Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 247: The 6th apprentice

Chapter 247: The 6th apprentice

I waited as the little demon girl regained her composure after a few minutes. It was already quite impressive how she managed to shake off the effects of the illusion so fast. It seemed like her will was truly extraordinary. This made me look forward to seeing how she handles the last and final test.

A part of me was sure that she could pass it, and handle the mana. Still, although I was confident in her will and skill, there were no absolutes in this world. And so as she wiped away the dry tears from her face, I glanced at her and spoke, "Are you ready for the final test, little one?"

Kaida took a deep breath and nodded her head in resolution.

"I'm ready!"

"Good, now be warned. This test is the most important, most difficult, and most dangerous one of them all."

My words caused her to nervously gulp, but the glint of determination never left her gaze as she nodded once again.

Satisfied by her reaction, I continued, "I will guide the mana inside your body to create a core that will help you use magic. This process is what's called ascension. You will no longer be a simple mortal, you will rise above everyone else, and you will hold powers far beyond everyone else. Granted you survive, of course."

"So I will become your apprentice, right my lord?" she asked.

"Yes, if you succeed, then you will be my 6th and final apprentice."

"Does that mean I can leave this place?"

"You will be able to do whatever you want, little one. But yes, first you'll have to go back to meet your senior brothers and sisters. Again, that is if you succeed."

"And if I don't?" she questioned with a solemn expression.

"Then you die. If you are unable to withstand the pain, then the mana will wreak havoc inside your body and you will explode."

"I see, I'm ready."

I didn't quite expect her sudden reply, but the little girl was brimming with confidence. Her gaze told me that she did not even consider the possibility of her failing. Instead, she bravely sat down before me in the lotus position and closed her eyes in preparation.

'Truly, was she brave or simply desperate?' I wondered.

I looked upon the little demon girl before me, her eyes closed and her body still. She radiated a sense of confidence that was both admirable and concerning. I knew the trial I had put her through was not easy, but this final one was the true test of her strength and will.

With a deep breath, I focused my will on the mana elements. I felt them stir, responding to my command. Slowly, I began to guide the mana toward her body.

As the mana gathered inside of her, it slowly began to swirl, and the girl's body tensed. I could sense her pain, her body writhing as the mana coursed through her veins. The process was excruciating, but she did not falter. Her determination was evident, and I felt a sense of admiration for the little girl.

We continued like this for what must have seemed like an eternity to her, the mana circling around her body five times before finally settling into place around her heart. Kaida's body was trembling with the effort, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

I could sense her pain and her struggles, but I also sensed her strength and her will. Although young in age, she deserved to be called a true warrior, one who had faced her fears and overcome them.

As the mana core began to take shape, the pain intensified, but she did not cry out. Instead, she gritted her teeth and pushed through the agony, never once losing focus. When it was finally over, her body was enveloped in a blinding light.

It didn't take long before it dissipated, and the girl stood before me, her eyes now open and filled with a sense of wonder. I could see the mana core within her, pulsing with a powerful energy.

"You have done well. You have proven yourself to be a true mage, one who has overcome all obstacles and emerged stronger for it. I congratulate you on your success and ascension."

The little demon girl's eyes widened with excitement, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Really?" she exclaimed, unable to contain her joy. "I did it? I'm your apprentice now?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yes, you are. You have shown great potential, and I believe that with time, you will become one of the greatest mages of your time."

The girl's smile grew even wider, and she nodded eagerly. "Thank you!" she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I promise to work hard and make you proud!" Her previous serious tone and manner were nowhere to be found as she excitedly replied. Sure enough, she was still a child at heart, I smiled.

Suddenly, she gasped as she looked down at herself in shock and wonder. Her body had undergone some drastic changes since she began the trial. She was now more beautiful than ever before, her skin glowing with an otherworldly radiance. Her once dull, lifeless hair now shimmered with a new luster, and her eyes sparkled with newfound vitality.

She scanned her body in awe, hardly believing the transformation she had undergone. "What happened to me?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.

"Like I said, you have been reborn," I replied. "As an ascended mage, your body has been enhanced, imbued with mana to become stronger and more resilient. You are now healthier and more powerful than ever before."

The girl's eyes widened in amazement. "I feel better than ever," she said, a sense of wonder in her voice. "I can't wait to see what else I can do!" She whispered.

"Now that you have a mana core, it is time to discover your element. Reach out to the mana elements around you, and feel them flow into your core. See what element you are gifted with."

The girl nodded, her eyes closing as she reached out with her senses, feeling the world around her with an uncontrollable smile. I watched as the thin thread connecting her core to the mana stream began to glow lightly, the elements gathering within her core. A soft light only I can see emanated from within her chest as she concentrated, her breathing steady and even.

At last, she opened her eyes and extended her palm. All elements retreated from within her core leaving only one behind. I watched as the element within her began to flow, swirling and shifting as she concentrated. At last, she opened her eyes, a small flame appeared above her palm shimmering in the light.

"Amazing," she said, a sense of wonder in her voice.

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