Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 200 - 200 Bold Ideas (Third Update Requesting Monthly Tickets)_1

Chapter 200: Chapter 200 Bold Ideas (Third Update Requesting Monthly Tickets)_1

Translator: 549690339

Behind Nie Zhenbang, Chen Le and fifteen other police officers stood in unwavering formation. Even though their uniforms were now disheveled, their upright stance emanated an overwhelming sense of authority. The mud and stains on their bodies did not mar their image, but rather, made them seem even more imposing under these trying circumstances.

Behind Chen Le and his officers, hundreds of residents from Gemu Township spontaneously held up torches, forming a long procession, their eyes full of gratitude and admiration.

When the villagers found out that Nie Zhenbang was leaving, they gathered outside the township government office. Despite Nie Zhenbang’s best persuasion, he couldn’t dissuade these simple, honest villagers.

Looking at the procession of torch-bearing villagers, Nie Zhenbang seemed to witness a scene reminiscent of the Red Army’s departure years ago. Turning around to face the villagers who were waiting expectantly, Nie Zhenbang’s eyes welled up. Raising his voice, he called out: “My fellow villagers, please return home. The roads are treacherous in the dark, and what if there happens to be a landslide. That would be catastrophic. I appreciate your kindness.”

At this moment, Teacher Zhu, leaning on a crutch, stepped forward. He had been injured in the afternoon while protecting his students. He hadn’t realized the severity of his injury initially, but now that he was relaxed, he became aware of it.

“Director Nie, please let us send you off. You are a good official. You have rushed to Gemu Township without delay despite the difficult journey. You took the lead in rescuing the children. We genuinely appreciate it. You are someone who genuinely thinks about us ordinary folks. We would not feel at ease if we didn’t send you off,” Teacher Zhu said, speaking on behalf of everyone.

This is the simplicity, kindness, and compassion of the ordinary citizens of Huaxia. Such seemingly insignificant gestures, like personally taking part in the rescue operation were, in Nie Zhenbang’s view, an essential part of being a party member. The role of a party member was not just talk, but to be a model leader, particularly during times of crisis.

In times of adversity, one’s true character is revealed. This is the responsibility and duty of a party member. Coming face-to-face with the party flag is a moment for solemn oath and mental preparation.

Looking at these villagers, Nie Zhenbang found himself contemplating a bold idea. Once again he said, “My fellow villagers, please go back. The economic backwardness of Gemu Township is the responsibility of our county party committee and the county government. Here, in front of everyone, I make a commitment. Upon my return, I will seriously consider ways to help and won’t disappoint you all. Please trust me, we will all see better days and will have reasons to smile.”

After painstakingly coaxing the villagers to leave, he watched the procession of torches vanish into the distance. Nie Zhenbang turned to Chen Le and the others and asked, “I’ve always heard of the close bond between the people and the army. I truly understood the sentiment today. Chen, do you think we have done enough for them?”

The sight had also deeply moved Chen Le. It was an awakening from deep within his soul. It was a cleansing of his soul with the utmost purity. It was a feeling that cannot be ignored except perhaps by those who were heartless.

“Director Nie, today, I understood the saying ‘serving a term in office brings prosperity to the local people’. Looking at the villagers, I think not only me but also my colleagues have had a profound learning experience. Director Nie, when we return, I plan to promote this kind of educational activity throughout the bureau,” Chen Le, having a sharp mind, quickly formed his plans.

This character pleased Nie Zhenbang. He then nodded and said, “Let’s go. It’s time to return to the County City.”

At the side of the road, Xiaoyi had been waiting. Seeing Nie Zhenbang arrive, he immediately handed him a steamed bun and a thermos cup: “Director Nie, please have something to eat. Given your habits, I fear you haven’t eaten anything for lunch or dinner.”

Nie Zhenbang had a well-known habit in Li County. Whenever he was inspecting work in towns or units near the County City, he never stayed for meals. Even for lunch or dinner, he just didn’t eat. For towns far from the County City where he couldn’t get back in time for lunch and it was unavoidable, Nie Zhenbang set a limit for everyone’s meal to not exceed ten yuan. This was well-known in Li County.

In a poor township like Gemu, it would be tough to persuade Nie Zhenbang to sit down for a meal even under normal circumstances, let alone now. Xiaoyi had anticipated this.

Looking at Xiaoyi, Nie Zhenbang took the thermos and the steamed bun with a laugh: “Xiaoyi, you better not have prepared this only for me. If so, then you’ve not done well.”

Yi Jun promptly opened the back door of the Hummer, distributing steamed buns and tea to each of the rescuing officers.

The three vehicles turned around and dashed towards Lixian. Along the way, the officers who had finished their meals naturally took turns to replace the drivers. The vehicles didn’t make it to Li County City until around 8 pm.

