Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 56: The Anbu Black Ops

Chapter 56: The Anbu Black Ops

In a hidden passageway inside a hidden cavern,

Kakashi and Izuna walk to an underground building with a huge sign for 'Anbu Black Ops' in kanji. They are inside the headquarters of Anbu.

Both of us walks to a counter near a heavy metal gate. Kakashi puts down a scroll on the counter and we wait for a response.

A masked Anbu grabs the scroll from the counter and retreats. We wait for a while for the Anbu. After a few more minutes, the Anbu returns with two sets of equipment as he speaks,

"Here is a set of equipment for both of you."

"Thank you!" both of us thanks to him as he continues,

"Change in your equipment and meet with the Captain within the next ten minutes."

We pick our set and moves to a remote corner of the building to equip our Anbu gear. The gear consists of an Anbu vest, a pair of arm guards, a porcelain mask, and a top-quality blade.

After we change into our gear, Kakashi knocks slightly on the metal door. After a while, the door opens and an anbu leads our way.

"This way, Captain is waiting for you."

We walk for a while inside various passages in the Anbu Headquarters before we enter a room.

"Captain, the recruits are here." The Anbu informs the Captain as he returns to his work.

A masked Anbu walks up to us as he speaks,

"So, you both are the recruits recommended by Hokage-sama, Kakashi Hatake, and Izuna Uchiha. Both of you possess the Sharingan and one of you even a moniker of 'Silent Shinigami'.

Our Anbu isn't a place for a soft-hearted person. It is a place where darkness resides and many top secrets missions of the village are carried. We are an elite division that demands only the best among the best. Both of you will be trained for a month in various fields and at the end of the training, you will be assigned a division based on your specialty.

Further information will be provided to you by your trainer. After your training, you will be branded with the mark of Anbu to inaugurate you as an official Anbu member. Now, go an meet your trainer."

The Captain just directed us towards the training hall and left. After a while, an anbu member with a tall and bulky body appears before us as he introduces himself,

"I am your trainer for the next month. Before we start, I would like to inform you about the various divisions of the Anbu. There are no ranks within the Anbu and only your merit and experience determine your hierarchy. Now, let's start with the introduction of various divisions of Anbu.

There are seven divisions within the Anbu which are, the Falcon Division responsible for hunting missing-nins, the owl division responsible for Stealth and Information retrieval, the Bear division responsible for Protection and Investigation.

The Cat division is responsible for Stealth and Assassination. The Frog division responsible for Medical and crisis, they are Combat Medics. The Wolf division is responsible for Torture and Interrogation and the Dragon Division responsible for Organization and Gathering of the rest of the Anbus.

There is another hidden division known as Root which isn't part of the normal Anbu. It is a separate division under Danzo-sama, one of the elders of the Village.

Now before we start your training, I would like to ask the Anbu unit, both of you would like to join. It is necessary as both of you will be trained accordingly."

"I would join the Cat division." I immediately reply to him.

"I would also join the Cat division," Kakashi replies to the Trainer.

The Trainer looks at Kakashi's mask and hesitates for a while before he speaks,

"Looks like you need to change your mask."

Kakashi wore a Dog mash whereas I had a tiger mask.

"It's fine, I will continue with this mask," Kakashi replies to Trainer.

"Very well, then we will start your training. But first, let me tell you more about the Cat division.

The Anbus of Cat division can be coined as Assassins. They show their power through their stealth and Quick-killing. These are the heavy-duty anbu members as they are required to assassinate any powerful person. As a cat division member, you must move in and out without ever being caught, without ever being noticed and no sign of your work shall be traced back to Village in case of an investigation.

For the next month, I will train you in stealth and Silent killing. Before we start, show me your hiding skills."

I make a Ram seal as my body starts to fade away,

'Light Style: Camouflage Cloak'

I disappear from the Trainer's vision as his mouth is gaped open. He frantically tries to search for me, but after searching for a while, he is unable to find me.

