Reborn as an Extra

Chapter 44 Water Can Be Dangerous Too...

After the struggle of several hours, Rio finally reached the peak of the mountain. To his surprise not a single tree exploded all along the way.

Although, he still remained cautious but it seems that these are normal withered trees. At the end it is still good to remain vigilant. Carelessness can cost life afterall. And he never liked to be careless in anything he does. Either don't do it or if you do then do it thoroughly.

Looking around, he found an altar. It seems to be still new and working. Rio walked towards the altar and started to observe it carefully.

'so, what do I do now?' (Rio)

Just as he was getting confused the card which he was holding in his hand started to glow brightly. And then it suddenly disappeared.

As if certain conditions has been triggered, the altar started to glow brightly and after a while the glow faded and a small box appeared in front of Rio.

'what could it be?' (Rio)

[An object sealed with mana has been detected.]

[Conditions requires to open]

[1. The person should be the descendent of Flash family]

[2. The person should have a warrior type class.]

[3.The person should be atleast a D-ranker or above.]

[All the conditions have been successfully met!]

[Would you like to unlock the seal?]


"Yes, open it!" (Rio)

The box glowed faintely for a few seconds and then with a 'click' sound it finally opened.

Rio looked inside the box and the contents inside looked really ordinary to him.

There are two things inside this small box. One is a rusty small knife and the other is a potion which actually looked just like water or maybe it's really water.

'hmm, so my father was actually a very poor person. I thought there would be some amazing treasures left behind just like in every novel. But it seems such things are exclusive to protagonists only. Sigh~' (Rio)


Rio took both things out of the box first and then searched the box once again just so that he could find something and fortunately he found a pice of paper, on which a few words were written:

[The potion looks like water but it's actually a ??? You can incre?? Your ??? With it. The knife don't need any further explanation if you are truly fro? Fl?sh fa??? It will ????? With you. ?nd you wil? kno? by yourself.

From Kevin Flash]

(The question marks represent that the pice of paper is damaged at those specific places.)

'looks like my father was carefree type person, atleast he could have used a high quality mana infused paper. Sigh~' (Rio)

'so, which should I start with hmm, let's go with the potion first, I hope it's not really water, that would be a terrible thing.

Rio shook his head and drank the potion. It tasted like water, or maybe it's water that's why it tasted like water. (Water will taste like water. obviously, because it's water thus it tasted like water.) (Naah, i didn't mistake, it was written twice to annoy the readers.)

Just as Rio was starting to get bored, finally the long awaited notification came.

[You have drank the potion of 'Enhancement']

[Potion of enhancement!]

[Rank: Extreme]

[Effect: an overall and thorough enhancement in every aspect.]

[ Restriction: Will only work on an individual below B-rank]

'what!? an extreme rank potion!!' (Rio)

Before Rio could have thought anything else an unbearable pain assaulted him. The pain spread all over the body. It felt worse than torture. Rio gritted his teeth and desperately tried to maintain his sanity.

He sat down on the ground with great difficulty and continued to endure this hellish pain. Even though the pain was truly unbearable he didn't sream even a little bit.

His skin started to peel off and new skin grew rapidly, he heard his bones cracking and then felt them being rebuilt. The worst part was when he clearly felt his organs shatter and regrow. Even his heart shattered and regrow back again. (Don't look at me, i don't know how he lived without his heart or his organs. Let Rio explain it himself later.)

Eventually all the pain finally ended and Rio panted heavily. His breathing has long stopped the very moment he started to feel pain but even without breathing he still lived.

"Haa.... huff....haa.... That was....those were truly the worst few minutes of my two life's included." (Rio)

'Even though only five minutes have passed, it felt like eternity to me. Too dangerous, if given the choice to do it again, i would hesitate to use that potion.' (Rio)

[The potion have been absorbed successfully!]

[You have successfully beome a B-ranker!]

[Your skills have received great improvements]

[Your mastery over 'sword aura' has reached greater heights, you have achieved passive skill 'sword intent'!]

[Your 'Basic swordsmanship' have evolved into 'Intermediate swordsmanship'!]

[Your hidden attributes have been enhanced greatly!]

[Resistance like pain, physical, and magical resistance have been improved grameatly.]

Rio heard all these notifications in a daze while still laying in his own pool of blood which oozed out of his body during that hellish torture.

Hearing all these notifications he can't help but smile slightly. Although the pain was really too much, but it seems the rewards were also generous.

Several of his skills have improved and he have successfully entered the B-rank along with that enhancement process.

After half an hour of lying down, Rio finally got up and looked at his body. He found that he have become a bit taller, his muscles have become denser and stronger than before. Even his senses and perception have become much more sharper than before.

Comparing the him now with the past him. It's obvious that he have become considerably strong. If he fought Link now it wouldn't be much of a problem to complete the Kill.

Rio suddenly remembered something and looked at where his younger brother was and as expected this guy has become bigger too.

A proud expression appeared on Rio's face.

'When my heart got crushed i though I will die but hopefully i survived' (Rio)

'I Never expected that my mana would be used instead of oxygen to keep me alive, that was truly bizarre.' (Rio)

When Rio's organs and heartbwas crushed he felt his mana being consumed and it was actually being user by his body to keep him alive.

The bloodpumping continued with the help of mana even without the heart. Same goes for other organs.

For a second he thought that maybe his brain will also blast and be rebuilt but it never happened instead he only felt the already present barin being enhanced instead of it being recreated.

(Maybe this is also the reason why all those protagonists who undergoes body cleansing in a cultivation world survived.) (Give your opinion on the comments too guys)


[Name: Rio Flash]

[Class: Swordsman]

[Rank: B-] [Max Rank Potential: No limit(X)]

[HP: 3500/3500] [MP: 2400/2400]

[STR: 51/100] [SPE: 51/100] [AGI: 51/ 100] [DEF: 51/100] [INT: 51/100]

[Talent: Limitless(X), Sword Aptitude(X)]

[Techniques: Intermediate Swordsmanship(B-), Elemental Sword Art(B-)]

[Ultimate Skill: Concentration(?)]

[Skills: Body Strengthening(B-), Lightening Sword(B-), Sword Aura(B-), Handling(B-)]

[Passive Skills: True Immunity(X), Sword intent]

[Evaluation: You are an absolute anomaly; unaffected by fate and destiny.]

[Items: An Unknown Fragment (???)]

'hmm, i have become quite strong then the last time I looked at my status' (Rio)

Now that the liter on his stats have been removed he can continue increasing his daily training intensity. His stats were stuck on fifety for a rather long time but finally they can be increased again.

'but I got to learn something new today.... Even water should be drank cautiously who knows if it's actually a potion to enhance your body.

Well even though it may enhance your body but you see the price you will have to pay for it is also great. The feeling of your organs being crushed isn't something pleasant afterall.

And the pain caused in the process is no joke. Suffering this much is worse than death. But at the end of the day atleast the rewards will be generous. (So, don't lose your beleif fellow daoists! you will only have to suffer it for a bit and you will be able to enter the next realm and hopefully will be able to face-slap some young masters too.)

Rio suddenly noticed that a few more words have appeared on the piece of paper which he found before.

[If you are reading this then it means you have survived that potion. Congratulations you were able to survive even though the chances of survival were only 1 percent, indeed you have a very firm and strong will. I hope you will be able to achieve greater heights.]

[I wish you good luck!]




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