At this time, under Zhang Chubin’s plans, traffic police stationed on the roads into the city by Li County Public Security Bureau also immediately moved forward to meet the cars. Once the cars stopped, Officer Chen Le stepped out. A moment later, he returned to the car and told Nie Zhenbang, “Director, I just received a message. Secretary Liu Wenqing from the City Committee has already arrived in Li County. Currently, he is at the Li County Party Committee office building. He stated that he will wait for your return tonight no matter what.”

Upon hearing this news, Nie Zhenbang was quite surprised. Liu Wenqing had actually come in person. And he had stayed in Li County for the day. During this time, Nie Zhenbang dared not slack off.

Having background and support was indeed great. But in the end, the emperor is far away. Here, in this place of Bazhou, Liu Wenqing was still the secretary of the municipal committee, he was still the number one. Necessary respect must still be given. If he were to look down on others as if he were the second most important person after God, Liu Wenqing had the ability to deal with him. If that were to happen, he would not be fit to succeed the Nie family.

Shortly afterwards, Nie Zhenbang said in a deep voice, “Xiaoyi, go directly to the County Committee. After that, you can send Director Chen back to the Public Security Bureau and park the car at the Li County Hotel. You’ve been tired all day, go home and check on your family. We still do not know what their situation is like after the quake.”

When Nie Zhenbang arrived at the county committee compound, Zhang Chubin was already waiting at the entrance of the county committee office building. This time, Secretary Liu had truly made an impact. He waited inside the office, stubbornly refusing to go to the room arranged by Li County. He was determined to wait for Nie Zhenbang’s return. This attitude made all officers in Li County contemplate deeply.

Zhang Chubin has long known about Liu Wenqing’s favoritism towards Nie Zhenbang. Now, this was just further confirmation. Seeing Nie Zhenbang get out of the car, he immediately greeted him, “Director Nie, you’re finally back. What’s the situation in Gemu Township? I hope there were no casualties.”

Mention of this made Nie Zhenbang’s face darken. He said in a low voice, “Overall, it’s not too bad. Except for two elderly people in their eighties who were trapped under collapsed houses because they couldn’t avoid in time. Their body functions had deteriorated, and we couldn’t save them. Other situations are still okay. The school collapsed but the students are all unharmed. For now, I’ve instructed them to temporarily stop classes.”

When Liu Wenqing heard that Nie Zhenbang had returned, he couldn’t sit still. Just as he reached the door, Nie Zhenbang and Zhang Chubin walked in. Upon seeing Liu Wenqing, Nie Zhenbang immediately apologized, “Secretary Liu, I am truly sorry for making you work with us so late. Your health is not as robust as ours young people.”

Liu Wenqing waved his hand and said straightforwardly, “No need for those words. Zhenbang, let’s discuss the situation in Gemu Township. The Party Committee and government of the autonomous region attach great importance to the strong quake in Li County. Secretary Jiang Zhenquan personally called to inquire. Not only I am waiting for your definite response but Secretary Jiang probably hasn’t taken any rest yet either. This time, the Li County Committee did a fine job. Especially you and Chubin, reacting quickly, coordinating well, and properly dividing the work. You guys are a good team. A team should be united and stable. Only in this way, can achievements be made.”

Upon hearing Jiang Zhenquan was also waiting for news, Nie Zhenbang did not dare to delay and promptly reported the situation in Gemu Township. Without any prepared notes, Nie Zhenbang spoke bluntly. He detailed how many people there were in Gemu Township, how many villages, how many houses had collapsed, how many were injured, and how many had died. All the data effortlessly flowed from his mouth, as if all these were etched deep in Nie Zhenbang’s mind.

As Liu Wenqing listened, his previously anxious furrowed brows gradually relaxed. Nie Zhenbang really went into depth in his investigation. Seeing him covered in dirt, one would know that he was truly working hard.

Once Nie Zhenbang finished, Liu Wenqing immediately stood up and laughed, “Good, this is what a party member should do. Zhenbang, your thinking is correct. First of all, we are party members; then, we are national cadres. We work for the people and strive for their welfare. I will report this to Secretary Jiang immediately.”

Liu Wenqing called Jiang Zhenquan right in front of Nie Zhenbang and Zhang Chubin. After reporting the conditions from the earthquake damage in Li County, Liu Wenqing hung up the phone and turned to Nie Zhenbang and Zhang Chubin, “Chubin, Zhenbang, this time, Secretary Jiang spoke highly of you.”

On the side, Nie Zhenbang mused for a moment. He had already a rough outline of the issues in Gemu Township since the return trip. It was now gradually finalizing. Then, Nie Zhenbang said to Liu Wenqing, “Secretary Liu, I have an idea that I would like to report to you. It’s about the situation in Gemu Township.”

PS: The third update is now up. Brothers and sisters, where are you? Old Cai needs you! Please support with a monthly pass, giving a helping hand to Old Cai. (To be continued. If you like this book, welcome to vote for it at , your support is my biggest motivation.)

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