"Good kid! Your stealth skills are top-notch. But I want you to hide your presence without the use of Ninjutsu. Only when you become one with the shadows without using any Ninjutsu would your stealth training be counted as complete. Anbus face various situation where they are unable to use Chakra or lest they may warn the enemy sensor."

I re-appear before he asks me again to hide from senses. This way both of our Anbu training starts. Kakashi and I are quick-learners. Within a month, both of us mastered all the Techniques and skills of Anbu.


After a month, the Trainer nods at us in satisfaction as he speaks,

"Call me Tatsu. I am a part of the Dragon division. Both of you are officially a part of Anbu now. You will receive your first mission from the Hokage-sama shortly."

Tatsu summons another Anbu member who carves an Anbu tattoo on our left shoulder.

"Welcome to the Anbu corps. Both of you will be assigned to a Team soon. Follow him to meet your new team."

We follow the guy who branded us. This guy wore a bear mask as he speaks,

"These people from Dragon division are quite a handful. They are dubbed as 'Worded Bards' among the rest of the Anbu. I am Kuma and from today onwards you will be Inu and Tora based on your masks."

He leads us to a room with other Anbu members and speaks,

"Welcome to Team Ro, rookies. Now let us depart for Hokage's Office. We will be receiving our mission shortly."

All of us flicker out as we move towards Hokage-Office. We gather in Minato's office as he starts to explain,

"Recently, various reports of Shinobi attacks have been reported at the borders. Many shinobi from small villages survived by taking advantage of the turbulent situation.

They have no wish to be controlled by the nations of fire, wind, and earth. So, I have no doubt that they will continue to cause disruptions. However, this peace was won through the sacrifice of many. So, we must maintain it. And for that, I am going to count on all of you."

"Yes sir, sir." All of us shout in unison as we start to move towards borders.


At Land of fire borders,

In a watchtower of the Border Patrol team, three Konoha shinobis are engaged in combat against Five Shinobis dressed in Iwagakure's shinobi outfit. They are about to finish them off when our team interrupts them.

"Reinforcements, retreat!" the enemy ninjas dashes off in the forest as we approach the tower.

"Thanks for that, looks like the Hidden Stone has betrayed us." One of the Jounin thanks us.

One of the anbu members of Owl division picks up the shuriken and check it.

"This isn't a Hidden Stone Shuriken." The anbu concludes.

"You mean they were fakes. Why would"

"Because of the rift between Stone and Leaf." The anbu interrupts the Jounin.

Kakashi jumps off from the tower as he chases the imposters.

"Hey, don't chase them too far." The anbu members try to stop Kakashi. Kakashi makes some hand signs,

'Lightning Release: Chidori Lightning Cutter'

"I will look after him." I jump from the tower as I assure my team.

'Swift Release: God Speed'

I disappear from their vision as I follow Kakashi. Kakashi starts to attack the imposters as he finishes them off one by one. Kakashi removes his mask as he gets ready to kill the final Ninja.

"The Sharingan, You are the infamous cold-blooded Kakashi." the imposter trembles in fear upon seeing Kakashi.

When Kakashi is about to land a blow on the final imposter, I catch his hand as I stop him from attacking.

"Stop Kakashi! We need to get intel from him."

I remove my mask as I calm down Kakashi. At this point, the Imposter had a breakdown as he identifies me,

"The mutated Sharingan, you are the 'Silent Shinigami' of the leaf."

"Oh! You know about me."

I walk towards the imposter as I smile at him.

'Genjutsu: Sharingan'

The enemy ninja starts to tremble violently as he wets his clothing in terror.

"I don't even want to know, what kind of weird Genjutsu, you put him into." Kakashi remarks.

"Oh! He has become a Goblin Slayer or not." I answer to Kakashi.

"Whatever!" Kakashi puts back his mask as our mission is over.


A/N:- Here we are in a new Anbu Arc. Enjoy some Anbu action and comment your thoughts like a civil person.

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