Reborn as an Extra

Chapter 46 Back To Home!

Rio opened his eyes slowly and found himself standing at the very same place where he had disappeared. Looking around he found that currently the room was empty, Lia's father wasn't there.

He tried to summon his sword and it did appeared proving that it's not a dream. He heaved a sigh of relief:

'so, I am back...' (Rio)




Somewhere in the far corner of the world. A place filled with wails and deathly cries. A terrible climate and everything around covered in the ashes of never-ending wars. A huge giant was lying dead.

An individual wearing dark black armor with a purple aura surrounding him is currently standing on the head of the giant dead body. His eery black sword which gives off a huge bloodlust is currently embedded in the head of the dead giant.

Everywhere you look you can see dead bodies of creatures from several races scattered around everywhere. Elves, orcs, dwarves, and demons.

This is a huge battlefield filled with the death and blood of those who fought for defending their home and those who wished for dominion.

Yet, it seems that sometimes heroes not win and sometimes there are bad endings to Stories.

Something similar seems to be the case here. A destroyed palace, a destroyed city wall, wails of dying people, despair filled atmosphere, and the attacker standing Victorious on the head of the dead king.

A hero has reached a bad ending here it seems.

Suddenly, a demon wearing similar-looking black armor descended from the sky. He folded his demonic wings, bent on a knee, and lowered his head towards the one standing at the dead giant's head.

"Prince, we have successfully taken over this city, which previously belonged to the alliance, now our army is currently hunting those few rats who accidentally slipped away." (???)

"So, our work here is mostly completed, what are your orders, my Liege" (???)

The prince didn't speak anything but he looked in a certain direction and as if he has already expected an arrow came flying at an extremely fast speed. Yet he wasn't surprised and caught the arrow just before it even touched him.

A letter was attached to the arrow, obviously, it carried a message. The prince threw the message towards the kneeling knight and said:

"Durik, read it, it seems to be a message from my father..."(Prince)

A cold and arrogant voice sounded from behind that intimidating black and sinister-looking helmet. The voice alone carried enough authority that the kneeling knight felt a shiver run down his spine, he felt as if a higher being was ordering him.

"Yes my Liege!"(Durik)

Durik took the letter opened the demonic seal and started to read the letter:

[I heard you achieved victory in that small battle, good. Now for your next task, go to Tehlem, there seems to be a situation over there, for further information ask 'Bartuk' who is stationed there currently. That's all for now, I hope you don't disappoint me as my only son.]

Durik gulped his saliva and folded the letter back as silently as possible, he wanted to quietly disappear from this place, otherwise, he feared that the prince will kill him right there.

Just as he was thinking of quietly slipping away he overheard the prince's words which terrified him to the core:

"My father really likes to order me around, I wonder when will be the day I take that throne and have that power too...heh" (Prince)

The prince suddenly looked back and Durik felt himself being stared at by a monster. He felt his whole soul being seen through.

"You heard it? Don't you dare tell anyone otherwise, your pathetic soul will be my dinner for the day... Now go and gather the army we have to head towards Tehlem." (Prince)

"Yes, yes! My Liege!"(Durik)




Academy dorms, Rio's room.

Standing at the familiar window again with a tea in his hand and looking at the rising and shining sun, Rio can't help but be impressed by the sheer beauty of this world.

Gazing at the rising sun while having tea has become a daily routine for Rio, ever since he came to this world.

While Rio was standing at the window he remembered the hassle he had to go through when he came back. After he came back Lia was the one who spotted him first, she directly burst open the doors and stormed into the room. Followed by her father and a huge number of maids.

After that Rio was bombarded with a huge amount of questions which seemingly were never going to stop if not for that maid of Lia restraining Lia. Lia being dragged back to her room by that maid while throwing tantrums was a sight to behold.

She was behaving like a kid who was being dragged away from her favorite food. Remembering that brings a smile to Rio's expressionless face even now.

Lia's father was instead very surprised when Rio told him about his adventure. (Obviously, he didn't say anything about the things he got and he also skipped the part where he ended up being betrayed by a tree.)

After Rio shared a delicious dinner with Lia and her father, he left their home. Their butler dropped him at the academy and this concluded his trip back to this small yet comfy room of his.

But the very first thing Rio did after coming back to his room was that he put that small plant away from the window. Who knows one day he is enjoying his tea and that plant exploded on his face, that would be depressing indeed.

(Warning: Please don't try harming a plant it can be dangerous for your knees, no knees mean no brain. When you spot a tree proceed with extreme caution and move away from it without thinking of even plucking a single leaf, who knows if that seemingly ordinary leaf is actually a leaf that has accumulated the condensed energy of light via photosynthesis and poses harm to your brain cell, cough! Ok enough for now. This is just a joke don't take it to heart.)


But he only moved the plant away and not threw it, after all, oxygen is still important.

'putting these things aside, the next event seems to be coming closer day by day, also the academy is going to reopen tomorrow. I need to prepare too.' (Rio)

'who said an extra doesn't have any troubles... I personally think I may have more troubles than a certain hero named Fade, sigh~' (Rio)




In a certain corner of the academy


"Who the heck is back talking me now!? I dare you to come in front of me! Damn it!" (Fade)

"Oh! Kira wait for me! I will accompany you to that dungeon!" (Fade)

"Oh, ok, let's go together." (Kira)




Today's question:- who is that prince?

1. A future villain

2. A future ally

3. Something else, perhaps.

Authors note:- yeah I know that the chapter is a bit small but please make it with it for today. Tomorrow is my exam so I am a bit short on time.

Also don't forget to tell me your opinions, because they are my sources of inspiration. Thanks to all who are supporting the book.

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