast Chakra mode.

The masked man makes a one-handed Ram seal.

"Now come out, Nine-tails."

The seal around Kushina disperses and a massive blob of dense chakra leaks from it. The chakra blob turns into Nine-tails, who jumps out in the air, growls furiously. The seal breaks completely and the Chakra Cloak around Kushina disperse. Kushina fells on the pedestal and weakly stares at the massive figure of Nine-tails.

"Excellent. Now it is time to face Konohagakure." The masked man walks towards Konoha.


"The Uzumaki clan really is something. You are still alive, even after having the tailed beast extracted. You were the Nine-tails jinchuruki. So, it is more fitting that I will kill you with it."

The Nine-tails lifts one of its paws and smashes it towards Kushina.


Large amounts of dust and debris rise from the attack.


Minato appears on a nearby tree with Kushina in her arms.

"You really do move like a flash, but this time, you're too late."

"Minato Naruto Is Naruto safe?" Kushina pants as she questions Minato.

"Yeah, he's fine. I left him in a safe place."

"Thank goodnessMinato, you must stop that man and the Nine tails right now. They're heading for Konoha.

"There he goes again. No matter. Our destination is Konoha." The masked man disappears in a swirl.

Minato appears in the same room as Naruto.

"Why?" Kushina questions.

"Don't worry about that, just stay by Naruto's side." Minato places Kushina beside Naruto.

Minato clenches his fists and opens up his wardrobe. Minato dons the Hokage's cloak and teleports from the place.

"Thank you, Minato. Go after them."

"I'll be back soon."

Near Uchiha compounds, a swirling portal opens up and a masked man jumps out from the portal.

He quickly makes some hands and slams his hand on the ground.

'Summoning Jutsu'

Nine tails appear inside the village in a large puff of smoke.


The nine-tails growls violently and attacks nearby villagers and shinobis.


A/N:- This part is standard Naruto. The later part of the attack is changed. I will release another chapter later.

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